So which bundles are you guys going to get?
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republicans do nothing but fuck over the average person. Stormfags care more about their xenophobia than anything else even their wallets.
That's just for americucks right? Nothing the rest of the world will be affected by?
if this happens I'll be pissed
Pathfinder, news, marketplace, and playground
I support this because I don't like the poor having access to things.
what's ironic is this is the model we are headed towards BECAUSE of net neutrality
gg libtards
I'm genuinely curious, please explain
Haha now there is no net neutrality we are going to screw your speeds and give you shit service
Haha now ill just change to a different provider that isnt a fucking retard
Not him but the internet does seem to be getting smaller and more consolidated these past few years. I don't know if it's because of net neutrality or in spite of it, but it's happening.
Is that even around still?
That picture looks fucking ancient, 2006 YouTube logo, AOL and some other forgotten shit
That's a fake article
How is this different than the charges people are already paying for access? It's probably cheaper to pick and choose if this isn't on top of what I'm paying now
I think what you are noticing is what this fellow in the accompanying vid calls "filter bubbles".
it went to shit after the owner went to worship moloch at bohemian grove now it's full of corporate PR news
You can't do that in America. There is zero competition in 80% of the country. Time-warner and Comcast have agreements to "stay out of each others territory"
Open monopoly Trump will do NOTHING about, but at least he refused a new airforce 1 he sure is clearing the swamp
I pay 35€ for illimited fiber Internet, a landline with free calls in France, and cable television. And I still think it's too expensive and that I should drop the cable TV since I rarely watch it.
No one would actually pay this shit, right? I threw up in my mouth a little when seeing the mock up.
Didnt AT&T just buy Time-Warner? I was hoping the gov would stop that deal.
The article is real bit the disinfo shills are expecting you to only read the spin in the headline without actually reading the article which is them trying to encourage competition in the telecom industry.
listen around 27 mark
Of course it is fake, frog. It is a muck up that illustrates what the anti net wutrality bussiness model looks like.
Also, checked
People pay more than that on average in the US but most service is unlimited. $100 a month I would think is average in the US. The OP pic is actually cheaper if you are not a downloader/uploader and only consume YT and Netflix and social media/games.
Pathfinder obviously, reading Wikipedia pages is my no.1 hobbie
I hadn't heard that but wow yeah they did
haha we're so fucked
>open monopoly Trump will do NOTHING about
k mate
Why didnt this happen before net neutrality?
makes you think
I only go to Sup Forums and use steam, so this looks like a pretty comfy deal desu.
Time Warning and AT&T don't serve any overlapping areas. Cable companies all have local monopolies over most of the US.
Consolidating of websites is different than ISP's controlling what information they can provide and at what speed.
I'm confused how is this a bad thing?
They are overlapping Time warner provides home phone service. At&T provides internet service also. It very much overlaps.
Where I like we have both Time warner(now spectrum) and ATT
Before net neutrality prices were going down and speeds were going up
The time warner at&t merger has nothing to do with internet
Which republicans?
>I'm confused how is this a bad thing?
I actually have no problem with him fucking over Time Warner because they own CNN
Monopolies is a market extreme that hurts the free market.
There is no way something like this happens. Companies have no reason to work with internet providers to do something like this. They will lose money. Comcast tried to do this shit to Netflix and netflix told them to fuck off, then comcast bent the knee and got a special deal.
how will it have nothing to do with internet?AT&T provides now 4 types of internet(Sat,DSL,Mobile,and now cable through time warner companies like charter) and will be a monopoly in many areas outside of the reaches of Comcast.
Here's the actual FCC doc.
Part A is okay, and probably what everyone thinks NN is about. Parts B and C seem to be entirely about the FCC defining and redefining terms to give itself more power regarding things the court said it didn't have power over. I didn't get past that.
because its not time warner cable
Its a different company
This guy is so dumb. Bickering over tiny facts and his autistic "pet peeves" as if that makes the whole argument invalid. Stupid video.
> 1000 megs
this can be hit instantly by even the shittiest 1080p 5 minute younigger video.
500 megs is also basically nothing.
This sort of shit only demonstrates that:
- The people in charge have no idea what they have
- The people selling things have no idea what the internet is actually worth or how it works
- The people who are doomed to maintain the servers are going to be pulling their hair out
- Medical and emergency services are going to blow the fuck up when they find out their live stream gets terminated for exceeding bandwidth and killing hundreds
- People will fucking be assassinated over slowed porn downloads
This was made by someone who has no idea how the internet and markets work.
The internet isn't a market. In most areas it's a strict monopoly.
This picture began circulating around 10 years ago as a warning against a Bush era push for "net neutrality".
It's a duopoly and what I was saying if they tried to start using that pricing module its going to piss off a lot of companies that make money from the internet. Because people will be like well I only really use it for netflix and games. Then thats a shit ton of news sources, sport channels, retailers that just lost millions if not billions of dollars.
