Here we go
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Who is he referring to
alt-right is a sect of peace and tolerance
that dumb ass nigga went on again? LOL
Tariq is still salty that he got washed in their last match, he's hungry for that runback.
about to get tucked
>he actually just pulled the "I was only joking" defense
Wow got him
Ikr :DD
>happy Kwanzaa
do blacks actually celebrate Kwanzaa?
I tuned in too late to watch, only caught the last 20 seconds. Who won?
Guess that thing that doesn't exist isn't going away.
...makes you think.
do you have to ask?
>You wrote a book telling guys to tell women whatever they want to hear to have sex with them
>i was just joking
Can somebody tell me if this is what Kwanzaa is all about?
>i-i-it was on satire!
>I-I-I was only kidding.
>happy kwanza!
probably Bannon but who knows
I'm watching jeopardy. How can a game that requires so much knowledge have such a low payout for winning? It's like the payout never adjusted with inflation
I sont ger it :(
dare I say it(our guy) --- bring silly bitches on my show - proceed to string em - logically
an attempt to celebrate African heritage
>Nazi solute
It's a Roman solute, and I do it to protect my Italian heritage
Not according to his KANGZ. He uploaded the first time on his channel acting like he showed Tucker up and all the comments agreed and were all celebrating his victory. Same thing will probably happen this time.
you aren't italian, you're american
Quick lend Tucker your energy
I once celebrated Kwanzaa for a project. It was shit. Hanukkah and Christmas are 100x better
>Stjepan Meštrović, a sociology professor at the Texas A&M University, sees Kwanzaa as an example of postmodernism. According to Meštrović, modern society has discarded ancient traditions as racist, sexist or otherwise oppressive, but since living in a world where nothing is true is too terrifying to most people, "nice" and "synthetic" traditions like Kwanzaa have been created to cope with the nihilistic, individualistic modern society.
He's an American with Italian heritage.
Someone post a goddamn link
no, i'm tired of this hyphenated bullshit
it's not right when blacks do it, and it surely isn't right if whites do it
It's a silly thing to fret about unless you're of the opinion that "race is a social construct" thus differentiating Americans is pointless.
i believe in race, but i also believe we are all americans, which is what matters most
if you want to be italian, you are in the wrong country
I love his show.
There's nothing wrong with celebrating the ancestry of your family. Ignoring your roots for a collective "American" identity is a quick way to increase race mixing.
you're retarded
roosevelt was always suspicious of hyphenated americans. i am as well.
you have more in common with your fellow americans than other countries
Shit was created like 40 years ago or some shit.
Someone tell this ugly cunt on Tucker to brush her fucking teeth
Oh shit Tucker is going to cover the "Hey white guys" video.
I certainly have more in common with white Europeans than black Americans. The distain for hyphens made sense when the country was 95% white and blacks had their own communities, but that hasn't been the case for a long time now.
>but i also believe we are all americans
How to spot reddit the post.
no it is even more important now. if we are going to condemn blacks for wanting to be black before american, i should condemn "italian-american" as well.
yeah teddy roosevelt was a redditor, idiot.
He got her on the "but women are always free to say no right? By saying they have a choice don't they by definition have agency?" question. She had no idea how to respond to it.
Wait a tick. What's going on here?
>Kwanza is created in 1966 and is considered a celebration of ethnic heritage.
>Ásatrúarfélagið is created in 1977
and is considered racist as shit.
It was a Peanuts joke.
She's on the bottom of the chain. No wonder why she's such a neurotic SJW.
I don't care if blacks integrate into our culture. It's better if they don't. The last 60 years has shown the dangers of an integrated society.
I bet she never had sex before, that is why she is mad
this liberal chick is cute
cant serial killers in the usa take care of this kind of people? warranted spotlight
Yeah you can tell this bitch has never been able to get what she wants from a man and is completely spiteful for it.
I never understood that, Africa is a continent and it has a myriad of different cultures and traditions.
How can there be a single African identity?
