Serious question, why do you guys hate Jews?

Serious question, why do you guys hate Jews?

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They are vehemently opposed to the outside cultures they for some reason inhabit and thrive in. Probably deep down really has something to do with their supremacism of considering themselves to be God's chosen as opposed to the dirty goyim God put on Earth to serve the Jews.

They seek to destroy me, my country, my culture, and my legacy

god bless you cookie chef!


Read You Gentiles by Samuel Maurice (one of yours) and then study the history of your people.

>my culture

What is "American culture"?
It doesn't exist you nigger.

When your ancestors moved from Europe they assimilated and lived off from British leftovers.

Fuck off, Shanequa.

They're hook nosed cunts. Biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Here I was thinking this little kike was looking for serious answers, but instead he's just lashing out at things that make him upset.

Israelis are ok. But non Israelis jews, they are in almost everything that actively trying destroy the modern civilizations.

This may be a small reason why some people don't like Jews, Shekelberg. Not everyone has to have thousands of years of history of pissing off others to, well, have an actual culture. Perhaps you're not aware.

Shlomo, if you don't know by now you need to fuccin lurk moar.
>promote degeneracy through (((hollywood))) and nig nog music
>believe they have the monopoly on human suffering and, in classic jew fashion, made it into a billion dollar industry
>loyalty to Israel first and not the country in which they live
>use the Hitler meme to discredit any goy nationalist movement
>promote immigration and white genocide
>disproportionate representation in ivy league institutions, use this to push anti-white propaganda and brainwash the naive youths
>has large nose

because they are trouble rousers.

they are cunts

>Your culture doesn't exist. It's all a social construct. Anyone can be a European/American/(Insert White country here). Blanda upp!
>We have to secure the existence of Jewish identity though

This is why I hate you.

My country gives your country insane amounts of OUR tax payer dollars so you can maintain your little Jewish-paradise. I really don't give a fuck about Israel, your country can thrive or be extinguished for all I care, just quit taking our FUCKING MONEY.

Parasitic murdering psychopaths.

They promote "Diversity".


Gas yourself you useless fucking oven dodger.

Jews have been at the forefront of Communism, Socialism, Globalism, and other collectivist schools of thought.

Don't you have a baby dick to mutilate and suck?

the few Jews Portugal has only cause trouble.

i dont. a few conspiratorial billionaires =/= all jews.

Your peoples rampant zionism is a direct threat to freedom and prosperity

>sister has thing for Israeli dudes
>spend a lot of time around them growing up
>grow to despise them for always talking shit about my homeland and exploiting our laws for shekels
>sister marries, breeds with Israeli and converts, moves to Israel
>becomes turbo Jew
>she cries to me all the time now no one likes her and her own family treats her like shit and abuses her

I'm not biased because of that alone. I've spent enough time around you people to want you in an oven.

Because not even my country, who has historically done your people no wrong, are not spared from your vileness, chaim.

The only place your people should call home is an ashtray.

rope day when?

"leftist" jews invented and spread the cultural marxist bullshit that brainwashed many in the west into thinking that embracing hordes of 3rd worlders, particularly muslims, was a good idea.

>b-b-b-but le based right wing jews like israelis are just like you Sup Forums! we hate muslims too!!!

yea and you guys are the ones destabilizing the middle east as part of the yinon plan. one of the effects of this destabilization is the creation of hordes of muslim rapefugees, not only does your meddling spawn waves of immigrants, you fucking assholes tricked the dumb goyim in MY country in to blowing trillions of dollarts and thousands of white lives in iraq to create EVEN MORE goddamn refugees.

when you've got jews on one end doing one thing, and jews on the other doing another thing, and BOTH of these things just so happen to work in tandem to directly kill the West, you got to stop and wonder about what an amazing (((coincidence))) that is.

I'm a Copt in Los Angeles. I've met some right leaning Jews. I personally don't like Globalist/Bankers/Lefty-Multikulti/Nefarious-Cabals (which a lot are Jewish). I knew lower middle-class/lower-class Jews that are against them as well. I've gotten in heated debates with Jewish lefties. They end up screaming Antisemite to me (even though I hail from Egypt), I'll scream "You Antigoy, Antisheggetz Putz!". You'll get love from me.

