>Jewish women less than 3% of Whitefish >"Hyuck yuck, let's get dem there JOOZ boys!" >Los Angeles: Whites less than 29% of the population >"Uh... Uh... W-white nationalism is a religion of of peace. P-please visit our website." *Pisses pants*
Bravo, stormcucks. Bravo. Way to demonstrate your yellow streak. Prepare your anus because the Feds are coming for you.
You ever see a Nazi try to fight? They run off and leave their "brothers" behind.
Jaxon Campbell
I look forward to these fucks slowly realizing that Trump doesn't give a shit about them. It's already happening.
Elijah Jones
Their demonstrations are laughable as well. Less than 20 people at best. And you can always hear the fear in their voices when they talk.
Blake Clark
Nice damage control, kike. The antics of your parasitic kind in Whitefish finally removed any sympathy I had left for you smelly hook-nosed bastards.
Kayden Green
It's why they hide in their basements and bathrooms while spreading their shit racist ideology.
Liam Hernandez
Lolnope en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Sacramento_riot >300 Antifa fucktards orchestrate an organized chimpout in response to two dozen skinheads committing thoughtcrime >Skinheads go Spartamode with their shields and knives and improvised clubs and drive the Antifa cowards away despite being outnumbered 10:1
Henry Scott
The Jews are why you're not a winner.
Caleb Price
if digits pepe rises up and kills jew
Justin Lopez
Cause really, how many people have Nazis hurt?
Cameron Campbell
kek has failed
Nolan Lewis
If anything, it's the other way around, liberals literally shake when confronting Sup Forumsacks:
Why are you even here then? Kys, mongol. You are literally wasting your time. Also you'll be amongst the first to be hanged when the time comes.
Nicholas Anderson
69 Gorilionn of course.
Jack Rogers
Fear the power of several dozen land whales screaming at you Sup Forums.
Levi Fisher
Just thought I'd break up your shit filled echo chamber for 5 seconds.
Tyler Powell
Jacob Clark
>defending the jews aka the ((((1%)))) >for free
I sure hope you ANTIFA cuckolds are at least paid.
Easton Anderson
Isaac Thompson
What's it like for everything to be a conspiracy?
Samuel Brown
>Sup Forums >echo chamber
Christian Butler
>about a quarter of posts are shitty attempts at riling up Sup Forums like this
>B-but muh echo chamber
Don't you have a biology book to destroy?
Carter Gutierrez
>That cherry picking
Nothing more satisfying than watch stormfags scatter except maybe that look of fear in their eyes when you bust their faces open.
Ian Ramirez
Chase Price
What's it like to suck the dick of a nepotist global minority with disproportionate influence and power?
Jackson Wilson
>Talks about others being I fear >Starts sweating uncontrollably at the sight of a hallway that's less than four feet across
Kekkeity kek
Dylan Bailey
Who hurt you? Only Jews?
Brandon Barnes
I thought you were against us, why are you proving our point no people were killed.
Anthony Russell
What it like to be such a fucking dumbass, that you have to shield yourself and deny from evidence presented right in front of your face? Fact is, nowadays Jews have way too much power for such a small minority of the population, and all they have done is cause problems. They need to be stripped of those power by any means necessary.
Lucas Collins
Ya and most I seen were scrawny beta white cuck bois who need a good pounding from jamal.
Easton Thompson
This place ain't an echo chamber m8 I willing to bet at least half of everyone here disagrees with me We got etho/civic nationalists We got Libertarians We got populists We've got degenerate leftist and faggots We've got leftypol and their marxist bullshit To top it off CTR hasn't left yet Add the FBI guys Then take into account Sup Forums an international thing and your echo chamber hypothesis falls flat.
Dylan Morales
You're so brave
Kayden Hill
What's it like to blame Jews for all of your problems? Sounds easy.
Parker Myers
You're so gay.
Justin Campbell
>jews are so scummy they try to pass legislation to make them immune from criticism (already law in many European countries) >HURR WHY U HAET JEWS? :^)
Angel Turner
Isaiah Taylor
What's it like to blame white males for all your problems, sounds exhaustning, is that why you eat 8k calories a day.
