Knowledge Bomb. Start looking into the EU Army

ISIS cells are not the only problem Europe is going to have.

As I've talked about before....

The EU Army is designed to keep EU states in line & punish/crackdown on States that leave the EU and/or want to leave the EU.

Its been funded "off the record" for abit now.

Some arms/armor shipments to NATO have been diverted to setting up the EU Army, so you might want to keep track of those & any recent ones.

If you aren't researching into the EU Army & your European, you are going have a rude awakening when the Tanks role down the streets.

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Considering recent events........ perhaps you should start looking into the EU Army & various other things I've been talking about in my threads.

Europe has 1-2 years to get its shit together & get out of the EU.

As more countries leave the EU, Merkel is feeling cornered. Makes you wonder what she will do......or let happen.

hello anon5
are there any bigger isis attacks coming up this year?

Here's your bump fagnon5

Tell me something I care about though pls

Lets hope not, thats all I'm going to say.

Good evening Anon5

1. Would a clean, renewable alternative energy source capable of replacing gasoline make the US a stronger country, or would it weaken "the petrodollar"?
2. If vaccines don't cause autism, what does? Is it genetics, fetal drug exposure? The internet?
3. Were CTR shills paid in Pizza? In a previous thread you mentioned David Brock, but you didn't go into detail.
4. What did you mean by "I know when & where you shit"?
5. Is ozone really bad for your health?
6. In a previous thread you said that homosexuality in the west is "not just promoted, but being done intentionally." I understand it's being promoted, but how exactly is homosexuality "being done" to the west?
7. Would you like some help answering some questions you don't yet know the answer to?

You should care about the EU Army & all those ISIS cells in Europe if you are in the US aswell.

Think of how many US Bases are in Europe.

A while back there was this illuminati guy on /x/ who claimed you were part of his group. True ?

Is donald trump part of the masons? he's pushing the destroy Iran narrative and the guy at exxon has ties to the sauds.

Will Trump destroy Iran?

will it be for the sauds?

have you read Albert Pikes WW3 letter?

will Israel and the Sauds mutually destroy eachother?

Was Israel and the Saudis really built on american construction equipment?

I have lots of questions so ready yourself lol

Jesus, you're still at it? Do you remember me?

Good evening to you.

1) Energy is Energy. Oil is just one of several.

2) Start looking into Birth Control,medication & things of that nature.

3) David Brock is connected to CP/trafficking.

4) People have to go to the bathroom you know.

5) Don't really know.

6) To lessen the number of western males getting down the genetic line.

7) Depends.

I'm not part of any group or organization.

Your Waco statements make sense in light of

1) No, hes not part of the Masons & hes not pushing that narrative.

2) No.

3) The Saudi's backed Hillary.

4) Don't think so.

5) Saudi Arabia will have some Civil Wars between Royal factions.

6) Don't believe so.

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1.) Who is this HLI guy, is he for real?
2.) Does he work for the same group?
3.) HLI says that the alt right is a lost cause, is this true?
4.) What do you think of people like Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer?
5.) Is a white Ethno state even possible in America? We haven't been uni-racial in a long time
6.) He also says whites aren't and won't be genocided, this goes against what you say. ?
7) Have you seen "I pet Goat, II"?
8.) What do you think of it?

Also please start researching the stuff I talked about in the OP.

Especially the NATO arms/armor shipments being diverted for EU Army usage.

Also we've been researching "Pedowood" as I call it. Holy shit there's too much., it's disgusting. The list of them keeps growing, it's insane these people have still walk around free.

What's the end game for sexual and ritual child murder? What's the plan against Christians? How much do they fear us?

Ofcourse I'm still at it.

1) & 2) HLI gives off a really shady fishy vibe.

3) Well first of al the "alt-right" term was a psy-op that Hillary organized to have people "embrace" it. Drop the name & focus on the goals.

4) Don't really have a opinion.

5) That all depends on Birth rates & if Feminism gets destroyed.

6) They are being genocided in a sense, in several different ways. Feminism is one of the primary ways.

7) & 8) Its very interesting

Yep, saw your pic.

