If these two nations ever decided to put aside their differences, all of Europe would tremble at their might. Nobody could stop these two countries from taking over Europe and the world.
If these two nations ever decided to put aside their differences, all of Europe would tremble at their might...
count us in!
>The eternal satanic jew uniting with the eternal bloodsucker jew
Never gonna happen.
One can dream.
Das Rite
>The eternal stupid hispanic uniting with the eternal lazy nigger
You actually think that could ever happen ever? Puh-leezeeee. Keep dreaming.
fuck off
>If these two nations ever decided to put aside their differences, all of Europe would tremble at their might.
Remember when we asked you twice in a row and you refused both times causing both world wars?
fun times
remember when it caused the lefties the rise and you to lose your empire?
fun times
I think you're 100 years late
What differences do we need to put aside?
Britain and Germany have been on the same side of history for 70 years, and mostly agreeing on the details.
Things are still fucked for both countries.
>same side of history
fuck off back to tumblr, scum
I'm white and thankfully not of germanic or anglo descent.
This isn't 1914 or 1939 lad. The UK and Germany don't suffer from "differences" - they suffer from having too much in common with each other and the rest of cucked Western Europe.
Yeah but Germany keeps trying to unite Europe, and an united Europe is bad for the UK.
TL;DR: Germany wants to destroy europe because of inferiority complex and Anglos because they are too lazy to actually work.
Nice fanfic, faggot
Two things I've never seen
1) A good german
2) A british with decent teeth
So basically
>The EU.
Can you imagine the military technology
My yellow teeth are still whiter than your skin
Now that you have left the EU, the Russians would make a much better choice. They're better than the Germans in just about everything anyway.
>pic at lower right
Holy shit, is that Victor Wooten?
>Remember when we asked you twice in a row and you refused both times causing both world wars?
fun times
No but I do remember when Germany invaded Belgium disregarding the 1839 London treaty guaranteeing the neutrality and sovereignty of Belgium and treating it as some kind of joke and having it's shit pushed in by the triple-entente, resulting in your country being blockaded and your populace starving to death resorting to eating horses on the streets and then your land carved up.
>fun times
Imagine if the (((american revolution))) never happened and the British Empire went on to conquer the entire world.
Think of the advances in technology that a total war would create.
We could all be shitposting from our Royal space yachts if it wasn't for you.
>Google search "average british teeth"
The only reason you aren't speaking German is because
1. Hitler did not obliterate your entire fleet when he had a chance.
2. USA entered
Considering you'll soon be speaking Spanish, and we Arabic, I can't see why "not speaking German" is such a good thing.
I'm afraid you're mistaken, we rebelled and left the (((British Empire))), which was actually owned by the Rothschilds.
Tavistock mind control. That's the only way to do it. Use your evil British wizardry for good. I sincerely doubt you will.
This. Damn British always trying to start up that empire again.
I've never met a good British.
fuck off
England ist der Hauptfeind
Every problem will be fixed with Empire, whether it requires fixing or not.
They're alright people but fairweather friends.
Good. I hope you are happy with the new one.
you'll get your Eurocaliphate someday, Ahmed
They broke a treaty you fucking mong tyrone and we had to save you fags as well
60% americuckistan you are my slaves
We can agree that French people are rude pounces and smell bad, that is all.
nonono let norge in. We gonna need him for arctic bases and oil. (also he hates the fucking danish)
Gott strafe England! etc, etc
I've yet to come to that conclusion.
Off by one
>the BR says he's white
Prepare to be subjugated I mean liberated.
Humanity dies soon so...maybe not.
Ponce, check your spelling Nige.
WTF I love France now.
Americans wont be speaking spanish, they'll just be speaking a dumber version of english probably similar to the ways apes communicate
Protestants who have driven moral relativism and materialism to the extreme would collapse under the weight of their degeneracy. This is what we are observing now - the end of protestants
family feud, asshole.
won't can't unable 2 habbening.
merkel is hitlers daughter.
hitler is uk queens' cousin
Except arabs and pakis :^)
America was pretty much Anglo-teutonic with some celt and became the greatest country in the world
Scary thought.
...what about all the black people? :D
this would stop
That's what the EU is faggot
>Brit/pol/ user votes leave
>makes this thread
They won't let it.
>The only reason you aren't speaking German is because
Maybe so, but you'd still be speaking English
Krauts and Britcucks are two insanely different breeds. It's a partnership that will never happen no matter how much you want it to. From their habits and their manners to their sense of humour to their way of living, they could not be more different to one another. All the Germans I've met would be classed as oddballs in the UK.