What's your countries proudest achievement? Pic related

What's your countries proudest achievement? Pic related

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My country's proudest achievement?

The first post best post.

Giving the UK the extra L in cancelled, way back in 1776

Building and maintaining good infrastructure.

burning down the white house


Creating modern Europe
>Only Southern Dutch
>Frisiafag can fuck off

I'd say divesity or equality.

Oh snap.

One black hand is worth three white fingers.

Our Unparalleled Engineering

You mean when the British burned it down?

im always confused by this. did canadians or british burn down the white house? you retards cant seem to agree on it.

Having our language taught in nearly every developed country's schools. That for Spam fritters.

Was us, kid.


keepin the niggs separated from the whites for a while

We wuz crusaders n imperial soldiers n shiet

Werom sa boas?


Bismarcks reign was the apex of german glory
If his successors would have been as smart of him wed be a german-russian empire forever keeping the eternal anglokike down to his dogcage where he belongs
But you won. See were that bought us.

That's not a British flag though

The German-russian empire would be commiefags tho. Anglos gotta stay to keep the world in check.

Finding some continent

Ben altijd boos op jullie Fr*ezen


Some vikings "discovered" North America first but I believe you still get South America.

winning the World Series every year

By that rule native Americans discovered America before fuckin vikings.

hyper text transfer protocol

Dat moet best hinderlijk zijn in het dagelijks leven?

23rd of august 476

sheeit meant to post this in the opposite thread

Nice clock!

Ik woon lekker aan de andere kant van het land dus valt wel mee


Shane-o from Tip county. He shaved 78 sheep in an hour then shoed 11 horses the next. Used to be Colm up Galways area that had the proudest moment. He followed a bird that stolen his tea bag for 18 feet. Fucken birds.



This must be one of those bombs that the IRA set off

you had one job germany


Shitting out several new countries that would go on to outdo us.

Dam that is like your only achievement tho

>What's your countries proudest achievement? Pic related
Pic related

Are other countries even trying?

Let's face it...

I could be here for hours reeling off everything good that has come out of Britain so I'll just pick one for now.
Industrial revolution

user please I'm doing nofap

While Canada was getting it's shit pushed in by us the bongs landed and toasted Washington.

Nou, gelukkig maar. Kom eens langs in de zomer. Beetje zeilen, is leuk.

shut up roadkill

SS Technik travels anywhere . yanks nt involved exept yank monkey on board an yank flag instead SS flag - and now fuck off

What was Canada at that time? French cunts or British cunts?

Ik vertrouw jullie niet

Being the best country in the world
The reason aliens don't invade is because they're scared of us

She's our queen moron


It was bong land at the time, but as we've learned from the leafs they don't appreciate being called bongs.

Nah, de tijd van Hollanders onthoofden ligt ver achter ons. Minstens 25 jaar. Grutte Pier leeft niet meer, 't is redelijk veilig. Het ergste wat je tegenwoordig kan overkomen is de Sneekweek.

Canada won twice faggot

>By that rule native Americans discovered America before fuckin vikings.
And the Solutreans over 10000 thousand years before the "natives".

We were Upper and Lower Canada
We were two canadas
Imagine if two Canadas existed today

Polish death camps :^)


Wa maakt het mij uit of je die hollanders onthoofd. Ben een Brabo. Denk dat ze die onthoofdingen wel missen om eerlijk te zijn. Met hun massa immigratie van ackbars

Heden! Ús Doutzen!

They moved to America and became American you fag.

Stop culturally appropriating US achievements.

You mean Berlin? ;)
Get it because if you're polish and go to Berlin a terrorist will kill you and steal your truck lol

Hier in Friesland hebben wij niet zoveel immigratie. Nou ja, rond mei/juni komen er vaak wel een paar bussen met Duitsers...


Believe me Hans
I also think an ss flag would look cool on the moon

>23rd of august 476
cucked by a barbarian?
go you

Not very proud with first one...
Red rifleman kikes got what they deserved being imprisoned and torchered.

But the rest is fucking awesome

Fucking KEK!

Stel racisten
Jullie hebben wat Somaliers nodig

a million dead algerians last century (they are still counting)

Wernher Von Braun was an American citizen when he designed the Saturn V.

Ja wij stellen ons open, maar ze willen niet.

You're not even a country.

We made maple syrup and dog fucking and were the MVPs on d day. Fucked up Juno beach famalam.

Stom want jullie hebben ruimte zat.

Maarja, allemaal naar de Randstad waar de woningnood het hoogst is.

And whatever lifeform was around before Pangea broke


Don't forget we knocked up every bitch in the Netherlands and brought back the hot ones I'm not even joking when I say half the people I know have a Dutch grandma lol

Begrijpelijk wie wil er nou naar Friesland

Blurg blarbben hurffin Hoffan


Best best friend of 20 years has a dutch gramma lol


*sucks big black dick and takes big circumcised Arab dick in my tight European asshole*
That's how you faggots sound to us when you talk

meanwhile american money

Pic related, or that we BTFO'd bolivians and peruvians, but I doubt the rest of the world cares about that
Also we crushed argies dreams by winning them at the Copa America twice, but I also doubt anyone else cares about that

Kebabing the kebabs


How are you so quick?


poutine or hockey stuff I guess

You think we have any real pics from this?

This is the last thing your grandpa saw before he got cucked by the colossal Canadian cum gun.
Ask grandma how it feels to get a cut Canadian cock in her Canadian cum cavern

We got a GREAT Deal on obsolete farm equipment.

you back at it tonight bro?