We laugh at britbongs

>leave EU
>get cuck'd by India
>Merkel going down
>France taking over EU
>UK left in the dust

How's the demonetization going for the Pajeets?

>Laugh at britbongs

ok mate


total population
>UK 64 millions
>India 1,252 millions

I'm not swedish mate. just here for a conference.

anyway, bongs utterly BTFO

>inb4 califags fag it up in here

>being swedistani

>Laugh at Sweden
Leave Sweden alone, Kief; and fix yer teef before ya fix yer economy.

>The 3rd Annual Cuck of The Year Conference
>Presenting the Cuckies, the annual prize to the biggest cucks

>more than a billion people
>just now overtakes an island nation of 60 million
Christ, India is fucking pathetic.

fucking proxy aussies

>current year
>using proxies
wtf mate

Funny thing, I'm actually pooing in the loo at the moment, literal shitposts

Learn to poo in loo pajeet

Is it really supposed to be impressive that a fucking subcontinent with over a billion people has overtaken a tiny rainy island with around only 60million people??

>doesnt spend money on helping any of its people
>only spends money on the military because of the fear of getting invaded by us again
>people still shit on the street and die from 3rd world diseases
>thinking we care about poo in loo's

Why are people so afraid of the anglo? is it because we're a tiny island that has invaded and occupied 90% of the globe?

fuck off mate I'm from up north definitely not a proxy

yes, because India was looted of its resources by the british and the dutch.


>tfw burgerstan has bad social memes too and will soon be overtaken by shit countries as well

Swedes have no right to laugh at anything other than themselves.


india just collapsed there economy by getting rid of big bills and taking gold away from people, this is a lie.

Be honest, 50% of india live on less than $5 a day. Even the ones who work in call centers probably make less than $1k a month.

They arent producing mass amount of cheap stuff like china under a government that just needs to "produce". India is doing well even with its fucked up kaleidoscope society

should of fought harder especially with such a high population

All that money and nowhere to shit...

American education dead yet? or still on life support?

>should of
British education dead yet? or still on life support?

60 million?
How man of those are 1rst generation immigrants?

Learn to write proper nouns with a Capital letter.

Brits: Inventing things for the world to cuck us with. Since 1578.

>should of
RIP English


Kek fucking anglos what a joke they are now

>Genuinely caring about grammar this much on a Chinese cartoon image board

Looks like God saved the queen.

Oh wait nope. That didn't happen because...

God is a concept invented by USA.


Your id kinda looks like it says pajeet


that's just basic shit that even a mongoloid should know.
again, I don't care about sweden, I'm here on business trip

you dont pay attention to the world do you ahmed

Beware the witch that dwells within your loo. Praise her or pay the price.

You sound like a redditor, you have no argument so instead you nitpick and attack their grammar instead of their main point.

You do realise that every word in English is translated from a French word, right? Cuck was translated from Cuckoo, which was a French word first.

Why are people so fucking retarded when it comes to words?

Oh. And I'll post the same picture I always post to you people.

where are you really then, Germany?

sûrement pas

Spanish! Got it!

100% une conf tech

SO that means POO IN THE OCEAN now?



Super power by 2030 keep laughing

EU is gonna be French soon after the German cuckoldry is finished and Germany falls.

thats a good meme bro... but i cant believe your nerve... I hope you are a tourist visiting the islamic world and not a swede.

>Current UK population: 64 million
>Current POO population: 1.34 billion
I wonder why

Okay? Who cares? Nobody will ever come close to USA or China. The world is designed for USA to be No.1

India has also totally fucked it's economy recently.

But good for them I guess. Now they have no excuse for not building plumbing and educating people on how to fucking shit. They can also hire more police to prevent the gang rapes and prevent them coming to my country and raping ours.

if you knew history. you'd know the UK wouldn't have survived without Indian resources.

>Cuck was translated from Cuckoo
No, cuck was "derived" from cuckold which in turn came from cuckoo. Have you've been pronouncing it as "coook" all this while?

>Why are people so fucking retarded when it comes to words?
You: I am looking to find the retard in the room, people. I can't find him, people. Have you seen him, people?
People: Yes, we've seen him.

>every word in English is translated from a French word
Retardation level = over 9000

Fuck off Ireland.

So a Nigel is worth approximately 191.107 Pajeets


and wipe with British pounds

And if you knew your continent's history you wouldn't be letting in thousands of muslims by the minute

Bringing on the bantz.

You really think Le Pen will let the EU exist assuming she runs it?

>t. Mr 60%

heavy reform. we will shape it to fit our needs.

They only got stronger because the UK is in a period of instability. India did not become stronger, they are pretty much the same.

thumbnail saving faggot who can't into his own language

Never forget Indians have, by far, the smallest dicks of all

>t. Mohammad Abdul Sheik Al-Abdallah

So now that the Jews are draining you cunts off, what's the plan? Does it involve fighting harder? Lol.

Russia is not actually European and Europe is a fictional geographical concept, it is all cultural

Ele sim é de seguro swede, mas ele fica com vergonha com seu país kek

>t. pulled out of his ass
thanks tyrone

>t. kike
how do you even know those long names? are you a jidf?

The idea of the french dominating anything bar their own mothers is laughable

>using math
>Sup Forums

>Calling me JIDF because I labelled you as a sandnigger
You're desperate

Is the UK not in a period of instability after brexit?

>whaaa EU is not good for us
>whaa run awayyyyyy
top kek. we make things fit our ways.

the french revolution changed the entire world.

Who gives a shit? Any sane person would rather live in the UK than fucking India.

>wanting to laugh at us

this is not about random people loving to other countries retard. economic power = global influence.


wtf autocuckrekt

Watch your prejudice mate. I'm from Bangladesh using aussie proxy mate. We all use mate here... mate

You can't even stop assault trucks mate, never mind run the EU.
>Why wouldn't you abandon something bad for you

I'd say more of a global effect.

Influence actually requires a civil history.

>the french revolution changed the entire world.

Of course it did, they purged their own aristocracy, killed off all their high ranking and experienced personnel inturn greatly reducing their own naval-power and handingthe keys to the worlds oceans and the world to the British

Best thing the French ever did was revolt




>Some monkeys who shit in streets and are the laughing stock of Asia surpasses the economy of a long-dead colonial empire who cucked itself until they were a regional power and not a super power, thanks to "muh multiculturalism" and "muh modern liberalism" is the only way to wake up a society that has been sheeple since 30 yrs ago proving Nigel Farage is the only one who can save Great Britain from cultural suicide caused by Angela Merkel and pretty much the british politicians because they let the only chance to redeem Europe died in 1945.



lol no, the REAL people running the show became untouchable by a the ultimate illusion veil of freedom.

>It takes a nation of over 1 billion to economically outperform a nation of about 50 million

>drugfilled country run by savage murderous cartels

>Says the increasingly muslim country


I'm not swedish mate. read thread

Itt: butthurt swedistanis

Whatever that means

Aren't a bunch of refugees fuking your women?

>global influence
the only way India will ever become relevant is if they finally start something with the Pakis.

current """"""democracy"""""" that makes people think they have some power = result of french revolution.

instead of knowing the kings rule, they think the politicians rule. so when the people get pissed off, they only get rid of puppets (politicians) and the real elite go unnoticed and nothing changes even with a new political party.