Interesting how? Is it insightful in anyway, or just, "Oh hey that's oddly interesting" ?

I told you guys to look into it & Expose the "Truman Show" existences Celebs live & how they are Bred for a damn good reason.

1) Is all about power over others.

2) Import Islam, let Islam kill them off.

3) Some fear the public more then others.

>2. If vaccines don't cause autism, what does? Is it genetics, fetal drug exposure? The internet?

Older fathers.

People have asked me about the video before.

I just find it interesting & all the layers of symbolism packed in very well done.

Additionally, when do they plan to attack us being the scapegoats for their perverted lives? Which region of the world besides EU must be on guard no matter when?

In a previous thread you mentioned giants. I used to shrug-off the idea of giant humans, since there was really no historical evidence that they existed, only myths & folklore. A year or two ago, I accepted the possibility that giants primates could have existed after reading a theory explaining how pterodactyls could fly at earth's gravity if only the atmosphere was about 5 times thicker, the buoyancy would also explain how sauropods would be able to pump blood up to their heads. I eventually came to believe giant humans could theoretically be possible after reading a study that children in towns at higher altitude tend to be somewhat shorter than children at lower altitudes. As the atmosphere gets thinner, taller humans would have problems with breathing and blood circulation, so only shorter people would survive.

wow yet another thread of zero novel insight from Larponymous5. fuck off attention whoring shill scum.

If feminism is the ultimate biological weapon, then Islam is the ultimate cultural weapon.

Faggot ass 5. You show your ugly mug again. As I have talked about before, fuck off until you spell out some new shit. See my previous posts saying the same thing. Look into my asshole and see the shit in there that is oddly comparable to the shit you continue to come here and spew. You are like babbys first introduction to the concept of a red pill. You never deliver. You never have good information. You are a faggot larper with a following of faggot reddit newfags. You are your own forced meme. Pls go...pls

How about you start researching?

My information is always good & I do infact deliver.

You just have to pay attention to things that happen or have happened.

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....and the shills are here

I'm not talking about giant humanoids.

Giant Creatures is what I was telling people to start looking around for.

You mentioned globalists in charge of the EU (something like that?) were packing up and leaving Europe. Where are they going?

This user is right you know. Hey anon5 make your next thread about how the sky is blue

Inb4 nobody. Just like anon5

Who in the US gov't is compromised besides ABC agencies? Militarily who is with people? Which political divide seperates common bond within it?

Anything SPECIFIC which we could look into to find missing funds?

Global warming projects, new weapon systems, misterious tax returns...

Yep, they are right on Que.

Sounds like they don't want people researching the EU Army & NATO arms/armor shipments being diverted for it.

I said they are doing estimates & considerations.

As I said before....... Europe is a powder keg.

ISIS Cells

EU Army

Civil Wars

UN Army


US Military Bases
You thought Syria was a total clusterfuck?

please stay on /x/ thank you

>EU Army
Proof? Links? Pics? Anything?

Fuck you CIA, nothing you have said has come true. You are useless and you suck at psyopsing

Well start digging into the history of the EU Army.

Then look at NATO Arms/armor shipments.

Also its been funded "off the record" for a while now.

I explained this in the OP.

And his do I know you're not a psy-op

You guys are some gullible, pseudo-aware idiots. Following anyone with the specter of knowledge, desperate to have something to clutch onto with no initial to investigate on your own. Keep sucking this faggots dick and stumbling through the dark. This day and age calling shill is the same as sticking your head in the sand. Think about this shit yourself instead of "dig into my past piles of shit where I still stated the obvious or speculated about giants". Its fucking PATHETIC

Nope, I'm far from that place.

Search Engines can be a useful tool to start researching the surface.

Christine Legard; why go through all the trouble of prosecuting her and leave the outcome hanging in limbo?
Is she connected via IMF to EU army?

What about the London bridge? I had the impression they'd get more than fireworks at New Years eve.

Many......many things I've said have came true & will be coming true.

Also hello Sweden!

Your country is a ISIS Safehouse zone.

