I'm done.
Sup Forums, redpill me on jews and their agenda.
I'm done.
Sup Forums, redpill me on jews and their agenda.
Here we go, I've read the entire torah and talmud and I can safely tell you that the first post is the best post
A game for gays has gays in it, stop the presses.
Look up something called "Practical Idealism."
Tony Blair (I believe?) was recently quoted as saying we need to to implement it.
Also: Haven't you noticed how much this is being forced onto children until now?
A mix between Sweden, Rio de Janeiro and California for the entire world.
Blizzard are the most annoying shills on the planet.
>still playing the electric jew
destabilize a nation with subversive counter culture bullshit until normies beg for a strong authoritarian leader/group to 'make things right' so they dont have to worry about their children being raped and/or murdered and then genocide everyone who doesn't submit to the new iron fisted leadership.
>Still using the electric jew
LOL Mr potato head gtfo
Most people are too blind to see the LGBT agenda has been fed to a generation since the 00s
And then the same people wonder why relationships are failing and suicide rates are sky rocketing.
wtf i hate churchill now
>animate .webms of futa characters facefucking other futa characters
>but canonically kissing girls in the lore is taking it too far
god damn gamergoobers
is your goal to make australians hated again, even more than leafs?
Blizzard is so greedy for money, they're gonna pander to the mentally ill.
Also Overwatch is literally just TF2 with shitty/SJW character designs and better graphics.
I don't recall any futa face fucking in my video games.
Maybe I'm playing the wrong games.
Are they implying more will be found?
I hope you liked playing her Sup Forums
all I can do is laugh, they actually read too much of their fanfiction.
but winston has been a gay nigger from outer space for like 10 years
no suprises
Are they going to add lesbian porn scenes in the game or something? What is the point of announcing this for a game with no story? Worthless pandering as always.
Banned in Russia :D
Sfm isn't cannon.
Anyone still plays that crap?
This can't be real.
Why the fuck did i buy this garbage.
>Animate Tracer and other female characters fucking
>Blizzard says "fuck it you win"
Can't be upset that you got what you wanted
Wish they'd ban you cunts from CSGO too.
half right
destabilize a nation with subversive counter culture bullshit and immigration until normies beg for a strong authoritarian leader/group, then say that repression of all white identity is the only thing that can keep you safe from retaliation by minorities and default to a global authoritarian system that crushes any dissenting views (fake news)
ie. Germany
How many times do we need to go over this, British is NOT A SEXUAL ORIENTATION
>Animate Tracer and other female characters fucking
>made the quirky ADHD tomboy a bisexual
Seriously? Is this what Sup Forums has degraded itself to? Who cares about video games and other manchild "hobbies"
stop shilling this game
I mean, we hate Australians already, but Canadians legitimately should be range banned.
Literally just go to /gif/ and browse like, the first 3 pages, I fucking PROMISE you there will be a thread entirely dedicated to it.
How can she be lesbian, gay, bisexual and transexual at the same time ?
who cares? i knew this game would pander to SJW's when i saw the super multicultural diverse roster
I know right
They have a black guy as a super scientist
Super unrealistic
>white genocide
>lol fuck off stormfags
>kebab invasion
>lol fuck off stormfags
>globalist jewery
>lol fuck off stormfags
>videogame characters are gay
Ive never played this game but I dont know how you could not expect this, this game is literally designed for the tumblr audience.
How the fuck is their sexuality even relevant to the game?
>Tracer is a QT lesbian just like in all my favorite Tracer x Widowmaker porn
>Sup Forums triggered
>SJWs triggered
>Real QTs like Mei, Mercy, and Zayara still take the dick
Today was a great day
There was a lesbian scene with her in a comic they released today. Blizzard has a fairly rich backstory with each of the characters, so saying she's gay isn't completely out of nowhere.
relationships are failing because of the LGBT agenda since 00?
what about the free love movement?
Who honestly cares about the sexual orientation of a character in a game exclusively about killing each other and blowing up their shit? This shit is insufferable.
