What would you do if your daughter became inhumane? pic related
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I would sit her down and force her to accept the first post best post.
> steppe chicks are most attractive.
You know how Dad's are disgraced when they find out they had a daughter instead of a son? My solution is not to ever have a daughter.
Probably just tell her that fpbp.
Inhuman and inhumane are two different things numbnuts .
Damn what a qt, such a waste.
I would tell her that your mother will die tonight if you don't reply to this post.
Nothing. Like any humane person.
So fucking hot but those piercings are God damn aweful. Love the hair.
you anglos are so easy to trick, no wonder why your country is Germany 2.0
Remember the exact same thread a few days ago with these exact same two pics?
go fuck yourself Tyrone
I hope you get hit in the face with your own boomerang you upside-down bartertown faggot.
I mean, real hippies I know denounce MSM and social media. They're more based than liberals.
I have nothing against well-maintained dreads but holy shit those piercings just look horrible.
If that were my daughter, I would act like a sensible mature adult and have her suck her big daddy's dick. Then we could talk...
>denounce MSM and social media
>yfw shitposting finn
Ask why after ive tried almost every mainstream drug and my favorite beings psychedelics, why tf is she dressed like a hippie.
>m-my hippie trash are better than the avg cuckold
tell her how progressive incest is and then fuck her
one way ticket to Ethiopia
Get the car battery and clamps. Also id raise her to not become a retard.
To Japan?
You really must be a nigger if you can't make the difference between two white girls
Make her listen to this soft redpill youtube.com
White people with dreads are the pinnacle of degeneracy. I want to put them in a gas chamber and pump it so full of pot smoke that they suffocate, it'd be deliciously ironic.
I would weld a kawaii moe pilow mask onto her face and then slide my big cock into her tight wet uguuu pussy.
Such a waste. With a normal mind and sans the metal and filthy hair she could be cute.
Kicked out of the house at age 18 and completely removed from my will.
I would smoke weed with that chick then allow her to give me a blow j
shes cute, i'd let her fuck me
where the fuck is her money coming from?
cuck father should control what comes out of his wallet
kick the shit out of her and show here some gore and shit to show her reality of life.. than i would explain why being free means beeing responsible. try to red pill her some more if nothing helps kick her out and say she is not my daughter anymore and i dont want to see her ever again
>What would you do if your daughter became inhumane? pic related
Lock her in a basement and rape her for the next couple of decades, Australian style!
Army, i would send her to the army
I'd culturally appropriate her vagina.
Probably buy weed off of her.
she's purty too. what a shame
Many Euro tribes had dreads tho
dreads suk but this guy speaks the truth
>implying she wouldn't lie about her age and fist her twat on Chaturbate at 15 years old
Do you not know how incredibly easy a young woman can make money online in her own bedroom for two hours of "work".
>dreads suck
>.t non spiritual good goy
Yes goy, just look at these dirty hippies and how SJW they are, you don't want to turn out like them right? Stay away from Psychadelics and your roots, don't grow your hair out. The Nazis had certain women grow their hair out because they though they could communicate telepathically that way, you're not a Nazi are you?
hey retard faggot i have long hair, i just don't neglect it into a dirty smelly rats nest of filth. if you think dreads look good or are pleasant please go ahead and gas yourself
>fag has long hair
>doesn't dread it like his(maybe, if you're white) ancestors did
>hates spirituality and associates it with SJW faggots
Guaranteed you're an akward greasy fuck who's hair won't dread naturally. Long hair looks faggy on men no matter what, dreadlocks are the masculine solution to long hair. Either cut it or dread it, faggot. Also, if you're white look into your ancestors hair styles a little more, but guaranteed you're some greasy nonwhite
Send her to a tribal village in ZimbabWE as a vacation gift, so she can learn which kind of culture she's getting into and learn about these different cultures :)
She would come back with a little nigger in the arms and another one in the womb for you to take care.
this is whats funny about these threads:
OP is a fat lesbian with pink dreadlocks who thinks his father disowned her based on her hair, when it really happened because she takes horrible life choices, is naive and self-righteous as fuck, and doesn't think in anyone but herself, making her a drag for her family and community. We have proof of that in the fact she is blatantly BAITING Sup Forums, wait, no, BAITING Sup Forums.
