Do you guys worry you are all in an echo chamber? Just as bad as the SJW's and Libtards?

Do you guys worry you are all in an echo chamber? Just as bad as the SJW's and Libtards?

The only thing that worries me more about being in an echo chamber is not receiving the first post best post


MODS: Can we get a sitewide ban on Australian and Canadian IPs?


Living in Israel is echo chamber.

You need to pick and chose the info you disseminate.

Oy vey

third post best post

After you Shlomo Schekelstein.

Everybody on here gets bombarded with left-wing articles anyway. Our diet is robust.

why did you give him a (You) but not me? It's not fair


I want people to shut the fuck up and get along with their own lives

It's hard to be in an echo chamber when you believe in individuality

>Do you guys worry you are all in an echo chamber?

Better than a gas chamber.

Sup Forums is back and forth between Fascism and Libertarianism, we hate leftists, but we have good reason to

Ikr :DD


Third post turd post

Sup Forums is obviously an echo chamber, if you get your news, political info or make up your opinions based on Sup Forums you are an idiot.

brit/pol/ is a lot less cancerous than the rest of Sup Forums and actully has in depth political discussion and not just blatant shitposting but it is obviously still very biased. The difference is that you can actually have political discussions there.

I think about it sometimes, but if this is an echo chamber why do we fucking argue so much?

Yeah, maybe the leftists are right about one thing.

Sup Forums, and Sup Forums especially is one of the few places on the internet where you can express your opinion no matter how extreme is it and no matter what side it's leaning on, and have a discussion about it, where as you would get silenced everywhere else if you didn't go with the modern liberal narrative
The rest of the internet is a the liberal safespace/echo chamber

>being this salty that almost every civilisation in history has tried to give a worldwide ban to jewish DNA.

>Do you guys worry you are all in an echo chamber?
>freedom of speech for everything other than things against the rules
>constant raids by CTR, Reddit, leftypol and JIDF
>People posting are from all around the world, even fucking central africa
>Echo Chamber

There is a steady stream of leftist missionaries who come in here to lose thier souls.


Why? Have you seen how they lived before the State of Israel was (((created)))?

They literally were worse than poo in loos.

As much as you hate us, we better living conditions wherever we go, but obviously bring trouble too.

No schlomo

1. Literally anybody with an internet connection can come here

2 You don't need an account to post

3. You can post whatever the fuck you want

4. We get raided by outside forces all the time but nobody even notices because it's just like pissing into an ocean of piss

>B..b..but Muh echochamber!

But then i just look at the data again

>Sup Forums
>echo chamber
The board is always quarreling. An echo chamber is a group that shuts down outside information.

Except we don't ban and censor people who "think wrongly" here


A friend told me that the state of Jordan is the home of palestinians

It doesn't sound too off.

Lauren Southern is an attention whore. Don't care about her. Not that hot either. Too much make-up.


We are literally confronted by opposing viewpoints every single fucking day.

Its not our fault they can't argue their way out of a paper bag and have nothing backing them up.

Because the entire ideology is based on exclusionary and belligerent ethno-nationalism and this is one of the most diverse spaces on the internet in terms of nationalities and ethnicities.

>2 posts by this ID

>Too much make-up.
>Implying the avg american don't have to use make up to cover their destroyed skin because of spending early days on alcohol and marijuana

Doesn't seem that hard... now, the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend, but it's easier for me to let Islam alone if they kill the Jews. If I let the Jews live, nothing changes.

Do you guys worry you are all in an echo chamber? Just as bad as the SJW's and Libtards?

Its a hell, believe me, like pakistan, but jewish

tbqh I like the right-wing herd more because they don't want to take my money or tell me what to do/say/think.

>the leftists are right about muslim immigration
>they're right about fags too! become a tranny goy

Sup Forums is definitely the SJW's of the right, but it's definitely important to get their perspective. This place is definitely more "free" than other echo-chambers though, where users are quickly banned/deleted.

On Sup Forums you're just called a fag until the thread dies. That's a little better, I guess.

haHA it took me a while but I got it

Agree with goldstein

>brit/pol/ is a lot less cancerous


How can people believe this? Sup Forums is like the exact opposite of an echo chamber. People come here to argue.