Made a thread about Muslims protesting in London a week back. Some were calling for a Caliphate. I'll try to find the article.

I'm 99% sure this was all staged by the Illuminati but no one believes me anyway.

Are (((they))) going to war with Russia?

I was really beginning to like the ruskies. Been listening to them about rushing B in CS:GO even.

Still quite possible.

>1) No, hes not part of the Masons & hes not pushing that narrative.

i have more symbology that disagrees with this. one of the only things he follows on twitter is the WWE, and that's an organization for 33rd degree masons and combat rituals. alex jones is also a masonic shill, he has the pillars of severity and mercy between a jacobs ladder in the WA of wars.

sure you must know that these people talk more in symbols than they do words?

2) I half believe you and half don't. Info wars and next news are pushing the iran story

i would like to know what we're going to do with the 44 military bases around iran, and our 44th president (we really only have 44, one is counted twice)

3) it doesn't matter if the saudi's backed hilary. the exxon CEO still has alliances in saudi arabia, currently Rex Tillerson is in a battle of control of his company against the rockerfellers.

what do you think the CEOs new position will hold for him, his business ties in saudi arabia, and his conflict with the rockerfellers?

4)the 3rd world war establishes that politcal zionism (the stae of Israel) and Islam, the beast of jewish babylon will destroy eachother. you should really read the letter because it will implement Trump as a Mason establishing a NWO and this being all a part of the plan.

5) this is obvious every royal family is going to have civil wars, but Islam is a creation through jewish babylonian witchcraft. the 90% sunni's are biblically due to consume 10% shia iran, and march on Israel.

6) well I know for a fact CAT built Israel, I'm reasonably sure they built dubai as well. basically everyone is about to kill eachother with military equipment from america, but I thought this was an offhand think you would know.

the guy who made blackwater (something prince) has supposedly been in like the UAE or qutar or something. on rumoars that he is taking all the Christian Refugees from Syria, can you shed light on this?

What the fuck man...are you seriously stating that as if its not common knowledge? Fucking hell

also see this link, this coalition WILL march on Israel pretty much because of Palestine
see my image

i dont think Sup Forums is high on the list for psyops targets.. i believe the term is "low social capital"

1) The "Illuminati" doesn't exist anymore & the name is literally a meme for the Public & a meme Label in the Globalist Community.

2) I don't think anyones going to go to war with Russia.

But I should add that Turkey needs to seriously do some anti-terror operations.

hi muslim here, when the current king (king salman of saudi arabia) dies. his children will fight for the position of the next king. He has clearly stated that he wants his nephew to become the next in line but Salmans (king) oldest son is known to be a "hungry for power" and will do anything for power

>nothing you have said has come true
Mexican (((fireworks)))

Why are you still playing house nigger? Has anything been useful from these threads?

You have to go back.

Yeah...... I'm getting a very odd vibe from you & how you are trying to frame certain talking points.

"Jewish conspiracy"?

You seem smart, but its amazing how well that Psy-op has been on people.

Anon5, Christine Legard; is she connected through IMF to funding EU army? Why prosecute her then leave outcome unresolved?

So researching Pedowood isn't a good idea?

there are plans that afghanistan will try and invade israel in 2022, i don't know much about it.

Hey user 5
2 questions for you
I've heard the highest level illuminati bloodlines are from Aeneas, or the Trojans because this was the cross between alexander and christ bloodline, is this true?
Also i've heard prince philip is one of the higher public figures.

has anything you've done on this website been useful?

i haven't seen a single pizzagate thread catch the fact that biff skipman has been dead for at least a month.

Many things.

If you actually take the time to research,be observant & notice timeframes.

The Kingdom will be divided and turn to rubble as a result.

We memes Trump into the presidency.

mfw when my ancestors were here before white people (im apart of the afghan cameleers) shh whiteboi

my god are you all a bunch of role-playing faggots

Im not convinced

Any happenings/events/plans related to South America?

Its a very good idea, I've talked about it many of times in my threads.

More details if you could.

The "Illuminati" no longer exists.

The name is a meme & Label now.

