Lets ban shit because of a gay character.
Lets make every movie and game involving LGBT people 18+ rated.
Holy shit I hate Russia. Let faggots be faggots.
Lets ban shit because of a gay character
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Overwatch blows anyway.
>he enjoys having SJW propaganda shoved down teenagers' throats
Ban that shit. All of it.
Yeah it does. Not the the point of my shitty thread.
w8 ruskie land banned is thats fucking based af
>Let faggots be faggots
They aren't stopping you.
Why do they tell you the sexual orientation of a character in a match-based shootemup?
Because it's fucking propaganda. It should be banned outright.
>lets allow our children to think being faggots is ok
How about we hang you faggots?
So if theres a gay character in a movie its propaganda? Even though gays exist in real world no matter what. Describing reality should be illegal?
Will you stop this advertising you shill lump of shit.
I know your game is dying but fuck off.
Which character is gay? I don't even care that overwatch isn't that fun at least its players aren't piece of shit csgo tweens
Russia banned Overwatch? top kek
go back to sweden sven
Thats true
If a character is well written it does not matter about race or sexual preferences. Overtly pointing them out is blatent pandering and covering up lack of talent.
The Russian character Zarya is a giant dyke with pink hair. Must have triggered Putin.
I came in fuming ITT because I hate Overwatch with a vengeance but OK.
>willingly playing a game where feminists can get an ass banned
man id rape the hell out of that big qt bitch
tracer confirmed lesbian in the new comic and then Russia gets upset and bans the comic because "muh traditional family values are being destroyed!!!"
I dont' mind her being a giant dyke its just the hair, there was a skin that gave her a ponytail and I was suddenly fine with her whole character.
Good ban the shit out of this degenerate piece of shit .
>muh entertainment
Fucking faggots
>Lets ban shit because of a gay character.
>Lets make every movie and game involving LGBT people 18+ rated.
At least someone gives a fuck about their population.
>So if theres a gay character in a movie its propaganda? Even though gays exist in real world no matter what. Describing reality should be illegal?
He's got a point here and you know it.
What kind of game is Overwatch, and why is it so popular with futanari artists? I don't play Western shit.
>you doing the raping
>Let faggots be faggots.
im a pretty big dude
4 me
wtf I love Putin even more now
Is this true? Wow. Russia is so fucking based. The true ALPHA country.
Okay, but why fantasy? Get these faggots out of these games (not that I'd play a faggy game like Overwatch, but still).
This. I don't have a problem with her being gay, I just hate that they always pull this shit in the most pandering way possible. This doesn't add anything to her character. This is about getting those sjw bucks.
>holy shit I hate Russia
and Russians hate faggots like you
in a Russian country
deal with it lol
That kiss was too steamy for the internet to handle.
I get the sweats just thinking about it.
>tfw tracer is my favorite girl and a huge qt
>is lesbian
I'll just pretend she's bi
Good that game is trash
>what you denying the four megamillion?!
10years in prison for you bad goy!
>oy veyyyyyy muh freduum of speeech we cant shove our indoctrination down goyims throats
Fuck off cuck.
Its russia.
Their country .Their land.Their peopld Their rules. They dont want kikery they are in full right to forbid it.
Faggotry is more nurture than nature so it's good to see this kind of sensible legislation by a great power.
Zarya's not a dyke, she's the heterosexual female version of a power bottom.
I actually know a girl IRL who's pretty much a mini-Zarya, looks just like her including the hair and muscles but is like 5'2". She's straight as a ruler, but is also a huge SJW and kind of a slut. (I'd still hit it and probably could without too much trouble, but an old friend of mine BLACKED her and I don't really want to follow that act.)
It's not faggots that they are banning, it's pretend faggotry they have a problem with.
Why do you have fag characters in anything?
The game is a sucky cash grab. The only thing it's good for are the pornos.
>>Mad about game that lets you shoot queer fucks with based McCree
>Blizzard goes from this masterpiece to feminist TF2 in less than a decade
Of course Blizzard wants to please wide audience so they put in bunch of niggers and lesbians whatever. Its ok.
But it should be also OK to make a movie with all white cast, without throwing in some niggers just to make it more ""diverse""
Can you guys fill me in on where and how Blizzard states the character's sexual orientation or incorporates it into the game play?
No one is shoving anything down your throat you favella lord.
Fuck "muh gay agenda help me Mike pence wahh"
Gays produce less off springs.
Thats bad for the country.
You have a fetish for the other gender.
It's nothing more than that.
You're not oppressed.
This is the same dirty fucking road ArenaNet took with Guild Wars 2.
>Guys look at how GAY these two girls are!
>Look everyone, we're PC too!
>What do you mean, they're characters that can stand on their own! They aren't total faggot sluts!
Next thing we know Zarya is gonna be some transgender monster and Torb's wife is gonna be changed to be a nigger. Russia is doing good moral work, here.
>Hey guys! lets have lesbians because guys jack off to that stuff, shippers love thier ship bait, and we can also show people how progressive we are!
This is just pure pandering.
>Old blizzard is dead
It's like losing a friend.
>Lets ban shit because of a gay character.
Literally never happened
>Lets make every movie and game involving LGBT people 18+ rated.