You look at any fucking movement that aims to dissolve what made the West work, and you're going to find a disproportionate amount of Jews in their ranks and leadership. Feminism, socialism, post-modernism, globalism, multiculturalism, take your pick.
You're like HIV, causing the hosts immune system to fail at fighting degeneracy.

Lel. That story almost sounded real for a second.

>solomon's temple ain't so bad, goy!

Is that Breivik?

exactly this

fags, muslims, feminism, all this shit is just the symptoms. the real sickness is the jew. we will never get rid of the symptoms until we cure the actual sickness.

Required reading
Required viewing

note that both these documents are written/filmed by jews, albeit secular ones, and are not stormfront propaganda by any means.

bad people happen to be jews. i have met many nice people who are jews, but people like gerog soros are jew

yea idk what to do about jews like finkelstein. still a leftist fag with a whiny voice, but at least he knows his people are the real problem.

maybe we just gas him gently

Because it is real you dumbass.

And to add OP, Bolshevism.

> Jews hated by pretty much everyone on earth
> Still think the problem is with everyone else.

wew lad


i don't, i am one

because i have a folder of 1GB of jpeg full of all the atrocities the jewish people commited thorough centuries?
During the 20th century alone you provoked the death of approx 150 millions peoples.

>lefist fag
exactly the reason why it's recommended reading. He comes at his conclusions from a whole different angle than most of us. He's more of a holocaust downplayer than a denier, which makes this book much much more normie friendly. I was an anti-zionist wayyyy before i became a rabid anti-semite and he was partially responsible for that minor redpill

Along these lines. The problem is Jews got rich a long time ago as they were allowed to give out loans. From then on those families remained in the upper 1% of Europe and now have control over many aspects of our lives.
The Jewish race isn't evil, but many individuals are.

They don't know why they hate Jews. It's just something they read on the internet and decide to believe in. Starts with Fox News, then goes to Glenn Beck, then Breitbart/AlexJones. The Jew/Banker/Soros conspiracy is a bunch of crap. And if you try to convince them otherwise, then "you're too dumb to understand."

Oh look. It's another "d-da joos" episode. Hey retards. Surprise surprise, it's not Jews at fault for your eternal virginity.

>Americans claiming they have culture


then just delete the folder you stupid goy

Like a parasite your kind burrows into a society. Using your skills of trickery you con your ways into positions of power and only help people who are the same ethnicity as you succeed. You then take over newspapers and media outlets that people consume and start pushing society ruining narratives. When you are trying to convince white people of your bullshit, you claim you are white. When you are called out for your bullshit, you claim racism and anti-semitism. Fuck off parasite.

>fox, glen beck, breitbart, alex jones are anti-semites
nice try shlomo
fucking kys

This. They see gentiles as inferior and subservient to them. The more orthodox the more so, in fact.

Al of the degeneracy in this country (the decline of morality) is Jewish driven. The run the porn industry, Hollywood, the banks, and the media.

They push their social agenda on us. They do so without care to the destruction they leave in their wake.

They push a narrative of

>anti-traditional family

Basically everything America was they've gone out of their to ruin through manipulation.

As if that isn't bad enough they force this narrative of "the six million" so much so that 14 countries will arrest you if you dare question it. Meanwhile THEY are responsible for the deaths of some what 20 Christians in Russia.

>Anti-Semitism is eternal
>Jew hatred is just a meme for stupid goyim.

I agree that most of the Jew banker stuff is bullshit, but Soros is Jewish and is one of the biggest supporters of cultural enrichment from the middle east.

I know, Achmed. Fucking goats? Now THAT is a culture.

20 million not 20

>>Meanwhile THEY are responsible for the deaths of some what 20 Christians in Russia.
Did you mean to type a bigger number?

its shopped faggot

>My country gives your country insane amounts of OUR tax payer dollars so you can maintain your little Jewish-paradise
It's not your fault senpai (atleast not entirely) the British started the tradition of Anglos getting cucked by Jews. You merely inherited it.
The Anglo is literally the Jews favourite most submissive host


is this the breivik?

i actually like jews they are just super rapey and shiet

some are cool

You are just redirecting the question. Why would fox news, glenn beck ect. hate jews then (which they don't)