>biff skipman has been dead for at least a month.

the princes are very wealthy, each has an army trust me. we will see the most bloodiest battle if they decide to fight

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators): bomb/username/anonymous5/#

You'll stay hue hues forever :P

Look out for any destabilization movements & terror attacks.

I don't roleplay, thats never been what I do.

Wouldn't surprise me.

Seems really dangerous though. A lot of people have been threatened, these people have a lot of money, and thus power.

>but no one believes me anyway.
Don't worry you ain't alone.

I've missed your threads every time for the past month or so.
Almost wondered if you had given them up.

what do you think about the "arc of gabriel" rumors?
>they find it under mecca
>people die mysteriously
>they transport it to Antarctica
>some weird stuff happens
>pope and other dude meet up (first time in 1000 years)
etc etc

I've been researching swinger parties too. Can you at least tell me I'm going in the right direction?

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators): bomb/username/anonymous5/#

You have abit of a catch up to do.

The principal is basically the same. Higher atmospheric pressure means higher buoyancy. Depth underwater means higher buoyancy. If giant-impact hypothesis is correct, the atmosphere of the earth was much thicker before the moon orbited the earth, explaining how creatures to grow to colossal proportions, especially underwater.

It is more like a bunch of satanic/ luciferians/ pedos/ fags/ secret societies/ royal families/ organized crime (not talking mafia) groups fighting each other for power and control over the world but this shit is nothing, it is going to get worse until finally they all come to work together and we have a "new world order". while all of this is taking place the antichrist will appear and help them in there troubles but that is not until God lifts the holy spirit from the earth and no one is restrained by the common grace of God. Then we will really see some evil shit. Strap in for the ride, if we are even still alive to see it,

Hey TBA5, this is the first time I've had a chance to pop into Sup Forums for more than a kek or two. So glad you're here!

Definitely missed your posts. Still working on the chemical sterilants, etc. but I've done no additional digging since my last post.

But positive news, I hired a PhD mathematician/logician to investigate some of the more .. unsettling revelations that has come out recently about certain types of foods (where food is code for something else). I can't wait to see what his mind unravels.

Straightforward question, is the EU army going to end up being tied to Hiloli's State Department?

Also, these posts are purely for entertainment purposes and all content is fictional.

Well, I dont blame it all on the jews.

afterall the jews are owned by the catholic chuch. I'm surprised you aren't pointing fingers in that direction.

Trump stated two things that have me on the fence about him. he said that "we need to stop anti-catholic bias" and that "we need to come together as a world community"

I live on the street where I can't tell if Hitler was a good guy or bad guy, or of JFK was even really assassinated, as it might have been another Masonic Hoax. and after being shown the wings of an angel I have no clue what to understand about this world anymore

this is the second time you've told me that you've gotten a real weird vibe from me. I just want you to answer my questions from your perspective, and information so I can continue to build a model of the world I live on.

I'm obivously not pushing a Jewish Conspiracy meme when I'm clearly pointing the finger at most jews being destroyed by Islam, as the freemasons have orchestrated, and the bible indicates th at all the lands from egypt to russia will march on Israel.

>The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each othe

hello again anon5

do you have any relevant information about Antarctica, its importance or what is going on there?

Look at how certain Celebs were "discovered".

I want to know what type of drug they were on.

So Trump is the false prophet? How do you know he's a 33rd level Mason? Who else is?

What video? Post link

1)So can the EU army just barge in any EU country like mine if they want to? What happens after, things like martial law?

2)Is nuking Mecca the only way to stop Islam or will it get worse? You did talk about it in past threads. Also, can Saudi Arabia be hold responsible for supplying Isis and 9/11?

3)So aside from spreading that the EU army is bad and not good/meant for the good of europeans, what else can we do to prevent it? Aside from googling its history or nato shipments.

4)So the US bases in EU countries are bad/related to the Eu army? Even my country (which has a US base) is at risk?

5)Anything on the recent things like the death of the russian ambassador? Also Germany's latest truck attack(suspect "got away"). More proof of Isis camps in no go zones?