Map of White People

Red = white.

Everywhere else = non-white.

>med master race
>not white
Your loss.

Slavs are white.

Sorry but not anymore m8

> France
> White


>southern Germany


Where considered white now? Sweet where do I get my white privilege checks from?


>divide and conquer threads started by kikes

Please go back to seizing up you goblin

Fuck Drumpf and Fuck white people.

> anglos
> white
pick one

Most of the people on this board have an improper understanding of what white people are. Since you haven't included any Mediteranean states (even though they are white too), I'm assuming you're going for purely the Aryan/Norman/Celtic/Anglo-Saxon/Germanic part. You should have included a bit of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary then.


If your country isn't predominantly protestant, it might as well be african

Southern France is 'white'? Paris is 'white'? Fuck off.

>not the vanguard of the white race
You're not even trying Schlomo



close, but it's too much.

Protestantism is collaboration with kikes to subvert the Christian church. Get out Chaim.




All started because the Christian church was too rich for Martin Luther's liking, my God your onto something here

Why not top of Sweden, you know there's a river stretching all across the Swedish-Finnish border.

>fagspeakinglanguage people (french)








Iceland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland and Norway are pretty white yeah

Daily reminder that Anglo-Saxons are originally a Germanic people who migrated to England

Bulgars aren't white.
South Italians definitely ARE white, they're based Mediterranean DNA, not shitskin Turkic / Mudlime DNA like you get in the Balkans
Balearics, Corsica, Sardinia are all white.

Everything else is pretty spot on though. I didn't include Macedonia in mine, but I can see the argument for doing so, since they're mostly Christian.

Not an Anglo there buddy.

I never called you non-white but did forget you.. my bad

>implying Austria is white but not Czech Republic



>Sweden, France, Germany, Britain

That's before Germany was infested by Turks, my friend.

>Baltic States
>Not white


That's fucking rich user.

Not sure what retard made this map, but is wrong at all levels.

Also, I am white, and I don't give a fuck about your stupid map.

Every fucking time

Balts are closely related to Slavs, but I guess they're alright. It's not that significant

Looks like a map of cuckoldrey

You must've been cucked by a bulgarian to think this rofl

And Macedonia is 100% a Bulgarian territory, same language, same culture, same genes.

The irony of the man on flag looking like any number of given surrendermen. He's basically just missing the Citroen.

What exactly does this mean, that everyone has 10% Slav in them?

Without renascence, piano and violin there is no sense in being white

This is the only correct choice

It's the most common haplogroup among Slavic speaking people, hence can be classified as "slav-haplogroup", I'd assume

>everyone has 10% slav in them

Europeans are all pretty closely related anyway.

Is this a map of the masterrace?

If you think Baltics aren't white you're retarded beyond saving. Blue eyes literally evolved in the Baltics region, and blonde hair evolved near by as well.

Poland, Belarus and Ukraine are whiter nowadays than Britain, certainly much whiter than London or Paris.

Czechs have more German blood than Slavic blood, same for Slovenians.

Yeah probably because of the Sami people herding reindeers n shiiet, not like we need to change the border for that.

> protestants


6 0 %
0 0 0
% 0 6


How come only white guys are serial killers? I mean, a nigger that's in a gang that kills a bunch of people over a long period of time, why is he not a serial killer? Or like that nigger in Washington that was sniping white people from his car with that other nigger--why weren't they called serial killers?

based CoE

White = cuck. Pretty accurate map, M. Night Famalan


Like you have any room to talk Pierre, you're being overrun sandniggers, and you frog-eaters do nothing to stop them. At least, we voted in someone who's going to stop the flood of Pacos and send them back.

remove finland plz, that's embarrassing


Also OP is a typical burger being a cretin.
Eastern europe, even russia is more white than you anglo-jew-nigger-spic-indian-irish-german mongrels will ever be.
Russians are white.
Finns are white.
Mighty Magyars are white
Italians are white
You arent
Fuck off burger

Can I get an understanding of why slavs aren't white? I'm from Korea and you all look like the same shit. I don't expect people to be able to tell me and chink apart. How am I suppose to tell a slav and a Anglo apart? You all look like the same shit

>there will never be union between the green countries


Why are americans and brits so obsessed with whiteness even though the UK is 80% white and the US is only 60% white?

>it's the most of europe isn't white thread


Try opening your eyes




The Irish are not white ffs

>Someone help, the White people are talking about race!

They're not. A strict majority of US serial killer since 1990 have been Blacks.

I open me eyes to a clean city not riddled with crime and with irrelevancy. Americunts literally hate you so much they make up lies to shit on your country. Meanwhile I got a mile long path of korean kpop k drama worshipping white cucks handing me $$ and kissing my little dainty feet

Some of them not are pure

>poo in loo
>talking about what's white

well you definitely know what's brown

As a man of anglo-aryan descent, I have respect for mediterraneans. They have slightly darker skin but they are still whites, look at all they accomplished.

>Human beings

Are you stupid.
Its a pol meme.Pol loves who is more white flamewars and trolling obviously qhite people as not white. Its naziaboo autism
It has zero to do with real life objective reality.

If Balts aren't white, then I don't know who is.

TFW My profile looks like the middle one and i have no saxon blood in me at all.

>Not knowing the difference between shitposting and actual divide and conquer tactics

I don't have a problem with talking about race; I have a problem with infighting amongst caucasians.

Remember, the overwhelming majority of people killed by the Nazis were white.

Nice try, no matter how much shitpost i see i know everyone loves Brasil outside Sup Forums


>russians and finns among the whitest ,more white than germans ans frenchies
Pol get rekt ,autismos


Have fun getting beheaded by Mohammad Ahmed Mohammed when you leave your home tomorrow. At least we have a means to defend ourselves here in the States.

both seem pretty nice desu, if anything it was probably better to be nordic savage living in a small community than a poor plebian in rome. at least you were free.

What did he mean by this


The "far eastern" is still much more exotic than "near eastern" though.

This is the Caucasian Average. While this might be something you strive for, it's not what I have in mind.

Are you stupid there have been a fuck ton of black serial killers especially in recent years.

1. I'm not even racist, but a black dude in the hood who aspires to be a serial killer is going to get caught quickly. They don't think as deep about violent actions as white folk do, especially serial killers.
2. A serial killer has a strict definition, its not just a dude who kills a bunch of people. Fucking Wikipedia that shit for the in depth but a 17 year old who kills 3 people in Chiraq on behalf of his gang would be considered a hitman or just a violent gang member. They don't kill to rape the bodies after or to satisfy some sick sexual urge. They want the money and loyalty to their gang or whatever the fuck.

Americans and Swedes aren't white either.


>it's a "White = not white" thread
White is white, and fucking Red certainly isn't white. You can't fool me there.


bs map

Mexico es blanco?

its bs

just look at iceland