/leftypol/ is assblasted again

>/leftypol/ is assblasted again

kek You would think they would be used to the feeling by now.

What the fuck is leftypol?

/leftypol/ is a board on cripplechan for left-wing leaning parasites. (God damn it, Sup Forums, I'm not spam!)

russian stalinist here

ask me

What are they gonna do? Make more commie threads on here?

Thanks bud!

never been on /leftypol/ are they cultural marxists or proper commies?

The faggots from 2^3chan who keep spamming those communist generals here during their raids.

There are both but I've heard they sometimes ban Strasserists and Stalinists for being racist.

Why havent you resurrected Lenin yet?
What are you witing for?
We all know that's the reason you're keeping him all boxed up and fresh as a cucumber.

>Why havent you resurrected Lenin yet?
If only we could...

Maximum cancer


>Stalinists for being racist.

Out of curiosity, what do you think of Trotsky?
Obviously Stalin was no fan, but personally what do you think about his ideas?



Well, in fact I think that the assasination of Trotsky was an unnecessary act as well as his exile. Some kind of political isolation would be enough.

He was good in action during the civil war as the founder of the Red Army, but after the war, as bureaucrat, his idealistic and even opportunistic ideas would have caused more harm than good.

So, despite being stalinist, my opinion on Trotsky is not so negative.

What do you think on Stalin hating the Jews?

He didnt hate Jews. Dont confuse antisemetism and antizionism. So Stalin had antizionist views.

How are they assblasted? What happened?

hahaha buncha faggos

They have started raiding full throttle for no apparent reason which makes me suspect they are butthurt over Trump oficially becoming president.


i wanna fug the frogg

I never go on leftypol, do they get raided as often as they """raid""" us?

right wing safety squad started reporting their homebases for their flagrant fire code violations and making them safe again, for some reason they aren't a fan of safety

fuck the left

I just spent a hour reading their board them cunts are fucking more delusional then a weebshit beating it to his favorite 2-d girlfriend.

Aren't they always?

Stalin was a right winger, dumbass.

Saved. So we're still compromised.

You know that better, "not dumbass", sure.

If it's so easy to find out their discussions and prepare for what ever minor annoyances they'd do to us, why do they insist on raiding us? We know that they're going to, and it would have no effect on us, yet they keep doing it. Are they genuinely retarded or something? They're like children who announce to their parents that they're going to punch the family dog, and when they do it, they get smacked across the ass and sent to bed.

They actually believe since most the dumbass on here LARP as NAZIs that they can get them to become commies or so leftist shit.
They plan on being here every day posting /leftypol/ threads and looking for weak cucks to turn.
You should read their board those fucks are retarded.

>You should read their board those fucks are retarded.

It's probably people like pic related.

That's exactly what they are. Spoiled children.

I swear to God that if they just hold a summer camp over here in Vietnam or in China, they'll stop looking towards communism.


What's funny is once they start and finish their ""revolution"" they expect to be given positions as bureaucrats or government officials instead of starving peasants or factory workers.

Or the first batch of gulag prisoners.


Because they live.

>since most the dumbass on here LARP as NAZIs
Yes, we're only "LARP"ing. You give yourself away, shill.


Not making any head way with your debating cucks in becoming Stalinist lefty faggot?
You forget I read your threads and know your call everyone I disagree with a shill game.

Bunch of idiotic beta children.

They shitpost from cripplechan and make communist threads here on Sup Forums. Then they basically argue with themselves trying to bait a newfag or two. When they do they go back to cripplechan in triumph saying how they managed to "troll XDDD those stupid nazi fucks".

In the end of the day, they wasted energy and did absolutely nothing. Typical communist behaviour.

Oh, and they also make really bad lefty leaning memes that are just reskins of Sup Forums memes.

They will have to like it after all, or Commissariat Jamal will have to execute them publicly to warn the others of their non-compliant behaviors.

Either outcome is far more generous than what they'll actually recieve. They don't call these people useful idiots for nothing.