
Alright everybody, time for us to stop complaining about how cucked Germany is and ger to action. The meme wars aren't over yet, lets get going boys, memes away!!!
For Deutschland!!!
>Based Petry
>Who are the AFD
Please feel free to add some content and memes

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WILL she win?

>implying Sup Forums doesn't have a raging hateboner for Germany
>implying this refugee crisis is anything but a desperate coup to destroy the German power

I would hope so

give proofs of 'hope'

Slowly redpilled my mom and convinced her to vote AfD. Are you proud of me guys?

We could destroy you in other ways if you want. Or at least could have now that king nigger is gone.

stop being so sensitive hans.
we only make fun of you so you get your shit together. same thing with sweden.

Why don't you make this thread at a time when people aren't sleeping in Europe

I don't feel hate for Germany, only deep sadness at what you've let happen to yourselves.

You Americans are nothing but Germany's shadow.

Like hell you can. You're less than human without us.

We need to meme Germany the most, they are currently the leader of Europe, when they swing to the right more will follow.

The German people deserve better.

>we only make fun of you so you get your shit together.
Speak for yourself. There seems to be some hardcore dedicated shilling. A terrorist attack happens and half of Sup Forums is screaming for Germans to be exterminated? Something doesn't add up.


>Germany starts both world wars
>Forces the US to join in on the wars
Okay hans

Eh, we are kinda your babysitter atm...
Maybe Trump will free you and make sure you uncuck yourself

More memes coming

99% of Sup Forums can't speak German, so you're going to hit the same problem as the French meme squad

We can still use English

Our recovery horrifies them, plain and simple. We managed to fix this nation. Proper. It went through the 2008 stock market crisis practically unscathed. Just as we were finally about to give our ancestors some rest and be proud of ourselves, the refugee crisis starts. This is an incredibly unfair, covert war against this nation. I won't allow anyone to stop us.

We'll help you! :D

Unlikely, the AFD is still a very young party and thus lacks a loyal voting base and support in politics/media/culture/economy. Nonetheless her party is still going to make history by jumping from below 5%(threshold) to at least ~15% in one election cycle.

Jesus christ wat

How has it been for you so far? How has your comfy town been rekt by the parasites

If she doesn't win, then you guys are fucked. Only other option is a good and proper civil war, opposition should hold Saxony and Bavaria and move into Berlin.(Could use help from Poland)

Stop that defeatist nonsense. Our politicians were going for almost a half year "OMG U CAN'T STOP THE REFUGEES FROM COMING" then fucking Macedonia just closed the gates and the numbers went down from +10k refugees a day to less than a few hundred. Anything is possible there just has to be the will to do it.

Ok, I like that
Give us some more good news to improve our mood then

>Implying Im not willing to learn the basics of euro languages to help out

My town is fine, the migrants seem to concentrate in the large cities to hide from law enforcement as of late.

I have no opinion about Trump. But if he tries to fuck with our jobs, he'll gain one hell of an enemy.

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
This thread has been visited by the peaceful truckers of islam. A safe country free from assault trucks will come to you but only if you post "Holy fuck ban that truck." in this thread

Do Germans blame/hate the United States at all for this shit show?

What about the based NPD tho?

Machen Deutschland Wieder Groß

Post awoo fraus

>select out door sitting areas

ho lee fuk ban dat truck
He will not, he's gonna fuck with Chinaland

Aren't they outlawed? Correct me if I'm wrong

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

Overall the situation in Germany improved a lot.
This was one year ago, back then just suggesting that the refugees are not to at least 90% sick women and children would have been enough to get labeled a neo-nazi. Today we discuss in talk shows how to deport as many people as fast possible. The entire mentality changed. Even the fucking greens and other leftist cucks are keeping (relative)quiet. Again, a few years, just suggesting to deport illegals would have been enough to make them go "REEEEEEE NAZIS GET OUT" now they are all 'hey that's not helpful, you are playing into the hands of right-wing populists :('

Fuck germany. The whole country is nothing but turks, shitskins and wogs.

I know i am, you have earned my Orlando OC.

Hans for fucks sake get your shit together or we will remove kebab ourselves

Nah, they aren't outlawed, although the government has tried.

Honeypot party, they literally only exist to discredit right-wing politics.

Because of Sup Forumss german hate boner. If he didn't have one this would've been the 10,000th thread made

Good to hear, uninformed burger me thinks that you have a decent amount of shitskins like we do here.(All the people from the ivory tower sent them to live in Orange County)

yes, your government

our politicians (before merkel)((and yes, they where corrupt as fuck too)) warned that war in the middle east would open pandoras box and eventually lead to this crisis.

Revoting Merkel to keep are economy on track Britain broke our union and that is unforgiveable

You're assuming my gender, aren't you, kek.

