>Tom fucking Arnold is going to get President Donald Trump impeached
what a time to be alive
>Tom fucking Arnold is going to get President Donald Trump impeached
what a time to be alive
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>Implying anyone believes or gives a fuck about Tom Arnold
Let's see it, Ahnold. I'm ready.
So if it's true, they'll drag Trump in court and have a bill Clinton part II. Nothing will come of it except to further push libs into delusions.
Saying nigger isn't a crime you nigger.
I have no doubts that that footage exists in a vault somewhere.
Although Tom "please give me attention" Arnold is probably not the one who has it.
his last ditch effort to gain some relevance
everyone in hollywood forgot about him
eric is a retarded nigger cunt, so it's all good in my book
>Saying bad words is a crime
>refers to nigger and cunt as "N-word" and "C-word"
>Says "Retard"
God, what does this fucker have against the mentally challenged, is he some Ablest shit lord?
If he had anything he would have released it in October
>1 post by this ID
Eric's the smart one. Its Don Jr who is the fuckup.
>Tom "That's not coke caked under my nostrils *grinds jaw vigorously* Arnold
>Getting anyone impeached
This old has-been ain't gonna get nobody anything. He can't even escape being once married to Roseann Barr, he constantly brings up this face EVERY time he's in front of a camera.
this is the best part that I've come to realize. it literally doesn't matter if Trump says, or said, nigger. it can no longer disqualify him from presidency. people can't get him removed for it.
There's been talk of more footage for ages, but the people who had it were threatened with huge lawsuits if they released it. There was no point dealing with it when Hillary thought she was winning, but now that the dems are desperate, they'll gladly pay off the legal bills.
>saying nigger is an impeachable offense
kek, no
If he had them why hasn't he released them?
In any event, that's not an impeachable offense. Re-read the constitution.
I have an even more secret tape that reveals Tom's as a fake. I'm gonna hang on to it for a little longer though...
With the previous media shitstorm, I believe that if these exist at all then they would've already been released.
Nice try, 4/10. (((((((you))))))))
Literally who?
>impeached for saying nigger, cunt and retard
Wait. Americans aren't as liberal with the word cunt like we are?
fake and gay, if he had it, he would have used it during the elections. none of that is impeachable, all they can do is use it to keep him from getting elected again.
>have the end-all footage that could heavily influence the outcome of the election towards hillary
>the footage is of trump calling rosie a nigger cunt retard
>wait until election is over to even meniton it
>don't release it, only say you will
>claim it will get him impeached
there's a lot of interesting questions that arise from this, such as:
>why wait until after the general election to release something like this?
>why wait to try and impeach instead of just trying to win in the general?
>why announce your hand before playing it?
Isn't he just butthurt because Trump fired him on The Apprentice?
he just wants attention because hes irrelevant i doubt he even has footage
This is an old picture. From before november. If he had anything, he'd have already released it.
Oh hey buddy. I just wanted to let you know whats definitely not going to happen. Its definitely not anything to do with Tom Arnold (a forgotten B lister) exposing Trump saying "nigger" as a reason to damage the Trump presidency on any level.
Later, man.
Who is Tom Arnold?
Fuck you you nigger cunt, also your son is retarded.
>I could have produced this prior to the election but I didn't feel like it
>please pay attention to me before I start doing cocaine again
You know how liberals are with the "sexism".
He was the dad in "The Stupids"
Was that an autobiographical role?
It very well could have been
Goddamn you, Sender
>literally so washed up you had to appear on Zombie Trailer Park Boys
Kek. What was he even famous for once upon a time anyway?
Really though who is Tom Arnold?
What's the c word?
It may not be a "high crime" but it's a misdemeanor, most def.
Roseanne Barr's ex husband.
It's fake news (srsly this time).
It should be though
He would have released them already if this was true.
He was the carjacker in "Carpool"
>spoiler alert: his gun is actually a lighter
He is a has been actor who was only C list status at the height of his popularity.
A whale louse.
Nope. Over here "cunt" is like the end all be all worst word you can say. It's not like you guys who interchange it with words like "dude" or some faggy Brit shit like "bloke".
Daughters call their mothers that in their melodramatic fits. Its just female drama
none of that is illegal you fucking nigger.
you don't get impeached for saying nigger
I love you user ( No Homo)
For knowing the movie "The Stupids"
It is the only movie that made
"Big Top Pee Wee" look worthy of an Oscar
That's not enough for impeachment. Nixon said stuff about gays and Jews but it's not what got him ousted. It was the watergate break in. I think.
