what does this mean for us
What does this mean for us
>changed Glenn Beck
He's a liberal now?
it's just a throwaway word so liberals don't have to feel bad about teaming up with him.
A comedian and a Mormon cry baby are going to fight for political correctness.
Sounds right to me.
I guess Glenn must have went back to his coke-snorting degenerate alcoholic ways. It's a damn shame not everyone can hang with the Mormon lifestyle.
>Samantha bee and her husband opposed school integration when niggers could have been bussed into their children's school
democrat city is extremely segregated
Chicago north side (white) and south side (black)
NY manhattan Chelsea and Midtown
(is mostly whites ratio of whites to blacks is ridiculous)
california white suburb and soutern california (East LA)
None of these communities wish to integrate with each other
And reason why income inequality so high is
sociopath liberal yuppie don't give a shit about poor shitskin people
Reminder that Glenn Beck was always CIA controlled opposition from the beginning.
He realized that playing the role of batshit evangelical christfags doesn't sell anymore, so he's now transitioning into his new role of batshit SJW cuck.
>fat ass eating ice cream and crying over Trump
Ted Cruz got over it, and he's Beck's George Washington.
Nothing because Beck is a faggot that turned his back on Trump early in the race and this is his attempt to stay relevant.
I see they are training hard to satisfy Trump in the near future.
Beck has always been a liberal.
That headline is from Breitbart.
It means that Glenn Beck's career is over.
The left will keep him around as their token "conservative" for a while to have him sing and dance against Trump while he alienates anyone on the right by being a Hollywood shill. Then the left will tire of him, throw him aside and he'll never work again.
Crushing our enemies, seeing them driven before us, and hearing the lamentations of their women
How drunk is he in this photo?
Ever since I found out Beck is a Mormon I can't take the guy seriously.
>Reminder that Glenn Beck was always CIA controlled opposition from the beginning.
Glen Beck is or was part of the Conservative Political Entertainment Complex raking in millions until Trump came along.
lots of lulz
>everything Beck predicted never happened
>went 100% for a candidate that lost and ended up supporting Trump anyway
>his "media empire" is crumbling faster than cornbread
Before Beck was more discrete about his politically correct and leftist shilling (talking about how Lincoln and MLK were "conservatives" lol), but now he has to go full SJW to stay relevant.
Fucking fail
He also started going soft on Obama, and not just recently.
Now Obama's no longer the threat to the American way of life he was.
This guy's been batshit forever, but I ditched his ass after the Eric Massa incident on his show.
Actually Bee is so freaked out by Trump that's she's backing down off her high horse to hear the otherside. It was actually pretty nice to hear then together on air.
Time to call my local radio station to drop his show.
He's just a glorified morning zoo crew douche, who was smart enough to ride the anti-obama train to fame with conservatives.
Now that his star has faded, he's going to attempt to do the same thing with Liberals and Trump.
Nothing. It means that Glenn Beck is officially finished. After getting sued by his own company, the man has lost his mind and no longer a voice conservatives will listen to.
-not that he ever really was.
He is the new David Brock
It means we've gotten to see Beck go full liberal retard.
And we win again, and again, and again.
>taking heads being faithless
They are actors. They're advice comes from a teleprompter. You should never listen to them from the beginning
*Alleged comedian
When Fox News dumps your ass, you really know you're fucked.
It was only a matter of time before he went full circle and became a leftist faggot again
>getting sued by his own company
How does this even happen?
Bob Beckel is example of that
Nothing. Death comes soon.
He was fairly liberal before Fox News. I forget what channel he was on. CNBC I think.
can we now refer to anti trump conservatives as Uncle Glenns?
Mormon scum.
They need to be wiped out along with the Muslims and Kikes.
>what does this mean for us
KEKs upon KEKs upon KEKs
I thought Glenn was supposed to an hero
Jesus, we really flipped liberals into some weird kind of insane regressive pseudo-neocons, didn't we?
the cuck could not handle temptations of the bull, so he has switched to the dark erm black side
That's where you're wrong. once he has hit a certain age he can use the Mormon card to secure a snug radio host position somewhere while he makes his obama term shekels last.
the only thing ever conservative about him was his adherence to the Constitution which he thinks is a divine document sent from God.
His radio show is pretty much Mormon Daily Show, since his media """empire"""" had completely fallen to shit, he might as well milk desperate leftist for ad revenue.
>implying it isn't
So when is he going to have a sex change?
He's lost all the money he made at Fox financing his own shitty channel. Now hes saying and doing anything he can to get those sheckles. He's broke as a joke.
WOW Billy, your mom let's you have TWO irrelevant pundits on your TV show?
Top lel
Samantha Bee ahahaha she is my favourite female comedian she's so funny xD
get on my level n00b Amy Schumer is the shit :D :D :D
i raise you Sarah Silverman ;p
>conservative political entertainment complex
Nobody's listened to this faggot for almost 5 years, he faded into irrelevancy. Limbaugh on the other hand is raking in shekels and gives free iPhones to every caller
God i'm glad I always saw through that faggot.
Limbaugh for better or worse will be the last man standing.
Same here. Never jumped on the Beck bandwagon, always thought he was a retarded faggot charlatan clown from the moment I saw him all those years ago. Glad I was finally proven right.
>He started his TV career on CNN
>He only became critical of Obama after his victory over Hillary
>His criticisms of Hillary are anemic
>He and his two radio yesmen laugh about the mile-wide trail of blood behind the Clinton ascent to power and how it's a crazy conspiracy theory that no one should believe
>Backed the Cuban-Canadian who actually had no chance of winning in the general election
>Backed the guy in Utah who literally had no chance of winning after that, saying that if it results in Hillary winning it was "At least a moral choice."
>Viciously against Hillary's only real competition
>Is currently sperging out on a daily basis about every choice and tweet Trump makes after claiming that he would have a clean slate
His actions are exactly what would be expected of controlled opposition.
>Samantha "don't want my kids to do trig with a nig" Bee
This. The hypocrite.
fuck off faggot
Exactly. People should remember that next time they throw accusations at AJ.
And... just like that... a meme is born.
Let's make this happen, faggots.
Oh, and I forgot:
>Has become a BLM apologist and says the current generation must bear the guilt of slavery
Can confirm.
I was going through the stations one day and landed upon this bullshit. Couldn't believe it but then I remembered this guy is batshit fucking insane.
Dont forget when he and rat face Cruz went to the border with soccer balls and teddys for all the "children".
Literally who? Fuck these liberals.
It's in quotations
>fail for 18 months to stump trump
>'w-we're the resistance, j-join us, we failed for a year and a half straight b-but we'll stump trump, promise'
Liberals are a new demographic target for Mormons. Strike while they're vulnerable.
It means the globalists are really fucking desperate and the comedy of errors continues.