Meet nice girl that is into you

>meet nice girl that is into you
>get her facebook profile
>she has this as a background photo

What would you do?

Poke her and then politely inform her that the first post is the best post

This fpbp

Take her out for coffee and fuck her in the ass. Never call her again.

Correct her "politics" as she most likely is a socialist that propegates cultural marxism through her social justice and all else they have that goes so deeply against human nature and natural selection. I would be surprised if she meant true liberty where it is free to move to a country, but no welfare will be given.

No but really i don't give a damn if i'm not looking to make children with her. I would probably try to sneak in something like the above once i got to know her well, but mostly just for the fun of it.

A lot of girls think like this.
Subtle redpills and real-world examples can slowly chip away at this.

w-wait a second, you mean women have vage and over-simplified answers so they can virtue siginal that there nice and not boring uninteresting walking warm holes????

God fucking damn it.

Jokes on you, no one can be attracted to me

>get into her
>move on
Easy enough.

hurr durr your food is Italian, better let in a million unskilled Muslims


Continue ignoring her.


Reminder that the sweet, honey filled, warming feeling inside people isn't love. It's a frivolous, temporary feeling, to induce mating, and is ultimately self destructive if places at the Center of your universe.

Real love is a philosophical commitment to ones wellbeing.

see this shit? australians are the ones shitting down EVERY FUCKING THREAD.


flirt to convert or run

Ask her how many interracial kids she has

>Real love is a philosophical commitment to ones wellbeing.

Assplain. I'm Autistic.

Can someone fix this so It says



Just stop hitting on her. She'll get the hint. No reason to waste your time with her.

Anyone who openly displays such a benign opinion can easily be swayed from it. People in couples begin to emulate the stronger personality of the two. If you're not a weak man, you should be fine.

Blow away leaf

Move into her home, eat all her food, shit in the toilet 'don't flush' , invite a few homeless to stay over.

When she bitches about it say " one race, human race, no borders."