Lena Dunham Wishes She’d Had an Abortion

Lena Dunham Faces Backlash for Saying She Wishes She’d Had an Abortion


>Twitter lit up on Tuesday over a portion of Dunham’s podcast “Women of the Hour.” In the most recent episode she stated that, although she has never had an abortion, she wishes she had in order to fight the stigma surrounding the controversial issue.

>“I wanted to make it really clear to her that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women’s options, I myself had never had an abortion,” the writer and actress stated. “And I realized then that even I was carrying within myself stigma around this issue. Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman’s right to choose, felt it was important that people know that I was unblemished in this department.”

You know what this means, right? One of us needs to volunteer to impregnate her, so she can finally feel comfortable being a pro-choice advocate. Isn't it so empowering and encouraging seeing women abort our future Einsteins?

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I really hate that ugly bitch

Would you be willing to hate-fuck her? You can't wear a condom though. She needs a baby-leaf inside of her womb.

> one of us
Leave it to Jamal. Kikesses can't resist niggers, it's a scientific fact. That's why jews are exporting black refugees to Sweden. They fear that they cuck them.

is like a badge of honor for them getting raped or having an abortion
it gives them a better status within their community
every sjw feminist secretly wants that so she can be look as a "martyr"
its no coincidence that they are the most likely to get into rough sex and bdsm
>also killing babies is fine if they are goblins or niggers

who gives a fuck

this is what western media do to women

She talks about loving things she'll never do.
Abortions. Move to Canada.

100% (anti-)virtue signalling

these people are so fucking boring it's unreal

Lena Lena Lena - sing it with me.

"Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits."

Learn it gud Lena cause your going right? You said your going right?

She just wants to kill Jew babies, disgusting anti-Semitism.

On the grounds that she wears a brown bag, and absofuckinglutely gets that abortion.

But then people wouldn't hate her for her abortion.

wow it's fucking nothing

>Wants an abortion
>Thinks a Chad Thundercock with virulent sperm would fuck it

Toppest of fucking kek's

man im so triggered, like how could she say such a thing

>implying white nationalism would be hostile to them rather than just kicking them out to go back to their own ethnostates

She cant get knocked up op, she has HPV to the point it created cysts on her ovaries so she cant bare children.

I wish her parents had aborted her. Dumb cunt.

I hope that bitch gets hit by a car.

>family owns 80% of money in the universe
>can't get a tailor to make sure his pants fit

He deserved it.

Hey Lena - don't let the door hit you in the thigh on the way out.


You dumb niggers are giving this ugly cunt attention, exactly what she wants.

She isn't known for anything except her horrible TV show where she's the main character. Just let her fall into irrelevance.

there IS a god and he is a lulzy bastard

If quads I'll drive into a BLM protest and fucking blast some Johnny Rebel songs


This is pretty spot on. This is a review of an academic article about victim morality, culture, and micro aggressions.

Long and short, how our culture currently understands morality is in terms of victimhood, with its own hierarchy. The victim status is now the highest moral status one can achieve.

Modern Western culture has gone through honor morality, and more recently dignity morality. But currently the victim morality has emerged and replaced the dignity morality.

This bitch is just retarded, has nothing to do with anything other than her own bad genes. Dont make excuses for this mongoloid attention whore.

Which of you was this?

Really wanna ass fuck her with no lube and then make her suck my shit covered dick. I also wanna do this to Chelsea Clinton.