The 80s were the best and most prosperous era of the west.
Now that were winning, lets take back the best aesthetic.
We've already got FashWave and 80s art--its time to spread the aesthetic.
The 80s were the best and most prosperous era of the west.
Now that were winning, lets take back the best aesthetic.
We've already got FashWave and 80s art--its time to spread the aesthetic.
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf kys grandpa
but it is already happening, the return of bright colors and gaudiness is already upon us. The ugly sweater is accepted as cool.
This is going to happen, and it's going to backfire in our faces.
In the 1980's "Hair Metal" epitomized the pinnacle of degeneracy that was imaginable at that time, and it was a backlash against traditional values.
In the coming decade, there will be a similar genre that embraces and glamorizes an even bigger degeneracy.
80s degenerate? You clearly didn't live through them.
no, the 50s were the greatest times.
>80s degenerate? You clearly didn't live through them.
>Dress like a faggot
>Do copious amounts of cocaine
>Have sex with countless groupies
Thats the way you do it.
You play the guitar on the MTV.
You get your money for nothing and your chicks for free.
>its time to spread the aesthetic.
can we get a military Colonel to sell drugs to ghettos and trade weapons for hostages and shit like that?
New wave. Optimistic white men on TV. Women in bikinis. Best action movies ever. Best cars. Even the blacks of the 80s liked cheesy stuff.
The 80s were a fascist utopia until the jews killed it all with junk bonds.
Anyone know where I can Cop a pair of blue tint aviators
90s kid Detective
id watch this show
I was born in 87, I have some memories of the late 80s, and the 80s culture did spill over into the early 90s a bit.
I miss it.
90s was still pretty cool though.
listening to shadilay and eyeballing some
A E S T H E T I C Nigels
Does life get any better
Is this a cringe thread?
Listen to this one if you've got good headphones. Bonus points if you're high with good headphones.
I'm already sick of the 80s meme aesthetic
The 80s had aids and raeganomics, why the hell would anyone want to go back?
It's pathetic, neckbeards hopping on a trend that peaked almost ten years ago.
Hair metal's already made its return.
Really, we have VR, lets just make a virtual Vice City and get it over with. We'd have no reason to leave the house ever again.
Now he have med resistant AIDS and Obamanomics.
try 'new retro wave' you will like the results on youtube.
Friendly reminder that neo-glam metal is the official music of the neo-80s
I know it is 90s, but it is pre 94 so still quite 80s.
1994 is when the 80s died in my opinion.
>Would you fuck me?
Seriously, this song was ruined by Silence of The Lambs.
posting the superior one
I made a few things on topic.
Someone post "grab life by the pussy"
Trying my hand at video too. Meh.
I think our aesthetic should be a combination of classical greeco-roman art, 80s vaporwave stuff and anime.
I fucking love you guys.
Now remember to make it a New Years resolution to get your body in shape.
You don't want the neo-80s to come, and end up looking like this guy.
Really funny thread, I've been listening to this since several days and now this pops out;
Here's a transparent version if you like.
have you seen the black mirror episode about san juniperno?
70's were much better in America than the 80's.
In the 70's a average man with a high school diploma could still get a job that paid enough to raise a real family without the need for both parents to work. Before Reagan the term latchkey kid didn't exist.
70's America had economic stagflation and oil shortages, how is that better than the 80's?
>Being nostalgic for a decade I never lived in
This period will be fondly remembered in about 30 years also, once all the bad is filtered out and you look back with rose-colored glasses.
The best not from the 80s 80s song of all time. It should represent the resurgence.
I absolutely horrifies me that there are people who seriously think Skyrim is the greatest game ever made
No, because I don't watch british TV shows, but I might check this one out.
We've been having a similar thread for the past couple nights. I've made a lot of OC for it. Just finished this.
There will be nostalgia.
The post 2008 internet culture explosion will be looked back on as good times.
Shrek and BF4 in 1 post
i know.. working part time during high school at $20/hr really sucked. oh wait, no it didn't.
Do you think you'll cringe 20 years from now when kids are like "DUUUDE REMEMBER 2015? YEAH I WAS BORN IN 2010! HAHAHA PEPE!!!!!"
The actual black/white photo looks too 40's
Keep the mitch murder, but Hasselhoff could fuck off for all I care.
All we need Hasslehoff and a theme park and we're all set.
lol, never thought of it. I'm doing it now with the 80s.
We can cherry pick positive things out of any time period, doesn't legitimatize that they are still things we like.
Fucking retard ruined the meme
the caption "pontius pilate meets jesus" needs more editing, black&white TNR is simply casual
The colors don't work well. Purple fasces, blue cavalrymen and grey background is not aesthetic enough
nice sonnenrad; the saxons should be more blurry, their lines are too contrasting
the background is grainy, but the knight is not grainy, this is a problem
i think the edges of all the objects need to be made more blurry, they are too precise for vaporwave
Because like I just said, the 70's were a time when people made a living wage. In the 80's both parents had to work. That was the destruction of the American family unit.
If you lived through it you would know.
Thank you for the feedback.
>med resistant AIDS
common filth is that you
>working part time during high school at $20/hr
WTF??? You made that much back then? What were you doing? I'm 20yo and making 13/hr working full time in an electronics factory.
reagan police cover
whats the font
>mfw this came on in Vice City
This is how you do 80s aesthetic right. This song was just released a few years ago but you can't tell it's not actually from the 80s. And it is HIGH ENERGY..
Thanks I made a couple of these too
Spread this shit. If the mass media starts blasting the 80s as fascist everyone from that demographic will turn on them!
do you have some videos or tutorials to share that shows you how to make that highlighting you have in the pink text in the OP image?
please? I like vapourwaves
I like the effects. Is there a guide you followed somewhere to achieve this? I'm trying to figure out how to get that VHS grain/horizontal lines effect especially.
He cant