Ratings don't mean shit here, only movie theaters enforce them (sometimes)
>Let faggots be faggots.
They can
Nice fake news, faggot
>Caring about movies and video-games
>Caring about geeky culture
This x10000
>he doesnt enjoy yuri
>game made with (((diversity))) in mind
>made to target impressionable millennials and Gen Xs who will nag at their parents for this garbage
>letting all forms of media become propaganda
>get made your social fabric erodes
>So if theres a gay character in a movie its propaganda?
9/10 times? yes
Shit stopped being fun after the first 3 months.
Fucking based
Fuck this jewish shit
Yeah I would say that this isn't a case of (((antics))) or anything. Pandering is the word of the day; they wanted ALL of the Black Ops 3 players and they wanted ALL of the TF2 players.
There's jap shit for weebs, stronk pink-haired female for SJWs that probably won't play the game, edgy fucks for the underage that they're trying to take from COD. TF2 players instantly grabbed when the "Nu TF2" meme started and TF2 committed suicide.
They released a new comic short called reflections where she makes out with her G/F
Literally the most boring of them all.
>Implying homosexuality doesn't tear away at the fabric of society
>Based macaco at it again
Apparently not all Finns are very smart. This is pure propaganda promoting degeneracy for our young, and should be criticized.
I just wish there were fair representation of minorities.
But then again, if 50% of living people are niggers and I'm casting for ten roles of bankers, should there be 5 whiteys and 5 niggers?
And if I need to film a sequence in an american prison, should I take in accont absolute representation or should I reflect the fact that prisons are full of niggers?
Fuck you and your gay shit you triple autistic faggot.
If this shoving of abhumans and deviants in everyfuckingwhere is not kike propaganda I don't know what is
>So if theres a gay character in a movie its propaganda?
It's propaganda because tracer's sexuality has nothing to do with the game. No other character's sexuality is even remotely implied through any interaction.
>Describing reality should be illegal?
Gays are a lot rarer than pop culture shows. No, it shouldn't be illegal, but there should be no reason why every other character in a piece of work is gay. That's not describing reality at all.
This, OW been dying so, The jew Blizzard tries to create a shitstorm to generate some SJW bucks.
I'd play a SJW TF2 before playing the MMO that killed the entire genre by shitting RTS design choices on it.
>tracer is a dyke or something
>lol racist btfo
it is completely irrelevant to the game.
and it is completely inferior to the Lusty Argonian Maid and other crazy shit in other games.
>Check the US forums
>Typical 4 way bitching
>one side parading hoe this is a win for diversity and progress
>other side calling out the bullshit pandering
>third side trolling the shit out of everyone with defending/bashing the shit
>fourth side secretly sjws and saying they don't care while bashing racist bigoted trump supporters
Is it really a gay character if none of them are "characters"? Would anyone care is Inky was gay for Blinky? They're just shooty game skins with funny weapons
>Blizz not breaking cultural boundaries and ushering in a wave of Interspecies love acceptance by having Tracer go for the HOT MONKEY DICK
In the trash it goes
This is the kind of bullshit that Putin wants to ban
There are Chritians irl as well
I Love Russia now
>Guild Wars 2
Reminds me of the screencap I saw of some cunt working for ArenaNet's twitter post bragging about how she's working on GW2 despite having never played the original.
>normalizing abnormalities
And they wonder why kids end up fucked up nowadays
I used to think that, but gays are damaging to society. Look at all of the faggots in the media, in hollywood, etc.
One of the most insecure countries on the planet.
Fucking degenerate hedonistic gooks.
I have never meant this more unironically:
Kill yourself.
>Has nothing to do with the game
Right, hence why it was merely a part of the lore in the comics.
If the other characters get away with having relationships in comics I see no issue with Tracer having one panel of her kissing her girlfriend.
Gays/bi make up a noticeable enough percent to be represented at an artist's discretion. If they choose to make a character have a same sex relationship all that should matter is if it's forced. Forced would be the character being stereotypes and shit and them constantly getting more relationship representation than the rest of the cast.
One character has a same sex relationship in the lore of a game's comic which is revealed only because they kissed their girlfriend.
Is that really outlandish to you? Or pandering?
I want you to ask yourself, OP:
Why does the sexual orientation of a character in a first-person shooter (with no storyline) matter?
Why did Blizzard have to say that this character is LGBTQ?
It literally adds nothing to the value of the game itself...
so I want you to ask yourself...WHY was this done? and by whom?
I see no problem. Based Russkis
Listen to Yuri Bezmenov and you might understand why it's important to keep that shit away from children.
that comic was obvious lgbt propaganda
>character introduced just so tracer can kiss her
>literally only trait of tracers gf is that she exists
>literally the only character/lore development half of the comic gave is that tracer is gay
>Why dont wee see paraplegics in movies?
They make up a tiny segment of the population as are homofags so it would make more sense to see them less often
Russia is fucking based and you are mad. That fills me with joy you disgusting cumdrinking Leftist filth.
only realistic gay character in fiction is baron vladimir harkonnen
danger 5 is a fucking awesome show
its not west for you, you dumb cunt.
I never heard of it, whats it about?
It seems now a days there's more faggots in fictional works than reality.
Why must everything be gay?