So the liberal asshats are extremely angry about the fact that Irish slavery really did happen. The black dude in the video below does deserve some props for his acknowledgement of the issue. You see, we aren't given all of the details when it comes to history. In fact, the liberal professors at many of the universities actually hate history and do not want it to be taught in schools at all. This shit makes some black people furious. After all, they were supposed to be the only slaves in America and the Caribbean right? Black Lives Matter wants to wipe out this history.
Irish White Slavery Really Did Happen
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Thanks for sharing that. What's crazy is if you do a Google search, you will see that there is all of this "Irish slavery myth" bullshit. It is well known that the British made slaves out of the Irish and sent them to Barbados and other areas. These people are trying to dismiss an important part of history as a "myth." You will note that not a single one of these websites has anything from a legit source.
Yeah it's a really good read.
For one who knows about cultural marxism it's easy to see through all their lies, all they want to do is attack the western society, which pillar is the white heterosexual man.
A note i always make when the slavery question comes up is that slavery is not limited to America or any race, it has occurred in basically all societies and cultures and races. Whites have enslaved whites and sold them to Arabs. Blacks sold blacks to whites etc. It's never been about race, that's only cherry picking and straw man for pushing the leftist agenda.
Called true research bro
>Based ass "Productive Black Citizen"
>The more you learn the more it will piss you off
>When you understand that this is ALL indoctrination done through schools (Starting with your youngest)
>Enough to make your blood boil and give credence for more questions to be asked
You "da man" user....."not a nigger"......DO NOT LET THAT WORD "OFFEND" YOU....AS IT DOES "NOT" APPLY TO YOU (It's a trick......NEVER get offended.....this is the internet)
It's really weird because many of them claim to be "highly educated" but even the most basic logical arguments are either too hard for them to understand, or maybe they just refuse to look at the other side of the coin when it comes to logic. It's only valid when they get their way...
But there's no such thing as race, so blacks having it worse off than whites must be because of something else that separates them: slavery.
Well, I actually am of Irish ancestry the so-called "white niggers" if you will lol...
This is the most normie post I've read all year, gtfo
Potato nig reporting in. Only took about 3 generations for my family to become affluent & working in upper echelons of govt. Cultural marxists BTFO.
You can be normal and still troll the fuck out of some retards... Like those motherfuckers who cry "racism" every single time someone mentions anything about work or responsibility.
>based doc of common sense
Yes its the most political incorrect part of history
The eternnal anglokike enslaving whites
Only the dominance of anglos on this board supresses this topic
Fuckoff anglos, you enslaved more whites than niggers, heck nigger even cost more and you fucking BRED filthy niggers with wjite women like cattle to create mutts who were more priced
Forced rape of white women.
The depravity of the anglokike is truly remarable
So fuck off with your >muh white natsoc
That guys post just reads like he's someone's liberal dad who clicked his sons bookmark that was next to Facebook and stumbled on here
>Don't ever let the word nigger offend you kiddo it doesn't apply to you
>You da man!!
>whoa is me
You see, that's another thing. Sup Forums is all about being politically incorrect right? So, you should expect to come in here and see the word "nigger" "potato nig" or whatever.
>Whoa is me
This is why Irish aren't white, 'fecking' potato nigger.
To give you an example of many liberal fallacies, the one that comes to mind is when they preach "tolerance" yet they are intolerant of heterosexual males. I guess tolerance to them means that everyone should be gay. Oh wait! Supposedly, nobody can control their "sexual preference." THEY WERE BORN THAT WAY!!! What a bunch of tards.
Okay so what's your fucking point? The dude sounds like he doesn't belong here and he should stop posting, you probably should too since you're trying to explain this board to me for some fucking reason, did you stumble here off Facebook as well?
i think most people on here know the racism is ironic, but some stormfags think it is real lol
I'm a "potato nigger." I don't give a shit...
Well you're definitely some kind of nigger since you can't follow what's going on here
ya, but they could blend in better when they ran away... :) so ...
stop crying
stop crying
>A fucking leaf
That's not an oxymoron, moron.
Yeah niggers being the most prolific criminals and disease ridden race in the US. LOL JOKES
What color would you say they are?
The irish were not slaves, they entered indentured servitude on their own. They had to work for their freedom. Black slaves didn't have a choice and could not become free. You're a fucking idiot for comparing the 2.
Are you going to cite any sources or pull shit out of your ass like all of the other dumb shits?
I never said anything about comparing the two. I'm just saying that the fucking media along with many of the universities are acting like this shit never happened when it did.
Liberal mics love this meme because they hate being white unless it doesn't suit them. They're like inverted Jews.
you're dumb
Canadians and their ad hominems. Or, maybe you are using a proxy. Assuming that you know how to use a proxy.
Page 2, introduction:
>Most of the books on White labor in early America are titled with words like “White indentured servitude,” White “bondservants,” White “servants” etc. It is interesting that White people who were boundto a condition of what became in many cases permanent chattel slavery unto death, are not referred to as slaves by Establishment academics.
One of the first slave owners in the colonies was black. A free black man. You and your >muh gen education sound stupid to people that have studied history for decades.
American history has not been taught correctly for many decades. This is all politically motivated obviously. The US is not the only country to do this. There are many other countries that resort to simply giving half truths and leaving out a lot of important events that have happened. They will never refer to the Irish slaves as "slaves" because it goes against everything that the liberal agenda has stood by for years. History itself makes liberals look stupid as fuck. That is, for those who actually know anything about it.
Most of the professors are just pretenders. They seem to think that they win every argument by default "cause muh PhD."
History revisionism is a problematic thing in every country
All stemming from "those who can't do, teach"
Civic Nationalism wins again?
I hate that when I try to google it every website is trying to convince me that it isnt true. Why is the world so deceptive and delusional.
Read what Goad has written
some of it is here
Other and longer text here
American history traditionally portrays the Puritans as heroes of religious freedom when in truth they were responsible for the English civil war and were pretty intolerant themselves on matters of religious or civil freedom which ties in quite nicely with the Irish story during that era
I am watching the video. I hate that people say U.S economy was built on slavery. Its true that it was built on western innovation. Such as the cotton gin by Eli Whitney.
Weren't there a lot of Russian serfs sold into American slavery as well?
portuguese were slaves at one point to, i know theyre not white but they arent full african either