Why do all white women look like shit without makeup on?

Why do all white women look like shit without makeup on?

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because most of them spend their youth in drugs and having sex with niggers
Skin will bad forever

No, mate, it's makeup that makes cunts ugly

She has little acne. So what? Still very pretty.

Who is this fluid druid?

Trips of truth

Makeup is incredibly bad for the skin.

The more you wear, the worse your skin is.

Its why they also spend thousands on skincare products when all they really need to do is stop wearing so much makeup in the first place.

Some polish bint at my office actually has some eye shadow/lipstick tattooed on. It's probably better for her skin than wearing actual makeup.

this, a white woman without savage face paint is a rare treat these days.
>OPs dream girl

Because that's what people look like

>why do all women look like shit without makeup on?

Because the more you use makeup, the worse your skin becomes.

My GF changed into organic makeup and after a while stopped using makeup and women were constantly asking her how she got her skin so good and glowing.

Also eating healthy food and not drinking/smoking plays a big part.

Because the start putting heavy metals on their face by age 12. Once the start they can't stop.


where can i find women that wear little to no makeup


>Why do all white women look like shit without makeup on?
Alcohol, drug abuse and smoking will wreck your skin.

Still better than sheboons, which look like shit no matter how much makeup they put on.


makeup just tricks you into thinking the ugly cunts are attractive. the number of actually attractive women is low.

What's wrong with her? It looks like she has acne or some skin issues, but she is attractive and those things can clear up.

Literally fucks up women's skin, so they apply more make-up to cover up their fucked up skin.

Female logic.

If you get a girlfriend make it a priority to insist she not wear make-up, only on special occasions making an exception.


>not having an addictfu


Judging by her raccoon eyes she doesn't drink enough water.

There's your problem. You should court a middle school girl for marriage, it's the only way to go, I've got experience on this subject.

in Brazil with 300 dollars per month you can get one of these

>tfw my ex was hot af even with no makeup and she didn't wear much of it normally
>but if we went out she put it on and she looked like my personal fuck doll and it turned me on even more
>then she'd still be beautiful after wiping it off

Now if only she hadn't been crazy

A hot wife?

for 300 you can get a non addicted millennialfu with blue eyes.
A wife is a bit more expensive, about 600 britbong pounds.

Nice blog fag

>(((organic))) (((makeup)))

fell for the meme. TWICE

What the?!?!Oh no, no, nononononononononono NOOOOO!

Dude, what the fuck you doing?

Don't fucking show the gringos how good we have it here, the fact they think our country is a hole full of shit and negros is the only protection we have against mass imigration!

You hear me gringos? We are niggers, we are worse than niggers, we are double niggers, we are black as coal, if you come here we will rape you and your family and gore you up and post the video on liveleak, we will fucking burn you alive and shit down your charred remains throath! S-Stay away!!!!

>eat genetically altered food, destroy epigenome structure
>eat meat, grain, dairy
>y muh skin so shiet?????


>Why do all white women look like shit without makeup on?

Why black womans looks like apes/monkeys?

Thanks. Please remember to like and subscribe.

The Eternal Anglo already destroyed our land and they always come here once a year to rape our few white girls left.

Here is a black woman for you!

Why do nigs and most other races females look like shit no matter what you do with them

>I'll never have 600 britcong pounds to marry a millennialfu


Our brains are programmed to naturally be attracted to women of our own race and repulsed by those of other races to discourage racemixing, it's a natural warning device.


>The Eternal Anglo already destroyed our land and they always come here once a year to rape our few white girls left.
Just imagine how much worse it would get if all those europeans that are sick of muslin controlled europe move here.

As soon as they get here they will try to push their liberal globalist agenda and as soon as you realize it they will be importing their muslin bulls here to enjoy their cuckold fetish, and when you realize it we will become the next Sweden!

Don't fucking invite gringos here, no good can come out of it!

>thread turns into a brazilian pimp trying to entice us to come to brazil to buy whores

She needs some cum on her face daily, it fixes acne


Man you guys have missed out.

Candice Cuckslayer - Queen of Sup Forums

So perfect. Such passion.

Disregard the monkey, he is wrong, brazilian women look like shit


My GF doesn't use makeup regularly. When she does, it looks weird. Either i'm just not used to it, or she doesn't know how to do it properly for lack of practice.
Either way, I like women with no make up, so, can't complain.

jewish women

she is wearing makeup u nigger

>Why do all white women look like shit without makeup on?
because it's all about what you DON'T see, irrespective of race..