Hillary won the popular vote.
By almost 3,000,000.
Get rekt, drumpflets.
Hillary won the popular vote.
By almost 3,000,000.
Get rekt, drumpflets.
Other urls found in this thread:
>By almost 3,000,000.
She was only 20,000 away from it still not mattering.
Doesn't matter
Are we STILL going on about this bullshit?
Trump won with real people. Dems won with ballot box stuffing and illegals.
Get rekt
Guess it just shows how out of touch California is with the rest of the country.
subtract the dead people and illegals and trump wins
illegals dont count
I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only December. Does not having the lead in December count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still in the running right now and she has been the best politician in the DNC for how many years now? She’s running against one of the worst politicans in the GOP who just happens to have a lead because he’s feeding off the energy of Election Day. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking politicians in the America, she won the popular vote this year and would of won the election if the black vote didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, a petition for the Electoral College to vote Hillary reached 4 million signatures to save the nation, just like in 1836. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hillary topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the politican because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these Hillary supporters on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
First off, sage.
second, when will losers get tired of this meme/bait?
No one cares, smart people aren't triggered by this.
>wins popular vote by plurality
holy fuck shitlery, you couldn't even go over the 50% threshold
>muh illegal alien votes
>muh double ran ballots
>muh dead people voting 3 times
>Muh 3 million
>Muh 3 million votes entirely based out of California made by illegals and corpses
>why won't you accept muh 3 million
Just as bad as Jews.
and all 3 million more votes came from california.
how much of those are from from illegals?
and she still lost it all...get fucked hillbot
i'm not even ctr but that image is so bad
Butthurt as FUCK CTR detected.
How does it feel to be such a failure you can't even afford to feed your wife's children?
Captcha: Spinning road. A fitting metaphor.
>waah California
you lost get over it
7 million confirmed illegal votes for hillary plus 2 million dead votes, stfu and kill yourself
>Landmass matters more than population
She still got less than Obama's votes, 2008 AND 2012.
Worst candidate, fucking kek.
So what? She lost with the rules.
If we go by popular vote, that means Commiefornia will win every election.
Also how are they going to safeguard the election if lets say a candidate wins by 1 fucking vote?
Being ignorant of the rules of the game is not the fault of the game, it is your own.
kill yourself newfag
Clinton got just short of 70,000 votes compared to Obama, while Trump got 2 million more votes than Romney
This argument is so weak.
1. The difference between Trump and Clinton is still half of the 3rd party vote totals.
2. Half of eligible voters cast ballots. So that 2% is really 1% of "the people".
This is hot air to make Michael Moore's asscheeks flap.
>unironically citing Snopes
I dont even agree with that guy but you're a fool to believe anything on that site
Trump won more states than Obama did in 2008
Seriously, look it up
Trump got 30 Obama got 28
Factor out California and Trump won by 1.8 million votes.
seriously don't trust anything that doesn't have "stormer" in the title
>thinking that the popular vote means anything
>not knowing what a federal republic is or how it works
>posting the same exact thread ten times a day for over a month because you literally don't have any relevant arguments
sage and hide boys
20% of my county voted Trump, the tears on Nov 9th were delicious
the people chose electors
Trump won the electoral vote.
By 77 electors.
Get rekt, shillbots.
I bet you're so proud that there are so many liberals who live in Commiefornia.
I was the smartest kid in summer school
Same difference.
>The people chose Hillary
The states chose Trump. You retards still don't get it, do you? This is going to be a glorious 8 years.
It's because of the one party state that is California. Hillary is a regional candidate and the electoral college did exactly what they were supposed to do. Instead of trying so hard to win California, which always goes democrat, she should have spent some more time or even effort elsewhere. Like honestly, how fucking stupid are you to think that someone who campaigns in only a few states should win everything?
>(((David Wasserman)))
Hillary won the popular vote of California
By almost 3,000,000
Hillary is president of California
Whats wrong with her fucking eyes?