>extremely tribal, helping their own above all else

>promote multiculturalism for everyone but themselves

>hate whitey when he tries to help his fellow whites

Not all jews though, mostly American lefties jews. Especially in Hollywood

a jew is a being that has no self-ideology, it only has dogma on how to not have self-ideology. a jew purpose in life is to strip himself of identity and ideology and to embrace the ever-consuming darkness of the non-being that turns being ephemeral. creation is a sin from a jewish lense only the creator is to be worshipped. jehovah, the jewish creator is perfect i.e. he isn't. because being is dual. jesus is jehovah encarnated (born without a father, without male energy, without ego) and he acted selflessly. jesus is selflessness encarnated. so christianity is judaism for the goyim. for the jewish people selflessness = greed; for the gentile = humanitarianism through atheism/christianity.
both a cult of death, the atheist thinks that there's nothing when you die, the christian believes he'll embrace nothingness and enter the kingdom of heaven for eternal life. nothing that IS is eternal, everything is ephemeral.
to be or not to be. if you choose non-being, you're a fucking kike


>says jews have conned their way into positions of power
>doesn't realize european christians literally put them into positions of power because they weren't allowed to own land

You really film the flam don't you?


you see, this is why people hate you

dat comprehension doe

Wait, hold on. American culture has been exported everywhere. We are a colossal culture machine.

>They don't know why they hate Jews. It's just something they read on the internet and decide to believe in. Starts with Fox News, then goes to Glenn Beck, then Breitbart/AlexJones.

Sigh. If you didn't intend on equating those organizations/individuals with anti-semitism, try to make a coherent post next time as opposed to a JIDF spergout

So it was the white christians that put them as the heads of every media company, telecom company, the federal reserve and damn near every major bank? They are actively spreading this disgusting propaganda that is destroying the west. There's a reason why they have been expelled from every country they inhabit. They are a cancer.

This. This is why the world wants to gas jews.

Look at your post. It is the answer.

Jew here:

Can't speak for all of Sup Forums, but personally, most American Jews are liberal asswipes. With that said, I've got nothing against Israel and Israel and Israeli Jews is further to the right than American Jews.

Fucking Yahoodies.

Let me explain something, because I hear stuff like your post all the time.

We don't support Israel because we give a fuck about the Jews. We do it because we need Israel. They're the only strategic foothold we can trust in a region full of people who hate us. The IDF is the tip of our spear if shit goes hot. We're not giving money and weapons to Israel out of charity, we're doing it because they're the loaded gun we're pointing at the whole Arab world, and we need them to be armed to the teeth and on our side if shit goes down.

In terms of banking and businesses, yes. Media, somewhat, not really.

Fuck you kike

I don't hate the Jews I understand how they feel. also their woman who do Aliya are qts

They cut the end of my dick off and not I will never know true happiness

We've got a tough one here. Kys moor nigger

>Thinking Israel is on your side
If you cared at all about your country, burger jew, you wouldn't defend Israel. They've been leaching funds off the US for way too fucking long, not to mention that most if not all of the disastrous foreign policy decisions in recent times are directly linked to AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobbies.
>isolating Iran and creating needless hostility with a nuclear power - thanks Israel
>Arming jihadis in Syria to topple Assad, therefore contributing to the rise of ISIS - thanks Israel
the list goes on. Burgers don't "need" Israel, they need you.

>moor nigger
Go read your kabbalah, shapeshifting lizard

Like the dirty parasite the Jew is, he offers his hand with a knife held behind his back.


Fuck off you nation wrecking heeb. Your day is coming. You have about 20 years left of your shit, enjoy it.

KEK your parents did that.

mostly the butchering and molesting of newborns and children on a daily basis
followed next by the intolerance of anyone who isn't jewish, the bombing of civilians, the spreading of degeneracy, the denial that anything could be their own fault, the arresting of people they don't agree with, their exemption from laws without any apparent reason, their tendency to be behind everything bad that happens, and the poisoning of american culture

I'm mostly fine with Israeli kikes, I understand they're doing whatever they need to do to have a place they can call home.

But neurotic diaspora, mostly leftist, kikes that want nothing less than to destroy our people are a problem that can't be ignored. If you start paying attention at what is good for your own kind and what isn't, you systematically find Jewish (((intellectuals))) advocating the later.

There is a reason your people was historically thrown out or shoad out of every country, you've betrayed your hosts everywhere. I can understand you'd put loyalty to your own above anything else until that's at our expense.

Fuck off you larping faggot

Serious question
Wattage jews ever do to you?

i don't hate jews. no all are bad people

OK I believe you Abdul

They promote Multiculturalism and mass immigration.

wtf is this? explain