Would /pol let their kids hear feminist fairy tales from a drag queen? Vid related is on VICE's fb page
Would /pol let their kids hear feminist fairy tales from a drag queen? Vid related is on VICE's fb page
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Fuck you aussie
We did it ameribro
Probably not. There's something called "Medical Student's Disease" where a medical student, upon hearing about all these exotic illnesses and conditions, begins to believe that they are experiencing the symptoms of some of the diseases they just heard about.
I wouldn't want anything similar to happen to one of my kids, especially since once they start thinking they're another gender, society will push them in that direction under the guise of "accepting themselves." If one of my kids is gonna be a tranny, they're going to have to come to that conclusion on their own, not from me taking them to a tranny bookreading.
They should change the name to WebMD disease and include idiots in it
For thousands of years drag queens didn't read fairy tales to children and everything was fine. So I don't think it's very important
> Every single thing Vice writes about is "So Important" and "Powerful"
>a dragster
>feminist fairytales
Holy shit, where do I even begin with this one?
>Here's why you should put a mentally ill person in an enclosed space at night to whisper delusions to your children
Does anyone else imagine themselves going to a gay pride parade event in San Fransisco and using a flamethrower to charbroil the fuck out of these faggots? Can you imagine the absolute carnage and eventual fallout and the figurative (and probably literal butthurt since these are fags after all) butthurt from it?
It's pretty ironic since they would be literal flamers if doused by the flames. Die as you live I guess.
Parades have too many cop escorts, you'd get shot before roasting even 3 of them.
>Why letting a mentally ill degenerate spend time alone with your kids is important
What exactly is a "feminist fairytale" anyways?
They're generally pretty good at killing themselves it seems.
The story of a little gay boy and 4 hilarious women
"Women are equal to men. You can do anything a man can do!"
so important
i could no have lived another second without hearing how a drag queen is telling made up stories to kids
Tales about brave womyn fighting "the patriarchy".
They're all about rape.
Could I just read anything into a camera in an overly serious manner and be touted as "so important"?
>Why a Cis White Male Reading Mein Kampf to Kids Is So Important
Im still trying to figure out if they meant "fairytales" as in Snow White type shit, or as they wrote it "fairy tale", as in "fags do on a fag adventure and get up to fag stuff"
Snow White is an racist oppressive heteronormative social construct written by a white male.
Kill yourself.
We should round up all the fags on this planet and put them stranded on an island somewhere, like Catalina island, and let them be fags and die off. They'd all fit too because the entire world's population could fit inside los angeles and there really ain't that many fags in the world.
I'm sick of them forcing this shit on people. I don't accept their lifestyle choice (and it is a choice) and i shouldn't have to see it day in day out. I sure as fuck dont want these degenerates anywhere near my kids. Remember how our parents taught us as kids to stay away from weirdos? They are weirdos.
This reads like the headline of a damned Onion article. Is it a joke? A drag queen can't claim to reap the benefits from feminism, not in any real way. He lives in a patriarchal society that has given him, a man, the right to fool around as a woman like it's some grand statement. I'm sure he gets insults and what have you, but he still manages to get by relatively unharmed. He's incredibly fucking privileged.
>So Important
I fucking hate this shit. It's not as obvious as "problematic" or "toxic", but it has just as much a pernicious effect on language. These are memes, the memes of the left. If seeing them is designed to rile me up, it succeeds, but it also convinces me these people are sheep, just bouncing these same words off each other over and over.
I'm not overly right wing and I'm not an edgy teenager or anything like that, but Christ, seeing this shit really pushes my buttons and makes me think society took a wrong turn somewhere.
Jon P, is this you??
literal LARPing
I've got nothing against LARPing in general, but if you're trying to teach kids something, isn't the subject matter more important than the costume you wear?
The title of the article is designed as clickbait. Its not as obvious as most but its still clickbait. Its worded like that with 'so important' because that will pique people's interest.
Its like the mobile ads on Sup Forums will show a photoshopped monstercock and will say "one dumb trick will grow your cock overnight"... Clickbait.
did you guys actually watch the video too? It makes my blood boil
Fairy Tales are target towards children, right?
Forgive me if I make fallacious syllogisms or slippery slope this bitch, but what if
>kids gain insight into trans """(((culture)))"""
>kids are less afraid of the unknown: gender dysphoria humans are now the same as "people" to them
>kids become accepting artificially, provoked by increased media awareness and rulings of schools to pls no bully trannies
>early teens kick in
>accepting of artificial rules breaks down as prefrontal develops angst and doubt for previously established feely feely good goods
>due to the neuroticism of growing older, hence why you had a "scene" phase or were a huge faggot in HS
>now "pls no bully trannies" is enticing to alpha male chadlets, and by extension their betabros
>bullying kid trannies is easy - especially given the fact they are extremely fucked up and on some drugs
>the technology need not have to catch up to prevent tranny bullying, artifical rules from social media cannot prevent the nature of man
>chadbros and betabros unite to stomp degenerate trannies, increasing suicide rates and causing the psychology association to question their diagnosis
>kikes gain even more money from this, but are left with redpilled kids in their late teens prone to Sup Forums's influences
maybe some good can come out of this horeshit, but its slippery slope as fuck
I really like this post
the comments..we are living in a Brave New World if we allow this to become mainstream opinion.. to "force acceptance amongst children"
I think this is incredibly possible, I think the younger generations entering their teens are actually more conservative than the millennials because they are rebelling against their ultra liberal parents, at least in the UK
This is full metal autism but from an analytical standpoint, it wouldn't be that hard to insert yourself into the space. Granted, the actual parade has both stationary and police escorts, often with barricades so the parade participants wouldn't couldn't be effectively targeted. If an area that isn't sufficiently barricaded and has a highly dense crowd as seen in the video, you can easily insert yourself within the crowd via back ally or set up with the building in the back.
There was hardly any police presence within the video but the location and timing would be critical for mass target saturation with low resistance. Also, the fuel they used in flamethrowers was napalm, which is easily reproduced without legal restrictions in your own garage. Once you're hit with a blast of it, you're fucked and in such a condensed area of people the death toll would be immense. Since you would have about 10 seconds of fuel, you can easily reach 30+ deaths not to mention the injury rate from the napalm.
You would obviously attract attention and if you're so inclined, you can dress your flamenwerfer up with pride flags to not draw that much attention to it.
The potential is staggering if someone were to do it.
If you have children, home school them and teach them traditional values. Teach them how to hunt, build a fire, how to work on mechanical things, how to work with wood and metals, and most importantly, how to spot leftist brainwashing propaganda and hebrew trickery
You are 100% right, these comments even remind me of the book brave new world when the main character is asking questions and he gets these childish clueless answers
Well, as long as you're giving it some thought.