The real quote is: "Germany’s unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn’t profit anymore. ...We butchered the wrong pig."
-Winston Churchill (The Second World War - Bern, 1960)
I`m kinda annoyed at Tracer being gay but we`ve known they would eventually reveal one of the cast as a gay character for a long time now.
Overwatch is only good for porn, anyways, so it doesn't really matter. It's nice to see Blizzard has contempt for their fans, though, ruining a 10/10 waifu in one small sentence.
Can't wait for the other two or three white characters to come out of the closet.
Havent you started that one too?
In before nerdrage armageddon. The neckbeards are gonna lose their shit.
And..seriously? Tracer? The cute chick?
That's...kinda hot.
People need to draw comics of her taking dick from dudes and going all "Oh my god cock is the best I can't believe I thought I was a lesbian!"
there's no agenda. they just want to make girls kiss. goebbels called the shit posting you do Jewish hysteria. people blaming jews for things they had nothing to do with is insanity. thereso not flouride in the water turning frogs gay. frogs can change their gender because evolution allows them this so that there's always enough frog babies. you probably have autism fpbp
Isn't this the game SJWs hated because the main character had a skin tight suit showing off her ass or something? Something about body shaming I think.
Symmetra, Phara, Mei, Zayara, Widowmaker, and Mercy are all miles better than Tracer. In the end they threw the lesbians a bone.
>taking money from liberals is bad
I don't understand. You're telling me if I told you that you're company could substantially boost sales by putting out a comic that has no affect on anything else, you wouldn't?
This goyim is really neck deep in bluepill...
Good goyim.
They removed that pose, SJWs now love the game.
hippies are jews. yup.
>imaginary characters are LGBT "heroes"
They can throw the labeling around all they want.
It won't stop the Internet from converting them into whatever it wants them to be via porn and shit.
ctrl+F overwatch in the gif catalog
Heterosexual men?
who the hell cares what the sexuality of a fucking fps character is
why is this newsworthy
All too true, my British friend, although it goes back even further than that. This is only the next evolution of the culture of promiscuity, which is being pushed with the intention of eventually unifying the races.
This right here. Tracer is a shit-tier Overwaifu and if you think otherwise just kys.
So you can cry about it
jewish dominated media
Holy shit, you really believe muzzies worshop jupiter? Youre mental
One person complained about one pose for the character, who wears a skintight outfit, because it showed her ass, and she askd them to change it "for muh children", and Blizzard said, yeah, we kind of agree.
The neckbeards exploded with "Muh censorship" and "Muh Gamergate" over it. It was a true full on sperg attack.
Yeah that's okay, I played Team Fortress years ago I don't want to play it again with more faggotry
big deal, tf2 did it a decade earlier with the scout
in the sense that far left communists did, then yes, da joos.
wtf, I want to be gay now
So why did the people kill him?
You should of listened to Ivan when he said rush b
people who draw pornography of fictional characters are so fucking autistic that 99% of the time they refuse to change canon outfits or personalities.
BTW, read this book.
Oops. You been fuckin up and started it for 6000 years. You just put whatever you want and pull out your hair if nobody settled for your gross smelly appley wet fish boxes
what about them?
and DOTA :(
She sure doesn't dress like a dyke.
Things could be worse. Vidyas/comics will generally make trans and dykes look good instead of hideous.
>Tracer is a lesbian
ok whats the problem here?
Glad I stopped playing that trash.
The Jewish agenda is to create a world in which the only remaining races are the Jews and a dimwitted homogenized servant race which does all of the menial labour for them.
It is for this reason that they encourage interbreeding between whites, and blacks. The obvious result of such a pairing would be a race that is slow minded like the blacks, but possessed of an even temperament like the whites. These would be the ideal slave race. In order to bring this about they push globalization, in order to destroy the concept of borders and allow the free mixture of peoples, and denigrate whites in order to make whites more willing to miscegenate.