Mason Lopez
>mob of skinny antifa faggots throw shit at normal people >400 armored policemen protect them from the attacked 100 protesting normal people >WE WUZ LEGION!
Eli Russell
Omg I'm white and a male someone help me please, everyone is against me
Austin Kelly
Leo Long
>Posting in /leftypol/ bait thread Sage
Noah Gomez
>Picking on a Mexican Xenophobic fascist racist scum
Grayson Lopez
>Be Montana fag
Wtf someone pls explain, what happened in Whitefish?
Christian James
Xavier Gutierrez
AIDS Skrillex detected. How does it feels knowing that your God got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT 3 times?
Camden Lee
>Sup Forums is one person I'm Jewish you dumbass It's the rich globalist elite that do a lot of the shit that hurts society. The few Jews that make up that group just happen to be Jewish by chance. Don't you have things to stick up your ass? You'll need a wider pucker to take all of Tyrone's shaft
Lucas Murphy
What are you some kind of antifa faggot or something? I dont even have any dogs in the fight because i literally only know about stormfront from RFS.
Generally when you read shit like "Nothing more satisfying than watch stormfags scatter except maybe that look of fear in their eyes when you bust their faces open."
Chances are they are some 14 year old who has never actually gotten into a brawl.
Noah Nelson
I'd hate to be confused with those with a xenophobic fascist racist scum, so far and few between around here
Grayson Scott
Seriously, you guys are pretty ducking funny hahah holy shit keep it coming you guys just keep embarrassing yourselves and it's hilarious.
Henry Allen
Does anybody have that video of the lone nationalist fending off a small army of antifas in the subway?
Jaxson Williams
It's all lubed up
Carson Powell
>Blame Jews for all your problems
They were not an issue until the French Revolution and the power of global banking structure determining the fate of Nations. Jews aren't the only issue in this, there are white people who are just as guilty to paying into the system as well. Jews are neurotic assholes, but some of them can be based. Like 100,000 or so who joined the German Army under Hitler...
Gabriel Powell
For people who hate cops and claim to oppose "boot licking", they sure seem to rely on them. No wonder, they went up against National Action and got the shit kicked out of them over and over again, so they cried to the British gubbamint to have them banned.
Tyler Brooks
Let's play a game, post what the purple poster most likely looks like, I'll start
Jonathan Wright
Sup Forums is a board that celebrates multiculturalism, shitlord.
Sebastian King
Logan Price
Thanks for the opposition's viewpoints it was very enlightening Did you just assume its gender?
Cameron Edwards
Dominic Lopez
> Ifunny logo > Autistic adhom > Angry about stormfront for..some reason? > Makes some classest bullshit comment *sniff* *sniff*
I Smell a Varg nearby...
Adrian Hughes
Fucking cali fags
Christopher Carter
Enjoy your pathetic shit filled lives. I'm sure the God emperor will make everything better for you.
Logan Bennett
Why the hell do people get lip piercings? It's unbearable enough to have chapped lips or a cold sore.
Logan Thompson
Look at the fucking diagram presented to you, by the mexican. They own atleast 50% of big companies and logically 50%+ of our problems can be traced to them. Freedom of religion and culture granted to them by Europe has caused most of these problem. Honestly I don't even give shit about them if they stop medling in our affairs and GTFO our countries. The ruling elite causes nothing but trouble, and they provide funding and support for liberal degeneracy. No one is blamming their personal problems on fucking kikes. Jews have created socialism and cultural marxism, two majore enemies of the West.
Nicholas Jones
No, we're just free of the impulse to violate the law. Normal people are not so narcissistic as to believe they are above the law. I can't even call you a nigger, because I'm sure, statistically, antifas commit more violent crimes by ratio than niggers. There are a LOT of niggers, and they are VERY lazy...
Jonathan Torres
That's a very intolerant attitude. Do you want people to disagree peacefully, or disagree violently? I'm no stormfag (you can believe that or not, I don't really care), but it seems you guys are the utter cunts in all of this, as usual.
Hudson Bell
i wish the jews would promote this body image
Jayden Ramirez
Do you hear that
That's the sound of a fat,friendless SJW quietly sobbing in front of their Mac book pro because they got
Gavin Turner
Lincoln Bell
What stormcucks don't fucking grasp is that there are different kinds of Jews with different goals and ideals.
