You can run a Mac OS on a computer that was manufactured with the intent to run a Windows OS, like a Dell...

You can run a Mac OS on a computer that was manufactured with the intent to run a Windows OS, like a Dell. And you can do vice versa.

So why can't a male brain contain a female gender, and vice versa?

Virtualization =/= Human Psyche

u r gay?


Never go full retard.


You can Run different OSes on different machines, but the hardware is not compatible and you're going to experience lots of crashes.

You can put Windows firmware on an Apple product's motherboard and it will function.

Using MAC os on a PC, in other words brain damage

Think about this, if you can. Analogies are not an example of thinking.

why are you giving any room to this retarded comparison?

in any case, this is better

>makes you bleed money

apple = women, you got that right at least OP

Gender dysphoria is an acknowledged phenomenon. You do suffer glitches as a result of running programming that isn't native to your hardware.

We need to format before installing a new OS , so let's start with you.

jus use LINUX

>biochemistry is less complex than silicon chips

Just shut up you ignorant mongoloid. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

Because male and female are determined by chromosomes. It's objective, empirical, scientifically proven, and not a matter of opinion. Believe it or not, humans and computers are not the same. I know that might be hard for your defective liberal brain to process. Take your time.

installing osx on a lenovo doesn't make an apple logo magically appear on the case

>Everybody in this thread bitching at me without citing sources

Say there's a strong, temporary hormone imbalance during formation of the fetus's brain. Have there been any studies that would indicate that this does or does not influence the formation of psyche that will linger after the hormone imbalance has been corrected?

As a first step, you have to format the hard disk

>You can run a Mac OS on a computer that was manufactured with the intent to run a Windows OS
>So why can't a male brain contain a female gender, and vice versa?
Behavior is mostly genetic. An operating system is code. So is DNA. But you can't uninstall a person's DNA.

Both brains need to be running TempleOS.

no one is saying gender dysphoria doesnt exist, we are saying your analogy is stupid.

And when any disorder like that lead to body mutilation, (sex change surgery), there is a fucking problem.

you can think you are a women, live with it, and idk, use it to do faggoty shit and make money, just dont cut your dick off.

Does their brain contain a different set of chromosomes than the rest of their body? If not, what makes someones brain a different gender?

....oh god....

why i keep doing this

...every cell in your body was a full copy of the DNA, except Red blood cells.

Gender is not some software that you have on your brain. It's physical. My ps4 has a motherboard, an HD, ram memory and USB ports, but it's not a computer because it was built on a completely different way and optimized to do it's job.

I can understand a man liking taking it up the ass and being an oversensitive faggot, it's probably in their brain and you can't really chose what makes your dick erect
But just because you think that you are a pretty girl doesn't mean you are one. You need an uterus.

Slide thread

females are big endian
males are little endian

inb4 ur too stupid to get it

The chemical and electrical feedback mechanisms having been permanently changed by the chemical imbalance proposed in this scenario: Everybody acknowledges that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome permanently affects the brain.

because anyone who uses a mac OS on a windows computer is just about as mentally ill as someone who pretends to be a female in a male body


die foolish barney

ChromeOS > Windows & Mac