She's been pumped and dumped by alphas or at the very least males who are above her in standing, but never had a fulfilling relationship with a man above her standing. She likely refused any male who was within her tier and is spiteful that she can't land a man who is greater than her tier.
why does this chick move her jaw horizontally when she talks
Cause it was started in america by a retard who thought he understood africa from america cause he happened to be black.
quite the opposite. we've been culturally segregated by the left.
This pic will always come in handy
How so?
No Chad for her
pretty funny to see some noi tier dude calling anyone else a racial supremacist especially after that dumbass documentary he made.
well the left has separated us through identity politics, pushing the idea that there is a "black community" instead of wanting good things for all americans.
whites don't act like that.
leaf, you dont know shit about american culture.
Dont act like you do.
Does it really matter? Black power Obama held power for 8yrs and the country is 20 trillion in debt an only moving at 2mph. Give the so called "alt right" a chance. Funny thing is everyone I know voted for Trump but none of us are members of the "alt right."
my post was about teddy roosevelt, not FDR
Haha holy shit. That guy fucked around with the elevator buttons like an asshole and died for it. Good.
Identity politics doesn't really play in here. I'm not saying whites should vote one way or another, but there is a distinct difference in heritage and culture between whites, blacks, etc. To just lump everyone together and say we're all Americans is a terrible idea. It creates the ideal that everyone should blend their genetics and cultures together.
isn't that what america is though? it is a combination and blending of several cultures and ethnicities.
Tucker just needs to stop. The 13th Amendment made it illegal to own a nigga like that.
Did he die?
That is how cultural Marxists have tried to portray it, but if you look at the attitudes of Americans from the beginning, you'll notice a striking absence of inclusivity and openness. Hell, 40 years ago it was ridiculous for an Irish woman to marry an Italian man in most circles.
>leaf, you dont know shit about american culture.
I know that the Naturalization Act of 1790 defined who could be American. Sorry about your lose nigger. Non-Whites were never intended to be Americans. Whites only.
This is a lie that originates from Ted Kennedy's immigration reform in '65.
i wonder if tariq would ever come to germany?
i'd love to sing him a lullaby
Alt right is a smear campaign. Always has been, always will be desu
right, but today it would be silly to ban irish from dating italians because they formed an "american" identity
very few white americans give a fuck if their son-in-law is german or italian descent anymore
not really, we had a lot of negro and native culture infused into society prior to 65. even texas has a lot of mexican culture involved. it's very regional.
That's true, but it only shows how ridiculous it is for someone to say America has always been a melting pot. It's all a big lie that everyone assumes is true because the Cultural Marxists have repeated it so many times.
we weren't always a melting pot, that is true. of course when you add new people it is going to create a culture shock. but over time we cultivated an american identity. it can be done again.
nah man pretty dark. Biggest nightmare you can get IRL, Not his fault.
>but over time we cultivated an american identity
Is this what civic nationalist really believe?
We've never been a melting pot. It's revisionist history to pretend that we have.
Why is Tariq so smug?
if we were never a melting pot, you would still have irish, german, and english enclaves and people wouldn't let their kids marry an italian or whatever. but they do. even whites have little issue with their kids marrying hispanics or asians.
the only race that really isn't integrated well is blacks. they are the last holdout.
yes. american is not a pure ethnicity like german or whatever. we are a mix of ethnicities and races and that's not likely to change.
In what universe does race and culture mixing create a better society?
If uniform culture and race is the end game, then why wouldn't we just keep allowing white countries like Sweden to thrive?
it did in america. we are successful due to our mix of cultures.
i'm not saying every country should be like america, i'm only specifically talking about america in my posts.
>implying blacks have anything to celebrate
that nigger got DOMINATED TWICE
We were successful because we mixed cultures? What? Until 1970, we were 90% white. We've been successful because after WW2, we were the only remaining industrial power.
Non Whites may call themselves Americans but remember you are not.
>Diversity is our strength the post
This is why I don't argue with you liberal tier faggots.