Brit/pol/ - European Union Edition

>12 dead after cannabis-crazed lorry drives into crowd at a Christmas market in Berlin - And they got the wrong man!

>Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead on live TV by his own reefer-smoking bodyguard who claimed that Russia's support for the Syrian government drove him to it

>3 dead in shooting near Islamic Centre For Marijuana in Zurich

>Brussels on lockdown as stoned terror police refuse to disclose what they were doing

>Vote of No Confidence in Northern Ireland's First Minister fails

>MPs should stop asking Sharia May about Brexit - She has no clue and they’re wasting their time

>UK Government confirms that it sold cluster bombs (considered so dangerous they were banned by an international treaty) to the Saudis

>Labour: Tech Companies need to be more transparent

>Loony Left Corner: Corbynite claims that Tory cuts forced him to shoplift booze from Waitrose; "I am not pretending that I didn’t take that stuff but I was forced into a corner and I was forced to rebel"

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you, OP.

brit/pol/'s hero speaks out on evil Farage



kys scot

>copy-pasted links

Reporting on new terror attacks is racist you fucking stormfag

Brit/pol/ the EU edition.

>Implying the farage.neocities mess of double-posted Breitbart and Express links is any better

What do you do for work, brit/pol/?

I feel like most of you would be NEET's or non-STEM students.

Have you taken the Jimpill lads?

i take shit on aussies for a living


NEET. :(

physics student in brighton
i thought the leftism in brighton was bad before i went
boy was i underestimating green voters


Chinkposter here

I'm signing off for the year and will return in 2017 refreshed from a break from all things electronic. In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Relax, love your family and friends and try not to get worn out by them all, and eat veggies because they will always be your friend.

Thank you for all your support in 2016 - Stay well x

Another German into scat fetish, colour me surprised.

What the fuck is with yanks and the poles

Rei is better


5 of the 10 posters in this thread aren't british - what is this, London?

Are you being racist, pham?

I like Maxwell's equations.

Diversity is the key to stronger society

Software engineering.

can raise that number to 6 laddie

Wot í fok var þér sagt bara 2 ég m8? Ég hætti í newcastle aðal skool im sickest blokkum Ullr mæta alltaf & ive gripinn eggfrumum 300 súkkulaði globbernaughts Frum Tha horninu búð. im þjálfaðir í götu fitin '& im sterkasta foker í tha öllu newcastle ræktina. nothin yer mér en ósvífinn Lil bellend m / passa mömmu & fakebling. illa úrgangs u og mölva fokin flösku OER höfuð yer Bruv, ég swer 2 Kristi. ya held u getur Fokin keyrt ya Gabber á mig meðan sittin á yer rass bak við lil skjáinn? hugsa aftur wanka. im Callin mig Homeboys helgiathöfn nú preparin að rétta rusl. A roomble thatll gera ur nan særindi jus hearin um það. Yer sóun Bruv. mér Áhöfnin vera allan tha place & illri slá ya til réttrar fokin deigi með mig greipar wanka. ef ég aint ánægð w / sem illa lánað mér m8s Krikket paddle & sjá hvort sem fær u fok út o 'Newcastle ya Daft Á þú geta. ef þér hefðuð séð þetta blóðug Fokin sóðaskapur Commin gætuð a 'haldið ya Gabber frá runnin. en það virðist já heimskur Lil twat, innit? ima **** E heift & Ull drukkna í það M8. Ína ur réttur óreiðu húnn.

classical electromagnetism is pretty sweet
mindbending stuff, but pretty cool nonetheless
lots of people in my year group are expecting to be graduating without having passed that module, apparently they found it pretty difficult
they all blamed the lecturer, mind you, but what do you expect from students desu


Brighton is like the elephant graveyard from the lion king.

Does the extra flags script even work? It doesn't seem to be for me...


It was good for me as a real life example for comprehending some calculus concepts related to nabla, Gauss law, etc.


Farage is a British Hero who wants to Liberate the UK from EU Tyranny.

What did she mean by this, lads?

>All majority white countries

Not everyone uses it mate

Get in here lads, deutsch/pol/, first edition

What is the voice inside your head?

I take medicine for them

I don't know but they keep telling me to kill my parents.

Basil Fawlty, mostly a lot of nonsensical rambling.

No not like that, I mean what voice do you hear when you think of things? Mine is never my own.

43rd for crusty jugglers

>mean what voice do you hear when you think of things
Oh right - it usually tells me to burn things

It's you. Without actual spoken conversation or word to read, you will talk to yourself in your head.
Go to bed lads.

oh it's some neither-here-nor-there english voice. maybe RP accent at a stretch.


>what voice do you hear when you think of things
I hear it saying that I should probably dump her body somewhere.


Lineker is just butthurt because Farage is better at football than him. And selling crisps.


Security guard but learning to drive trucks in order to make more UK quidpounds.

Might make something to eat.

Post your political compass desu lads

>first cata game i've got into the night on

Fuken gypsy

Hard to say, when I become aware of how it "sounds" it begins to change

But generally it's my speaking voice just a lot clearer and without all the imperfections

>When you're Keith Vaz and you see a coked up rent boy


>Kraut OP

Worüber redest du? Dies ist Deutsch/pol/.

Slow thread.


I've come to the end of the line lads it ends tonight

late night brit/pol/ is always like this
's comfy desu

I took it fucking ages ago though, I've probably changed since.



I've took this test multiple times n the past six months i have always been in the center

gefa okkur aftur Reykjavik

Filteries is better

and if I were
to decline?

Same result kinda

Ég skal sýna þér í tvo heiman

What's up, what are you going to *end*?

What, you mean you're going to end the problems you're facing like a man?

Going to try that site in your image. Never heard of it before.

that is one mean looking pingu

im gonna shag your mum pussy

Good lad, proud of you son

which tea is the best?



Sainsbury's basics


I'll shag you in a minute, faggot.

you are my fucking hero my man

Green tea with mint, yes I am a pretentious cunt


Lads, I'll be honest, I'm all kinds of lonely, could maybe talk a bit?

That's what this shithole is for

spill cunt, before I go to sleep

>tfw got in an hour ago
>smoking and eating pizza

whats up user


post the rest of it

me too

Got to admit user, never been closer to opening the gun cabinet and using it on myself.

Good to hear user.

But it's Christmas user, no one should be lonely at Christmas.

was on a downer the other day myself lad, get yourself out the house.

anything in specific that's troubling you?