We are not slavs and we are not huns!
Finnish people descendants of westerngermanic tribes. Go fuck yourself
isn't it a bit late for drunkposting, especially in the middle of the week?
Christmas isn't until the weekend
I like you.
>Hahah we are not russian. Americans ,please lick me. We are not slavshits, we are nordic and germanic!! even though we don't speak an indo-european language and Sweden have made us hostages to their own interests for centuries.
Get rekt, kike.
t. Cai Göran
You're Mongolian mixed with Hun and Germanic.
your our little sister finland
Nice halloween costumes.
WE WILL NEVER BE SLAVES.....But we will be conquerors
All Scandis (and germans to some extent) are.
Balts too. And Russians.
Oh you wish you were. Because you afe steps below them. Just a strip of woodlamd constantly conquered by the slavs, then nordics, then slavs again .
You have nothing on Russiand or Magyar
Finns are just ugro-finns , together with eesti their own group.
Just like that. Be proud of your heritage idiot. No need to scream
Don't let statistics fool you. Filled with nignogs, work stress, drug problems, alcohol is problem, sand niggers, weather is never good, people are depressed and autistic. People vote for same retarded idiots election after election, food is expensive, actually everything is expensive.
Only positive things are education/healthcare is fairly good and free and girls are very slutty meaning that even most autistic retard will get laid multiple times during his life time.
Have you Finns ever read the Hversu Noregr byggðist and Väinämöinen's mythology?
>Hversu Noregr byggðist
Doesn't ring bells but looks interesting.
>Väinämöinen's mythology?
Mandatory in primary school.
The education is actually quite shitty, and def not free.
Stop constantly making threads about Finland.
Oh? Sure there are some expenses like books and you need laptop, this and that, but overall its pretty much free compared to rest of the world. I'm from family with shitty income, one could even say white trash and yet i got masters degree.
And the most absurd thing is: They pay _YOU_ for studying. It's not much, few hundred euros month but tell me any other place on this planet (excluding nordics) where the system gives you money for studying? Thought so.
t. Ragnar Lee
Hello 40% income tax, + hundred more to gibs idiots a "free" education. "they" pay? Why dont you go kys.
And since we are where we are, must add-, that the "system", that "pays" you, means taxes after taxes, and still we cant afford it, so must lend from jews, even knowing then we are in even more deep shit, so what do we do? Tax more and get more debt.