Internet becomes too expensive for NEETS, forcing them to get jobs
>yfw (((Comast))) begins ultra throttling Sup Forums and Breitbart specifically
If ISP's have a strangle hold on the internet, which at this point can be seen as a commodity, they can charge literally whatever they want and do whatever they want if they are not heavily regulated. Because people will pay to have access to the internet at any price.
What is mesh networking.
>the current year
>paying for the electric jew
>actually watching any of the crap on there
There's nothing good on TV. Absolutely nothing.
Nice trips tho
net neutrality is already gone with many websites adopting a pay per view or subscription model
Found the (((Jew)))
Shut up, kike
>, they can charge literally whatever they want and do whatever they want if they are not heavily regulated.
no because someone else will start an ISP like google is doing now
If they started doing something like that you would have companies like amazon and google come together to either A. Go on a lobbying campaign to get them to cut that shit out. or B. Put together enough resources to compete in the internet market.
Have you noticed more and more sites are outright refusing to let you on their site if you have an adblocker?
Download Ublock, they can't detect it yet and its not as jewy as the other one that started fucking with how good it works if you have the free version.
It's well within their rights.
>no because someone else will start an ISP like google is doing now
How's that working out for Google? They've been at it for a couple years and the big ISPs have been fighting them tooth and nail every step. What are we up to now, 6 cities in the US where you can get Google Fiber?
I hardly use any data. Does this mean that my price will drop and I can finally stop subsidizing people who torrent and watch movies?
maybe because running an ISP is not actually that profitable
This is going to assfuck any ISP that tries to implement it. Doing something like this will transform an ISP into from a carrier to a content provider with a whole different set of restrictions. If they regulate your bits in any way beyond copyright screening (and even that is 100% unconstitutional) they are immediately liable for all content on their network.
Download cheese pizza? Comcast is on the hook for it, too. Download the new Star Wars? Cox will owe the film faggots for it, too. Pirate AutoCAD and Office? Verizon will be just as culpable as the downloader.
ISPs have a vested interest in just remaining datapipes, and very few of them realize this. Ending net neutrality also opens up any ISP that does this kind of throttling to being forced to carry alternative ISPs on their full networks, at cost, the way that AT&T has to carry MVNO traffic.
> t. worked in telecoms for a bit
The Shot gun, white robe, Rope bundle
Awesome so in 10 years we can expect service in NY, LA, SF, MIA, and maybe Tampa?
Found the trailer park white trash.
Market wasn't developed well enough and people had already had their fill of idiocy from AOL.
Not for long. They are going to have to open up their networks to competition if the Feds end net neutrality, because they will now count as content providers. It will create huge opportunity for new ISPs.
that's better than australia
>labor government proposes national broadband network
>fiber to the premises to 95% of people
>1 gbit/s later on, 100 mbit standard at first
>5% fixed wireless
>liberal comes in
>puts in "MTM" which is basically picking and choosing what technology you're going to use depending on the area
>something like 60% of the country is supposed to have fiber to the node, so fiber a certain way then normal copper the rest of the way (through VDSL2)
>remaining 40% is a mix of pay based technologies, fixed wireless, and satellite (people in sydney are now getting put onto satellite btw)
>network is 10 billion dollars over budget
>something like 2 years overdue
>they want it done by 2020 but by the looks of their budgets they're still going to be working on it by 2022-2024
>the copper section of the network is being leased from telstra, a private monopoly
>which was given to telstra back in the old days
>which was government property
>so the government gave government property to a company, then leased it back for billions of dollars
>the entire network is an official government type thing so if you want to run an auxiliary network (aka run your own fiber and so on) you have to pay out the ass to the NBN and limit your speeds to 25 mbit or less
>and you can't have your own network, you have to wholesale it
>the government says this is going very well when 90% of the copper lines in this country are horrifically damaged and won't last to 2025
>the government says fiber is a meme and when the time comes they'll just switch over
>which entails ripping out the existing network and putting a new one in when they could have done it the first time
>funniest part is this is going to happen by 2025, so we're paying 60 billion AUD for this pile of shit only for it to be ripped out and replaced with what we actually wanted
be happy you can even make a fucking fighter jet
Whichever one Sup Forums is in. Literally the only thing I do on the internet.
if ISPs actually did what is in the OPs pic it would happen overnight
Yeah don't worry Sven, you won't be affected at all by the largest economy in the world.
The Time Warner Cable became a separate company from Time Warner Inc in 2009.
If they take a shitty price model that drives customers away then yes. This is where cable providers fucked up. They were assfucking people so hard that when things like netflix and hulu came out a bunch of people jumped ship.
Net Neutrality actually serves to make competition lower, rather than higher.
net neutrality is only a year old
They've tries to get this stuff through a dozen times before. Plebbit will be pissed and stop it. Just like all the other times.
