Was California always so damned left wing?

Was California always so damned left wing?

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best they didn't get the first post which is also the best post

not always, only after my mexican first post best post!!!

It's all the Syrian refugees flooding in from the Pacific border.


> using binary values to represent a degree

Mexicans,LA and San Francisco.
Without those three things it would be a red state.

Damn it boys it's the coastal cities. They have millions of spics that go vote blue every time. Especially SoCal.

Here in the valley it's full of Trumpfags.

>pic related i see it everyday on my commute

>be Mexican
>finally pay enough government cronies and dodge enough cartel members to access the internent for five minutes
>use those minutes to finally get fpbp
>shitty corn internet takes 3 minutes to post a comment
>scream in anger so loud los zetas find you and dismember your family

Well that depends... was California always 40% "Mexican-American"?

nice weather, beaches, general laid-back atmosphere. im not a 420blazeit fag but everyone here in general lives by the "live-and-let-live" ideal

it's not that hard to figure out. fags want to get married? who gives a shit. let them

that guy over there wants to do drugs all day? so the fuck what

we still have the biggest GDP in the US and our culture is emulated worldwide

isn't that something

california isn't liberal. Back in the day it was a red state/swing state. But it had the highest number of white hippies.

in the 1980's (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986) the government legalized a bunch of illegal mexicans in the country. those people got citizeneship and turned the state solid blue from 1992 onwards. look up the election results, up until then, CA was a pretty red state, all of our mexicans were hidden.

now all of our white people are leaving the state and the state is on track to become majority latino in like 20 years.

RIP California 1849-1986

if all blue states had voter id laws, all blue states would be swing states

They're just (((Hollywood))) puppets. They'll still vote Republican if the Republican in question is a Hollywood (NOT NYC) celebrity.


Reagan amnesty, plus courts invalidating any attmepts to prevent a foriegn invasion, turned the state blue.

It's currently only enduring because so many companies were already here and we have some ports. In a decade there will be nothing left -- the ports will be dead due to overburdened environmental regulations and shipping fees, the businesses will have left for less expensive states, and the agriculture will be destroyed by the drought and Los Angele's unquenchable thirst.

btw the state doesn't really care about liberal shit. they're pro-death penalty and stuff. but the democratic politicians use the dindus and beaners for votes and use california as their ginny pig.

As it turns out, everyone lied and that little immigration of act in 1965 went on to radically transform the demographics of this area

have a (You)

Nope It voted Republican in every election from 1952-1988 except in 1964. Spics and swpl cucks can really fuck up your state.

Why did they have to destroy prop 187?

God damnit.

this tbqhwyrn lads. it's not about liberal or conservative values. it's a chill whatever atmosphere.

Your ID made me lol

have my penis


More true than saying that they would play as red states, good leaf

Are Republican actors the only hope for California?

Why are white people leaving the state? They could always stay not give ground to other ethnic groups.


Is that on the International Space Station?

crime is up. housing is out of control. white people are already only 40% and falling. The state is going to crash soon. These problems (all a result of immigration and legalization of illegals) is leading to white california liberals leaving the state for others, like colorado, oregon, washington, and texas. colorado is not a blue state and texas is becoming less red every day and if texas goes blue, the GOP will never again win the white house. Since spics vote democrat every time regardless, they've secured california by importing all these beaners, and now all the "tolerant" white liberals are moving to other states to "diversify" them.

california is going down and is going to take the whole country with it.

btw high taxes and bad public services are another driver of emigration from the state

Balkanization here we come

Crashing this country...

with the only survivors being spics and niggers



Im scard

No the imigration reform and control act of 1986 turned it forever blue.

I'm staying here until I die or get killed but it's a hopeless battle, I'm just not willing to run away like a coward.

I'll stay in my forest and fight a battle I can never win and die knowing I wasted my life, but it's no worse than fleeing and watching the wave follow you forever.

>live and let live

Unless you want to own a business, or start a business, or run an organization. Or use your own land and shit.

Live and let live on social shit maybe, unless you are white boi

Also, Cali has changed drastically in 20 years, and not for the better IMHO

yo should be. if you see what's happened in california, the liberals are looking to take it mainstream. We're gonna have a rich liberal elite bringing all these degenerates into this country and using them as their foot soldiers for all their wants. Gun control. done. taxes and corporate welfare. done. they want to bring "diversity" nationwide, that's why they are pushing this shit in the media. california is going to be the model for the new america and is what the ruling elite want. we're gonna have crime, lowered standards of living, reverse racism, gun control, and polarization of wealth, and a brown majority.

that's why we need to fight.

No, it became a great state under policies that they don't follow today. They are just coasting on success that was built before them.

Reminder that California's gun laws are not as bad as liberals try to pretend they are

You CAN own a gun and get conceal carry in this state

Do not fall for the lie that it's illegal everywhere, they seem to be pushing that harder than ever the past few weeks