Only if we can ban the JIDG like u

there is no girls in Sup Forums


Fuck off with your horseshoe theory.

she puts some smegma on her eyes and she thinks shes hot. it's disgusting

>brit/pol/ is a lot less cancerous than the rest of Sup Forums and actully has in depth political discussion and not just blatant shitposting
I believe you may be having a little bit of a giggle

/Canada/i stub:no;boards:pol
/Australia/i stub:no;boards:pol

I know this is an echo chamber, but it's the only place where I don't hear the same shit the rest of the internet is saying.

I hope you know what smegma is.

SJW and Liberal sites have upvote/downvote system and it's much easier to ban opinions and hide opinions.

Sup Forums does not work this way.

This is actually extremely wierd desu


it's not really an echo chamber. There are usually opposing viewpoints and you can see them here, whereas on reddit anything that isn't liberal is down voted to the bottom. Sup Forums is more of a fish tank

No. Because no one gets banned for their opinions here. You live and die by your logic here. That's why lefties run away from here. They get spanked and there are no mods to save them.

Only leafs please thanks.

I still make an effort to engage with people outside of this echo chamber so i dont see it as a problem. Also this "echochamber" still allows dissenting opinion.


it's the crusty shit she puts in her eyes

Of course this is an echo chamber, it's just a cesspool of useful idiots getting baited and radicalized by each other and trolls. Sup Forums is the best argument that can be made against Free Speech.

Just fucking filter them and stop complaining

>Not sure if trolling or just retarded

>you can express your opinion no matter how extreme is it and no matter what side it's leaning on
This is true and Sup Forums's major strength.
>and have a discussion about it
This is not entirely true from my experience.

Yeah but people usually only use that word when describing the crust between the genitalia and foreskin.


No I argue with dumb faggots here all the time.

There are shills in here 24/7. People like you are in here 24/7. You don't even realize how your shilling only emboldens and strengthens our beliefs because of how dumb you make yourselves look.

Notice how the kike disappeared now too.

Worst post itt

Why didn't you take in fugees?


No because I read leftist leaning newspapers and news sites about how much of an echo chamber the right is and I live in a cucked country.

blonde in the belly of the beast is better

Sup Forums does not censor post, nor does it have a downvote system to prevent your post from being seen. A dissenting opinion to the normal Sup Forums culture is more likely to be seen since it gets a bunch of replies. Even if the insults thrown out make it difficult for civil debate to take place, it still stands that a neutral party reading the thread is more likely to use their own brain to reach a conclusion here than anywhere else on the net.

Then I've used it appropriately in reference to Lauren Southern.

I never even thought about this

Sup Forums is more diverse than America lol

>Anyone can post
>Threads are ordered by newest reply, not how many people agree with you
>No registration
>Widely known site

>Somehow an echo chamber
Yeah, no.


speaking of chambers op

mind gassing yourself?

Still here, burger.

God damn you! you do this every fucking thread.



No. The reality is that most of the Sup Forums ideologies are extremist in nature on some level for satire/entertainment purposes. Most people here realize that some exaggeration is taking place and the truth can likely be found somewhere in the middle in the form of a compromise. In other words, most people on Sup Forums are fairly centrist at heart that are open to compromise

Leftists aren't. They are complete delusional brain dead retards that are hell bent on having their way and their way only. The natural response to this is go fuck yourself.

Well aware this place is an echo-chamber, I just come here for the shitposts.


Nah, lefties run away from here because legitimate arguments from the right are buried under race-baiting and bad statistics.

Sup Forums is an echo chamber. I'm pretty comfortably to the right and I only come here to laugh at how silly the logic used is. The lefties usually have better arguments, at least they know how to interpret statistics.

In a very awkward manner.

Well, if your opinion is considered shit you're gonna get shitposted to 404, or simply ignored, still better than getting bannedin my opinion

This site would be a lot less cancerous if brits and their colonies of canada and australia were banned.

Awww cute! The leaf thinks its people.

Well duh. It was bound to happen.

I subscribe to Breitbart, TYT, MSNBC/CNN/FOX, a few intellectually conservative podcasts, BBC, TEDTALKS, I listen to shit tier conservative radio, NPR and I watch Jimmy Dole and Morning Joe. I read the USA Today, the local paper in Orlando FL, my local paper from back home in Ohio and any interesting Op-Eds I come across in the other major published papers.

I think I'm good.

Wrong question. You need to ask yourself why no liberals post here and thats because they are the ones who are cowards only posting where people agree with them. Sup Forums isn't disqus. We can't ban a liberal who comes here just for disagreeing.

You fuck

>reads only the title of the video

damn we really are just as bad as the SJWs huh?