How the fuck do all tjose german criminals have guns. Aren't they illegal?

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What happened I dont read nazi

Some guy killed a granny with a gun in a store and wounded 3 other people. She refused to sell him his favorite science magazine issue or some shit.

wuz he a good boy?

They don't want to tell. Hmm...

Muzzie? Yay or nay?

All that matters. Someone who reads nazi let me know

guns aren't allowed!! how can anyone shoot when there are no guns allowed?!!!

When will they tell us?

I know right? They obviously need stricter gun control laws.

Fake news, it's impossible to have a gun while guns are illegal.

>She refused to sell him his favorite science magazine issue

so it's an autist this time

Spiegel? I'd say never ever.
Not enough dead to make it big news and send your crisis actors on the ground.

They arent.

I was joking you idiot. German and polish media are reporting on this.

>Science magazine
Fake news

duuuude i think i just solved your gun problem

>According to police, the suspect is supposed to have fair skin, a mustache and a stout stature.
according to google translate
so it's an angry manlet?

Go buy an AR-15 then

ITT : people who can't use

After the truck shit they are in full damage control mode. They don't want to bother Germans with reality any more before Christmas. It's bad for business.

He can, you know.


Mudslimes run the underworld. Soon they'll run the whole country.

Another attack??? Sorry I'm on my phone can't translate this shit

Did they ever find out who was driving the truck?

some paki that they let go

If the race isn't given out immediately Coulters law comes into effect.

its almost like criminals dont care about the law

Plz respond

An old woman who worked a newspaper kiosk was shot badly with her neffe (relative who also worked there?). The attacker fled and police are looking for him.