How based is Obama's brother, Malik?
How based is Obama's brother, Malik?
He is clearly unhinged.
He's clearly a bot
He named the Jew
America clearly elected the wrong Obama
He's our new tay. He just repeats everything you program into him.
He's a bantz master.
he's hiding in plain site, he's the real puppet master of Barack.
Hannibal Buress?
Today he will remind them
reminder he is that way is because Sup Forums and mulsims share the same values. He just doesn't care about killing infidels like other muslims
>no one realises that its someone managing his twitter
He rents out his twitter handle for beer money
are you sure?? he was forced into silence until his bro stopped being president. I also think he could be a bot, but anything is possible.
top kek
My god my lungs must look like that!
Barry's mom slept with everybody
Not positive he has a drop of Kenyan blood
He's Kek's human form
I am Kek's human form
praise and shadilay, niggers
I feel kind of bad for him.
He's obviously lonely and enjoying the attention people are heaping on him now, but at some point the internet will grow bored of him and he'll go back to being alone.
He's funny as fuck though.
Lol witnessed
>four sixes
yes, yes, we know, but to what extent?
He has like 12 wives
Praise KEK! Praise be unto you. I am humbled to be in your presence. Can you give us a sign if WW3 will happen before New Year's?
the only thing i know about him is he loves kfc for some reason
Let's see here
>hired an alt-right retard to manage his twitter
he fell for the PR jew
pretty based.
He has literally hundreds of tweets to pick from, and you choose the one I already posted in this thread.
leaves of a feather fall together
Actual Africans are pretty funny desu, they absolutely hate African Americans too