So long Trump gets rid of anti-trust monopolies I'm cool with this
It is if you got customers by the balls, like Comcast and TW have. You think they want more competition? Furthermore, there not content with having the customers by the balls, they want to give them a little squeeze now which is what getting rid of net neutrality is about and implementing something like the OP image.
I actually like the model? It depends how it will work based on competition being present.
Network neutrality as a principle has been enshrined in US law since the telegraph networks. Carriers can't be content providers - otherwise AT&T would have been the biggest spy network ever back in the day, holding back competitor's information and pushing favored fellow corporation's information. This carried over from telephony to cable TV, satellites, Internet connections and mobile phones.
I pay $80 a month for DSL 40mbps and basic home landline telephone service.
I would love the pricing in OP pic. It'd be like being able to pay a TV cable company for only the channels I use.
this guy is surprisingly well educated on this, i don't normally expect this from Sup Forums
>To qualify for the § 512(c) safe harbor, the OSP (ISP) must not have actual knowledge that it is hosting infringing material or be aware of facts or circumstances from which infringing activity is apparent. It is clear from the statute and legislative history that an OSP has no duty to monitor its service or affirmatively seek infringing material on its system.[12] However, the statute describes two ways in which an OSP can be put on notice of infringing material on its system: 1) notice from the copyright owner, known as notice and take down, and 2) the existence of "red flags."
so basically if you torrent and a copyright holder finds out, the copyright holder must give an infringement notice to the ISP who must then take note and undertake some sort of action (for almost all ISPs in almost all cases this is just sending you a letter), and that's basically it. if the ISP independently looks for people who are infringing copyright and so on and doesn't do anything about it, they are legally liable for what you did since that technically counts as allowing the behavior. for example how if you allow someone to take your car to rob a bank, you are technically an accessory while if they take it without your permission or knowledge you're not.
if you start policing traffic you will get fucked up, so it's in their best interest not to.
Except the Internet doesn't work like cable. It's not like you're paying your ISP to produce websites. Paying for only the websites you use is retarded, when the cost (to them) to bring you the whole internet is essentially the same.
Are you a Telecoms lawyer? You sure sound it. Not that that's bad or anything.
>Stormfags care more about their xenophobia than anything else even their wallets.
No its someone that understood common sense, then looked up the legal ramifications of it too.
Something that I can't get because I live in a small shithole town
they were not classified as common carriers until a year ago
God, I wish. Poor grad student who used to do web development, worked at a data center and did some other netcentric work.
>allow someone to take your car to rob a bank, you are technically an accessory
Exactly. Now extrapolate that out to an entire grid of users of an ISP's services when that provider is suddenly considered a content provider. Any ISP wanting to operate under that regime is stupid. Much better to be a fat pipe, even better to only guarantee an encrypted, anonymous, connection for users. This is also a massive business opportunity for a new generation of ISPs.
Only because the ISPs forced the issue. They were de facto common carriers beforehand.
Oh that makes sense too. Glad I'm not the only one that sees what Net Neutrality actually is. I actually think I red-pilled one of my professors on it with a paper I wrote.
Will this effect the free wifi I get from neighbors?
they were not regulated like them
What plan is Sup Forums on?
No, they behaved like common carriers by agreement, so as to not be regulated while building out their networks. This is heritage from the days when all network pipes were peered basically on handshakes by their operators.
Back in the day they knew to much regulation would prevent them from becoming really capable. Then they got greedy and got hit with regulation.
After growing up on the wild west internet I dont care. Its all garbage. Youre garbage reading this. This is scare mongering anyway, the reality will be important websites like netflix youtube and amazon will have priority. A text imageboard with 200k pictures isnt shit. It will be largely the same.
this has to be autism bait, right? no way that is getting a special connection plan? who the fuck even uses
also where are the fast accesses to the national services, taxes, social security, healthcare, gov. information, etc?
what if you have a new platform, how do you even grow if your potential clients connections are capped against you?
what about ads?? if this was enforced it would slash the ad market to the ground, no third-party connections or cookies, or a diminshed bad-working version of it, unless you registered all ad servers, which would fuck it up faster because of ad-blocking software, but if you left it open then embedding shit would bypass the connection limits
>Net neutrality
>Imposing "laws" to make sure what has already naturally occurred continues to occur just with more government
>this can't possibly go wrong
LOL ok
If you know your ancap then we are about to get some good internet from this spike in demand
Another thing to consider is that at the root level, the Internet is still a network-of-networks. One of the datatypes that makes up a growing and critical part of that is MTM or machine-to-machine communications. Much of this is corporate systems communicating with other elements of the same corporation. Examples might be a chemical plant or ship communicating with the home office. ISPs messing with any level of this traffic are playing with fire.