Not at all.
Growing up in my home my mother didn't care if you said fuck, shit, bitch, asshole, retard, nigger, raghead, piss, etc, but god fucking help you if you said "cunt" around her.
Never understood why that word is so much worse than all the others.
Another little story:
When I was in high school, there was this girl and me and her hated each other most of the time. One day we got into an argument and she started trying to insult me, classmates were having a giggle at my expense, but as soon as I called her a cunt the entire class went fucking dead. Even some of the guys were looking shook and all of the females looked like they had just been sexually assaulted.
So Americans are a lot of the time cunts when it comes to the word cunt.
I watched dumb movies as a kid, it can't be helped
why would that get him impeached? what happened to free speech in america? you cxant say nigger or cunt? or call some a retard?
sure you can
so get fucked Rosanne Tom what ever the fuck your name is. this loser is just trying to get attention because hes been dead as a celeb for decades now.
When niggers and the rest of the world stop saying Nigger then Tom can get back to us.
Shouldn't he have come out with this 2 days ago?
you're thinking of fanny
don't worry, it is in Canada
typical leaf cuck
get the rakes ready
Why would he wait until now?
Oh look, it's Tom Arnold.
Yeah, it's actually really bad here. There was some kind of poll a few years back that found it was the only word Americans were still offended by, and notice that you never hear it in our movies, even when they have plenty of every other bit of profanity known to man.
(((Every fucking time )))
How the fuck isn't Roseanne verified?
Roseanne is probably the one female that was "genuinely" funny.
No surprise here.
Cunt is probably the "worst" word you could use.
Not that it fucking matters.
>being impeached for something that isn't even illegal
k m8
what is the n-word and c-word? night and coffee?
(((Tom Arnold)))
The worst kind; a convert who chose to be one.
Even if not accepted, he's still (((their))) pawn.
>Getting impeach for being a dick
Can't happen faggot
Surely this scandal will be the one to end Trump's campaign.
>releasing it after the electing and after electoral vote so if for some crazy reason trump resigns mike pence is president
What's the next step in your master plan?
He better not make fun of tards I love tards
That's why Canada is a shit hole.
no he's not, listen to an australian talk before being an incorrect pedant
>be irrelevant D-list (generous estimation) actor
>hate le ebil nazi racist homophobic transphobic xenophobic le LITERALLY HITLER Drumpf
>whole primaries goes by; don't release tape
>whole general goes by; don't release tape
>day electors vote goes by; don't release tape
>2 days after electors vote when it couldn't do anything legally; "I'll release this tape now!"
Hmm something about this isn't adding up but I can't put my finger on it.
He's just bitter because he had his penis chopped off so he could marry Roseanne but then she divorced him and endorsed Trump for President.
>He will never the primaries
>He will never win the election
>The electors will never vote for him
>He will get impeached
Aren't you fucking tired of losing? Cause I sure am not tired of winning. Waking up in the morning seing my CNN and twitter notifications related to Trump and how he's making America great again.
Its not illegal to say nigger you Mizzou faggot. Wrong country. Is his kid retarded?
>thinks calling people names is against the law
If this was legit, it would have come out MONTHS ago.
>Not releasing it before the election when public opinion is what matters
>Holding onto it until now when the President can't be impeached for saying bad words (in the past no less, just like they said Hillary's past actual crimes couldn't be grounds for impeachment)
This guy either doesn't have anything, or he is too stupid to release it at the right time. Just another idiot "celebrity". Nothing to worry about.
OK seriously what the fuck is his problem if he released it before the election Hillary could have won. What an ass.
>Nixon presidency: 1969-1974
Nobody gave two fucks about the gays and Jews in the those days.
If someone were to say a fragment of the shit he said then today, it'd be all over the news with leftist crybabies bawlbitching and whining like they always do.
really makes u think...
> wanting to impeach him because he says mean words and hurts my feelings
My god you people are literal fucking babies.
I didn't even know he was still alive. I assumed he died of AIDS or drug over dose since the most notable thing about him ever was that he married a fat female comedian who happened to be funnier than him. Let that sink in: Rosanne Barr is funnier than he is.
okay good we got it, name calling bans you from presidency
now what else should we ban from making someone president? or I should say, what you MUST do to become president.
I fucking swear some people are incapable of thinking about the future and abuses of power