Its no surprise retards like you can't comprehend the difference between a Marx, Rothschild, and Netanyahu
Stormcucks are the biggest pussies I have ever seen. I saw one of you browsing and taking great amusement from Sup Forums a couple years back in class and he was easily the biggest faggot in the school
Jeremiah Scott
I can't tell anymore if its just shitposting for guaranteed replies or if SJWs are actually trying to raid this Thai Elephant Riding board
Grayson Walker
>gets BTFO by anons from the mongolian woodcarving chatroom >"NO U ARE THE PATHETIC ONES"
Awww, did ANTIFA manbabby gor his fweewings hurt?
Noah Peterson
Why are leftists so absolutely pathetic and unfunny? Why can't they make a good meme? Why are they so serious? At least when people are autistic within our ranks they're funny. The leftists and antifa are just sad.
Brayden Martin
How the fuck did you know he was a Stormfag? Do you creep on other's computer screens Jesus man
Christopher Robinson
>What stormcucks don't fucking grasp is that there are different kinds of Jews with different goals and ideals.
What centercucks don't fucking grasp is that all these different kinds of jews, while not a hivemind, DO play for team jew and are willing to fucking stamp out anyone who stands in the way of their interests, from a Palestinian farmer to a pro-white activist who dares speak against their own demographic replacement.
Dominic Anderson
>all this butthurt It's like a show right now
Logan Fisher
Andrew Foster
Stormcucks are the biggest pussies I have ever seen. I saw one of you browsing and taking great amusement from Sup Forums a couple years back in class and he was easily the biggest faggot in the school
Unlike you, some lonely land whale getting amusing from trying (and failing) to troll that same board.
David Walker
Landon Peterson
Well you're no better then him considering you're here. Also i'm not really Stormfront, but I would prefer National Socialism any day over jewish socialist degeneracy. I know for a fact that both Marx and the Rothschilds cause more evil then good. As for Netanyahu I'll repeat again, I don't give a shit what he does as long as he doesn't meddle in Europe's affairs.
Benjamin Lewis
> the Feds are coming for you.
Looks like they have a month left, because something tells me President Trump has better things to use the FBI for than to harass some alt-right internet trolls.
Josiah Murphy
>What did he mean by this
Dominic Allen
>telling one of the most economically literate subgroups that they need to "learn a lesson on economics" kek
Nathaniel Williams
its satire and i didn't make it :>)
Zachary Peterson
If you're hitting the bottom of that thing you might as well claim your own island in the Pacific
Cooper Richardson
>Marx, Rothschild, and Netanyahu I don't hate jews. But in general, they'll side with each other against you. You could say that about every race, but not ever race has an elite embedded in influential positions in every country, and a homeland they've made by pushing its inhabitants out. That's not a conspiracy, that's utterly indisputable.
Nobody ever notices though, raiding Sup Forums is just pissing into an ocean of piss
Blake Sanders
We are being slid because CIA agents were captured in Aleppo and have been publicly named.
Nathaniel Turner
stfu coward
Oliver Clark
Tolerance is for pacifists
Nicholas Green
that was me bro. I could fuck your ass if I wanted to.
Kayden Robinson
Stormers really are huge cowards
Liam Russell
>Picking on middle age women Ishygddt
Aaron Jackson
Nice try Ahmed
Daniel Howard
I don't think you understand
We want to kill the jews AND the muslims
Alexander Foster
Best is to have the muslims and the jews kill each other and then take out the winner. Kind of like what they're trying to do with us through Merkel.
Nathan Clark
We're winning hard. Smacking Leftist teeth out of their mouths, taking your cities, taking your states, undoing your laws.
Our victory is total. Your only scrabbling chance at regaining ground is to lie and say that we are betrayed when we are clearly getting everything we want.
Watching you laughable cumdrinkers struggle and scream as we break your fingers is delicious. Keep screaming. Keep rioting. Keep giving us excuses to kill you and showing the rest of America that we're right.
Of course I don't have to order you to do this, you have every intention of doing it yourself. You don't NEED to be told to act against your own interests--you're a Leftist, it's all you're good at.