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What would you do, if you could do anything you wanted?
do nothing but get fucked by and suck the cocks of cute 12 year old traps
Be a real villain
What a stupid fucking picture. Newsflash cunt, you have to work for a living no matter what economic system you live in.
Retake Constantinople
If you dont need to work, you dont need to eat.
Fuck off commie.
Ikr :DD
>If you dont need to work, you dont need to eat.
t.slave owner
Isn't that word for word something a slave owner would say?
We are slave owners, you don't have one? Poor ass faggot
>I go to a store to trade currency for goods
This sounds like something a slave owner would say
get out of debt you stupid goyim
>when capitalism is so bad that people are risking their lives to escape to capitalist countries
If capitalism is so shit why not buy your own piece of land and farm to live off it the rest of your life and make everything from scratch?
At least own up to your words. Start a commune or something faggot.
>implying things are any different under socialism
Instead of profit it's "for the people" and you don't get the opportunity to be the one to make the profit and hire wage slaves. You're fortunate if you can get into a high position in the government, but that's less likely than starting a small business.
Because he doesn't want to be independent.
He wants society to subsidize his NEET lifestyle.
>If capitalism is so shit why not buy your own piece of land and farm to live off it the rest of your life and make everything from scratch?
Taxes would eventually take away all your remaining money. Then you would be forcibly evicted. To avoid this you could grow cash crops and take them to market, but now you are back to being a capitalist
Buy a small island and declare it a micronation.
I used to think like this. Then I grew the fuck up and realized capitalism is one of the few systems, if not the only one, where you can circumvent this by having the brains and the balls to forge your own destiny. The people who create this shit have no actual concept of life outside of modern first world society and seem to think food and amenities just appear out of thin fucking air. You don't want to be a cubicle slave? Then guess what baby boy, you don't fucking have to be. Thanks to capitalism, you can quit your shitty job and get a new one. Or learn how to make money work for you instead of the other way around.
>someone who has no idea how much land you need to farm
You need 4 acres to keep yourself and your family alive with food. That's more than enough space for one piece of shit to make cash crops and food for himself.
Know how much property taxes are for 4 acres in Montana?
>1 post by this ID
>legally owning slaves is bad
what, are you some sort of leftist faggot
I drag my weary bones again,
to slave another day,
for the profit of the state,
and to stand in line for hours to be given my state-mandated rations
I have no choice
what can I do?
There is no other way...
That is my life, I have to live,
there's nothing more to say.
You would need substantial savings to make sure that rental payments on the property are paid in full.
Also better hope some corporation doesn't find anything valuable near (your) land or else the government will take it from you.
>a commie is pissed that the government is redistributing his wealth
>>a commie is pissed that the government is redistributing his wealth
In a capitalist system the money is always distributed to the top. Of course I'd be pissed.
so your saying taxation is theft?
Have a great job and yeah it sucks waking up in the morning and putting in 50 hours a week at a job you don't own.
I was NEET for several years and felt more like a slave than I do now. I'm okay with that.
Hola comrades
Well maybe you should work an actually good job and not settle for a shitty minimum wage slog for the rest of your life.
Why do these retards think that it would be any different under communism?
>so your saying taxation is theft?
I'm saying that in a communist system the proletariot is intended to own the means of production. By owing the land outright and not having to pay taxes on it I am truely living the communist dream.
I work and enjoy the fruit of my own labor instead of working for some rich persons profit
so you want to be independent.
but your picture would suggest that you want to keep everything you work for. so you are an anarcho-primitavist?
>so you want to be independent.
>but your picture would suggest that you want to keep everything you work for. so you are an anarcho-primitavist?
I'm just refuting the point that if I don't like capitalism I can buy land and live off it. It's not true since I never really own land in the USA . All land is owned by the state and they charge me rent in the form of taxes
but capitalism only produces happiness universally and benefits all of humanity in all cases and every situtation
>not being self-employed
You fucking tool.