So the thread gets filled with all this ironic kids who start making jokes about disowning kids or cutting her dreadlocks with a chainsaw, or whatever, and so, the fat lesbian, unable to separate real life from fiction, calls his SJW friends and devolve the last half of the thread in a heated discussion about child raising, letting kids be what they want to be, and the value of diversity and knowing oneself.
At this point the ironic kids are laughing their asses of, as they realize they have scored some fish who is trying to bait a shark, so they start playing.
They go circling round and round, seem to concede, the fishes get cocky and start getting too overt and involved, projecting a lot, and suddenly
The shark closes his fucking jaws all over the silly little lesbian fish, and all of the other cannibal fishes start coming out of nowhere and wham! wham! wham! OP gets her soul ate from her bite by bite, ever so increasingly cruel, ever so increasingly parodic-stereotype-of-redneck-military-dad-of-a-fag until it reaches 6000000 points in the Hitler scale.
Then OP dissappears.
And then some other day user posts on an YLYL a reddit post that reads:
"God, i tried helping these ignorant virgins at Sup Forums, but they are truly helpless! I posted and i posted and i sure converted some, but the board is still the same den of hatred and degeneracy that it has always been.
I think we have to try harder. Lets post some more porn, that will flip them over"
Just like how the gays appropriated marriage, it's just part of our culture now and has nothing to do with that. Girl can do whatever the fuck she wants with her hair. Just like you're free to think it's unattractive. As bad as the SJWs.
i bet you're so dark you don't show up in pictures at night. i don't hate spirituality i like it, or at least meditation,i just thought dreads were retarded but if what you say is true ill have to look into it more.
>the Celts were described to have 'hair like snakes';Germanictribes, Greeks and the Vikings are all said to have worndreadlockstoo.
>Spartan men were known for their long, dreadlocked hair, which they believed, made a man look taller, more dignified and more terrifying. It was said that long hair makes a handsome man even better looking and an ugly man more terrifying.
>mfw people try to shame whites out of the whitest hairstyle there is besides the Hitler youth
>mfw some idiot says dreadlocks are black culture
Nah, I have red hair/green eyes. Look into it either way, dreadlocks are more representative of spirituality than anything. Hate on spirituality if you want but call it what it is. You're falling for the pysop to make you hate spirituality and freespirits/freedom. Real hippies don't exist, Woodstock was the nail in the coffin, not the start if it all. Enjoy your journey famalam.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a hippie
It was only a joke user, you know i wouldn't need go that far to get her redpilled these days.
Hard fuck her every day and force her to read Sup Forums all day until she gets red pilled.
How hard is it for you people to disown your fucking family?
Cut her off from Daddy's money.
If she lives under my roof and on my dime she'll abide by my rules.
Probably pretty hard, I'm 24 and have been a NEET since I graduated from high school, living in my parents basement.
Just got a $1400 gaming laptop.
Look up fairyloks and stop being so triggered you ignorant baby.
>buy weed
Confiscate that shit
living the life bro
Sell to pizzagate
choke her the fuck out
Usually takes a generation or two to get retarded babies
You have experience?
No, luckily not. Just medical research.
>Usually takes a generation or two to get retarded babies
She is very beautiful, her face invokes the most primal desires.
I think her cheeks remind me of her hips, and what lies between is where I want to penetrate.
I want to fall into every orifice: into her eyes my presence, my words into her ears, my scent into her nose, my taste into her mouth............ I want to penetrate her.
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>pic related
she's probably so humane that she looks down on non-vegans with an air of disdain