This is what happens when your campaign staff and candidate insist on doing stupid things like believing their own push-polls and sending campaign money to reinforce guaranteed states.
Is this satire? At some point autistic insanity bleeds over into cutting edge art.
sage this thread and all like it. This sAme shit shows up here out of boredom, oh, 6000000 times a day.
Hillary who?
>winning the election
>getting rekt
pick 1
>millennials say we need to pay attention to minorities more
>turns out there are fewer trump supporters than hillary supporters,making them a minority
>millennials throw tantrums
>almost 3 million popular vote lead
so exactly the 3 million illegal immigrants who vote for her?
intriguing how much effort they put into providing "perspective" while also proving the number 57 is inaccurate but they go through gyrations to not do the simple arithmetic to show what the truth is. Which I believe they usually would do.
Is this relevant ?
It's a lie. Liberals lie so much it's pathetic.
And she still couldn't win even though it was rigged in her favor.
Lost the election 3 times (election day, recount day, and electoral college) and has the most faithless electors in over 100 years.
Please do keep going on.
Popular vote doesn't mean shit until there are voter ID laws.
shes the biggest loser!
also, sage
too bad she didn't get votes where it counts.
For "the most qualified candidate in American history" you'd think she would know how to campaign properly after being in politics for decades.
Instead her hubris got the best of her and clouded her judgment, thus ensuring her fail. To be frank, with the massive praise the media heaped on her, the fact alone that she lost the election is perhaps what disqualifies her the most. If she were truly a shrewd and adept politician she would not have made the mistakes she did which caused her to lose. Imagine what else her hubris would have cost us had she been elected.
Do you want a cookie? Serious question. What exactly do you want, sir?
Hillary won't be President.
Get stumped faggot.
californians aren't people please nuke us
say it with me "president trump"
>Unironically pushing the "Russian hackers" meme
Its insane how quickly that brainwashing went off.
Fucking newfags
It's an old ass copypasta from 2008 I think, the original was complaining about Obama.
>Lefties become intolerant of other opinions
>They move out of swing states for the big lefty cities so that they don't have to face them and circlejerk in their safe space for life
>They cry because the swing states go red
Yup we sure dodged a bullet
Only in California
Only from illegals and dead people and spam voters
cool post OP. Where are the stats that say you are a faggot?
>did Hillary already lose?
Yes. She lost the election AND the electoral vote.
Hillary won the nationwide popular vote because she won California
California is not America, demographically or culturally
Every time I go on twitter to see what trump will say, otherwise I would never go on that shit site, I always see idiots spouting this OVER and OVER
when will someone blow them the fuck out?
> trump beat hillary in having a penis competition
> mfw this competition determines the winner more than popular vote competition
> mfw demotards blown the fuck out
If we did another election today, this time based on the popular vote, Trump would win by 6 million popular votes.
There would be massive, massive republican and independent turnout in blue states.
Only half the holocaust Jews voted for Hillary then
You'd have a case if she had won a true majority, but more people voted against her than for her
>i disagree with the cia because it doesn't fit my narrative
epic, stay #woke
This. You do realize that George Soros literally owns Snopes, right? RIGHT??
take away california, new york, and illinois and trump won by a landslide
Every swing state he won he won by the slimmest of margins.
still counts. landslide in 2020.
people are tired of the racial division, and want to go back to american individualism.
that's what making america great again means.
All these extra votes are from california.
It just takes 5 votes from each of these illegals. When you risk being deported, 5 votes can be worth the risk (even though they don't understand what is electoral college).
Less if you count all the leftists faggots who spent their days voting in different offices because muh adolf drumpfler
She was the best loser. Hurray.
You can't say get rekt when you fucking lost.
no matter how much you annoying fucking liberals piss, whine and moan, HILLARY CLINTON STILL LOST AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!!!
She couldn't even get majority.
Nobody won popular vote
She's fucking loser in every way possible.