>not being a capitalist in a capitalist system
you fail
why not just move to a "true communism"
Dude wouldn't it be so cool if we all didn't have to work and could just you know live free by our own terms man? The government could just like stop printing monopoly money and declare everything is free for everyone. Then we could all drop acid in a field and scientists could build spaceships and colonize space.
>i can chose the meal my slave owner gives me
You're a libertarian not a socialist retard.
You work regardleaa. In the old days humans had to constantly work to find food and fend off enemies only to die at 28. Your lucky user, a retard but lucky, to live in an age were you can literally do nothing for 2 days straight and still have food on the table. Your lucky to live in a society were if you didn't want to you literally wouldn't have to worry about anything. Your just bored. Bored and lazy and jaded to how lucky you are.
>you can still be a slave if you can choose everything about your life
is that what your Jewish professor told you?
>You're a libertarian not a socialist retard
Got me there ugly
You work for what you produce not the slave allowance your master chooses to give you, I want no master, freedom to work and till my OWN land.
You are a slave if you have no choice but to work for your master to live.
or you know just grow shit and eat it... maybe catch some things to eat... sell something you don't need once in a while to keep your lifestyle going.
I should only be under the service of another man by choice for profit not for survival, for survival land belongs to ME, I will not be a slave.
Freedom or DEATH.
>You are a slave if you have no choice but to work for your master to live.
Is this really how out of touch with reality Commutards are
That is what I am advocating, every free MAN, owns land for their own survival.
I will never be a slave.
>what is starting your own business
You will be slain filthy exploiter, every man is entitled to their own land for their own survival.
oh... so you agree with capitalism. i just had to tell you how to be a farmer/hunter
I'm a failure and it's the fault of somebody who is more talented, harder working, and more successful than I am.
You fuckers are pathetic.
How do you eat if not by the will of another?
Every MAN owns land, there is no farmer only a MAN and his right to a land for freedom from being exploited.
> Capitalism hate thread
Yeah fuck Capitalism man, I hate having so many choices and an abundance of food. I also really hate how those bourgeoisie scum support my right to exclusive use and control of scarce resources so I don't starve, I mean if I want to fucking steal someone else' food who are they to stop me? I mean why should I be forced to cooperate with people to get their stuff? I just want to be told what to do & they should give me their stuff, I feel so fucking opressed I might just kill myself, baka desu senpai.
What's the alternative?
Enslaving other people to produce things for you? Sounds really moral senpai.
China, a communist country with 3x the number of people as the US, can barely get half the Olympic medals we do. You would think with such a great communist system and so many more people they'd be killing it. They're not, the capitalists smoke them every two years.
Oh shit, people are responsible for their own well-being
life is tough isn't it bub?
I don't give a fuck about any "successful" people, I want my land and you can be successful is completely irrelevant to my will.
Only way for man to be free is for man to own the means of his survival then everything is mutual choices.
>free market society where you can choose what you do/how much you make depending on preference is slavery
>eternal serfdom in communism is freedom
you're fucking delusional. you'll hopefully grow up soon. life means choosing between two hard choices, and free market is much better then idealistic bullshit that ALWAYS leads to actual slavery under authoritarianism.
Do you not sleep?
This poster is more machine than man, you have my respect
ok so you are a MAN who farms and hunts under a capitalist system. you told me that we agree on this. good talk
communism is the alternative you idiot
You retarded slave or exploiter you will have no place in the new order, free from bondage.
We are more ethnically diverse which means we will be better at more events.
So enslaving other people to produce things for you (or else). You're a very moral person aren't you?
Questions to think about:
Who gets to set the cost of living?
When you say 'pay your own way' in 'everyone should pay their own way' whom do you pay it to?
Who has the right to collect this?
How do they set the rates of how much you pay to them?
What guarantees exist for the rate you pay to remain fair or the same?