German-American here. I love Germany more than anything in the world, and if the German people are going down then I'm going with them. I refuse to allow their enemies like Britain, Poland, and Russia to murder them while some asshole Anglo-Americans and jews egg them on. As long as one single American is killed in any incident it will be all over the US news 24/7 with parents and friends being interviewed, etc. I intend to be that American. You can't plan anything horrible towards these people without getting the USA involved. Now that a fellow German-American is President, I expect this hostile attitude towards Germany at the highest levels of the American government to finally change.

trump is scottish/anglo you fucking dumb kraut

You're choosing "economy" over your own people, how dumb can you be...

He's a mix of all three. Also he's Irish not Scottish.

Rechte Todesschwadrone wann?

Hitler was a captalist who invaded multiple countries after fucking weeks of warning you mong

Scots are not anglos, you Sassenach. Learn what that means before you open your fat mouth.

Get an /AFD/ General running asap Kraut-kun, if you really wanna stop this mess, you must start now before it's too late, unlike the other elections yours will be hard to win due to the nature of the German people and 8 years of Merkel's propaganda.

We need to get the memes rolling, find English-speaking followers of AFD and invite them in these generals, you don't need to expose yourself, just make a fake twitter account and start recruiting from there, I don't speak German otherwise I'd do it my way.

In order to do something, these generals need to be populated with dedicated AFD supporters willing to help each other out with memes and also grammar-check the memes other non-German lurkers post here.

Time is being wasted, too much. What a General needs:
>youtube videos
>link to AFD's program
>informations on AFD's candidate
>guide to the elections and how to vote
>meme collections
>news articles to AFD-related stuff
>based things AFD did or said

This is the very basic stull you'll need, the rest will come later naturally but this is very important to start the threads. Can you get on it?

>leader has cunt
>first lady has dike hair
>animeme mascot has problem hair

is the AfD just another honeypot

They are choosing a strain on the economy more than anything. The Poles are just paying for everybody else up until they hit the limit

Eyy, this guy gets it

You are too much of a coward to listen to Trump talk about his German heritage and what it means to him.

His father was a full-blooded second generation German-American like me.

Heh, give me your sister for half an hour and maybe I'll make a new little POTUS for you :DDDDD

You realize the Poles are just as bad as mudslimes they claim welfare and drink their shitty polish beer and on their hause estate. if you actually believe the based pole meme kill yourself


This is undoubtedly a good first step to take. Worked with Trump.

You know it is true


In Britain, they seem pretty nice(friend is half Polish, goes to Uni, has job, well adjusted dude). Haven't really seen Germany, are they really as bad as the rapists?

in your dreams nigger

Well memed, Deutschbro.

Fuck off Mahmoud I know you aren't white. Post a picture if you're white and I'll call you when she's 18.

Based adolfina

ami reporting, was geht ab Alter, was soll die naechste Schritte sein

Actually, US waited until every state participating in the world wars was exhausted and then invaded (with no reason).
You just waited until the bar fight was almost over and then kicked one of the guys participating in the face.
proud of that bullshit, burger?

Blame FDR for that, we didn't have a choice.

Freedom ain't free :^)


But that was because a drunk nip attacked us while we were giving our mates brass knuckles


Yes speaking as someone who has been to both countries

Germany is the Mexico of Europe. You're probably some beamer that thinks they're part of the third reich. Either way, Germany deserve death. Let it burn.


Germans are so unpatriotic that I bet we never see a Deutsch/pol/ made by a German national.

It's sad 2bh.


Hitler was bad you guys

Yeah, welcome to the first edition

fuck off worse germany, we were the only ones to fight on a global stage defeating nip land as well, who had conquered the entire pacific. you're just mad cause you're just an annex and nobody can find you on a map.


>unlike the other elections yours will be hard to win due to the nature of the German people and 8 years of Merkel's propaganda.

and lack of free speech for anyone who isnt a jew, commie or islamist


I spent some time in Germany with the TA and it was the highlight of my time in it. We need to meme Germany great again!
Pic kind of related.



>just make a fake twitter account

(((Twitter))) is selling out all information abouts Germans to the STASI. That includes private messages and will pronably include information from accounts posting from German IPs and talking "inappropiately" about rapefugees and cultural marxism.

Maybe with a VPN? there're some cheap ones 3 euros a month or so, they accept BTC too.
I can recommend PIA which doesn't keep user logs but there're many more you can ask on if you want to see the alternatives.

I'm going to dump some ads I found now, please tell me which one are good and which aren't (I can't read German).

>literal muslim bastion berating germans



LEL I'm full blooded second generation German-American so I could only be white. Also I was just kidding about your sister, that would be unChristian and I don't actually do that. It's just for bants.