With the removal of welfare you remove your own access to your own taxes and the taxes of your ancestors, is the government capable of using this money in your interests?
Do you defend the inheritance of money from the wealthy to their children?
Does this differ from your own taxes, or, now the governments money as paid by you and your ancestors.
I don't know the answers and I'm not looking for (you)'s, just take these away and ponder them.
>central planned authoritarian government forcing me to work where they want me to for scraps isn't slavery
>free market with choice is slavery
grow the fuck up. unless you want to recede into the wilderness to be a hermit (which is fine), there is literally no way we are going back to hunter gathered society.
Capitalism is the voluntary of goods or services by consenting adults. You have to work by the merit that you will always need food and water, not because of slavery. The voluntary exchange of goods is not evil.
>posted from my iphone
I guess if you worked 10 hour shifts, smoked weed for 4 hours after work, got up, got ready and went back to work it would feel pretty empty
the problem isnt your 10 hour shift
the problem is that your free time is wasted.
There is no class of "farmer" only a man with the means for his own survival in his own power, MEN OF THE WORLD!
>Work your own land and produce your own goods!
>Work and get money which can be exchanged for your own goods!
>These are different
sage all fields you fucks. don't reply to this shit.
>he doesn't realize the bourgeoisie has already enslaved everyone that isn't them
we don't have chains but we're slaves just the same...
>enslaved by a central planned state
>free from bondage
top kek!
Nobody forces me to do jack shit here in the states.
What, do you call what you've got in your cesspool of a "country" capitalism?
Spoiler alert - Serbia is not a capitalist nation.
The ONLY one that should be responsible for your own survival is your own self and WILL!
So forced state enslavement is better than a restrictive society in which you must act within the bounds of the free market? Grow. The fuck. Up.
The nature of communism means it will lead to an enslaved serfdom serving the central planners and their lavish lives.
Who the fuck has said anything about giving your will and power to another aka slavery?
We want freedom from slavery with the means and will for our survival to be for us alone.
Those who deny our freedom and will shall be destroyed.
Literally every animal in this world works one way or anything as so should we.
It's something your dad should have taught you, you faggot
Then where is the gun? Who forces you to work at gunpoint? If you're not, you're not a fucking slave, idiot, you're just a human being with biological needs, and desires, and the only way to get them is trade.
Yes, but animals aren't bound to the will of another to eat, that's slavery.
So anarcho communism? Literal meme tier. Spoiler alert: most people aren't as idealistically minded as yourself.
You'll grow up one day junior.
You're just butthurt because capitalism makes it painfully obvious that most people are better than you.
>Who forces you to work at gunpoint?
Work and produce for me or you shall not eat, aka slave.
If the slavers will not grant us our freedom of our own will we shall destroy their will.
>I shouldn't have to work for resources
>everything should be just given to me, because
>I'm not subject to the laws of nature
leftyfaggots are this delusional.
I had a coworker who would tell me this all the time. He ended up being the second person I fired when I became the supervisor.
>Nobody forces me to do jack shit here in the states.
how don't they? So if you don't accept working a job where you earn for yourself and then additional surplus that your boss takes for himself, you're just gonna live right?
No, you will starve. So your choice is either work where you're exploited or die of starvation.
There's no alternative under capitalism.
communism isn't "state enslavement"
read up son:
> restrictive society in which you must act within the bounds of the free market? Grow. The fuck. Up.
>he still doesn't understand that he is being exploited
if it weren't so tragic it would've been funny...
>The nature of communism means it will lead to an enslaved serfdom serving the central planners and their lavish lives.
you just described capitalism lmao
>Then where is the gun? Who forces you to work at gunpoint?
Try to follow:
you have choices:
1) work and be exploited
2) not work and starve
They don't need a gun to force you to do something. The threat of starvation will suffice.
Laws of nature dictate us the workers killing those who are occupying our land for our own will.
that would require some form of self responsibility.