1. Flag

1. Flag
2. What is your honest opinion on the shitholish wasteland known as Argentina?

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never been there. The people are white and cool. But never pay them a beer, they will never pay you back, (this argentino came to us, we have a nice chat, everyone were buying a round, when its time for the argentino to buy he just left.) 11/10 i would chat with him again.

My (white) girlfriend is from Argentina, and her rural hometown looks and feels like a small European town.

Argentina is a nice place, stop hate-baiting.

There was a TV show where they showed how subway cars from the 60s and 70s are used there, and they interviewed a lot of people who like Japan.

8/10, it was surprisingly white to boot.

I barely even knew your country existed before Sup Forums.

My honest opinion on your country is indifference. Your country is simply just irrelevant. Consider that a blessing.

What about us?

oyy veyy good goyim ignore the patagonia

>I barely even knew your country existed before Sup Forums.
yeah thanks obama for that education. Argentina is european level iq in south america even surpass places like Portugal and spain. They were the first in south america to get rid of the gommie influence (they just need to get rid of the jew president now).

how the fuck do you cunts have internet access shouldn't you be worrying about being robbed and killed

It looks so quiet and nice. Other than it being expensive, I don't see why you bros don't take more pride innit and prevent the encroaching cuckoldry while you can.

Best waiters in Mexico

you guys used to be one of the richest countries on the planet. what went wrong?

Tango is nice. Can't say much else

Looks comfty but your people seem insufferable. Love Tango though.

Confession: Argie rochas are my guilty pleasure.


our internet is better than yours from what i heard. you guys have download limit/month isnt it ? we dont.

I've never thought about it or met anybody from there.

Do not reply to one-posts.
We are being spammed and massively slid because Obama just got caught sponsoring terrorism.

i like the flag

Holy crap Argentina is whiter than us.

I still don't have to worry about going outside and be scared that some criminal group might kidnap me which usually ends up with the kidnapped victim being killed

Argentinians are true nordic decendants.

Come home white man.

I would kill to visit Patagonia one day, i've heard Buenos Ares is a beautiful city built in the modern-classic style. Also Penguins.

White country with cute accent on girls.

Lived there for a while, but unfortunately in Buenos Aires. The rural areas are probably a lot nicer.

I think you should fight for the Falklands.

Tell me about Argentina, please? What is your home/town like? Culture? Food? Fun things to do?

thats life.Also you dont need to be proud of that. Thats something that obviously was built generations before you were born. Therefore its not your doing. Enjoy it while it lasts.

why have a lot of variety my colombian friend, the problem with the rochas is that they get fat fast but they posses the best asess and tits.

here have a qt form my uni class.


>lives in australia
>claims that he doesn't have to worry about going outside

Mestizos who think they're white
good at soccer
irrelevant at everything else

Patagonia was nice but I don't quite understand you, you wouldn't kill to visit Siberia I wager and in the end both are mostly dead, cold zones with impressive ice and cool animals. Glaciars are great but the touristy feel sucks and I'd prefer the loneliness.

Buenos Aires has beautiful architecture yeah but it's basically the Paris of the South and since you're on Sup Forums you know the drawbacks.

if you ever go to the patagonia you should chek out tierra del fuego, especially ushuaia my man.

most deaths in australia are from dumb tourists cunts who think they can go walk in the outback and end up dying from the sun or dehydration

largest exporter of cattle, wool and products related to agriculture in the world.
The second country with most European immigration in the Americas just before the US, receiving tons of italians, germans and spaniards,
Fallen under socialism in the mid 40's, and subsequent dictatorships which tried to clean up the leftie mess, which ended when we lost the Falklands war in 1982.
Since then we've slowly turned into a welfare nanny State with 40% inflation, 10 million people under the line of poverty and low fiscal freedom.

Around 90% of the population is leftist and supports the big government taking over every aspect of life.

A country of such potential wasted in the hands of socialism. This is what you dodged by electing Trump.

viava argentine

1. Argentina
2. Best country in the world, whitest of América.

Acceptable place to live.

>Around 90% of the population is leftist and supports the big government taking over every aspect of life.


You faggots need to help the southern states of hueland to secede.

Oh true, that's a top tier clothing brand.

>yeah thanks obama for that education
I obviously knew what it was, just never really thought about it.

Doesn't sound like that bad of a country actually. If I ever visit South America, I am definitely visiting Brazil, Argentina and Chile.

Explain this

I'm originally from Mendoza, I hate Argentinian culture. I dont speak to anyone but my mother and brother and father. Most people think I'm white and I'm engaged to a 3rd gen Irish cutie. Althought I always tell them 80% of Argentinians are Indian lookin

You have to go to Puerto Madryn on spring around september and november, Punta Tombo its full of penguin colonies and you will get to see the hunchback whales.
The big drawback are the tourists
t. Marine biologist

>hue monkey
>white girlfriend

2/10 made me reply
Here is a (You)

typical mendocine jew, don't come back

I wouldn't call it cold, its looks like it but in reality if you stay in the sun you will burn your skin alive but if you go into the shadow you will get cold really fast there is no inbetween

where are you from?

Interesting. Do you love your home? Is it worth fighting for or do you consider the tide too big to turn?

Are there redeeming qualities to life in Argentina? Is the beef inexpensive?

This dumb amerilard thinks there are no white people on South America.
I'm probably whiter than you, lmao.

It can definitively get better. But it would be rather a slow process or it would require a Hitler-ish leader to put everything in order in short term. But we're in the right path now that we got rid of the hardcore manual socialism.

Worth fighting for, let's not forget this is the place where the Führer and his followers chose as second home and fled the war.

The beef is way less expensive than the US and the quality is much better. We also have lamb in the south, farmed by Welsh settlers.


Papa, we love you
Yes, but not cos we are doing it great. You are really going to the gutter.
Fuck off ahmed. We are mediterranean blood.
I live in a high class, suburban place really close to the capital. Lots of green and comfy hoods. Is awesome. Almost no niggers.
>good at soccer
>irrelevant at everything else
The pope is argie. The queen of Netherlands is argie. We just cucked venezuela out of mercosur and fucked the hole "commie block" in south america. Not so irrelevant.
And then nuke memezuela.

Come on man, you are still boxing with kangaroos

Surprisingly white country
Beautiful women
Far from the low standard Brazil has overall
Your footballers (soccer players) are greedy though
It's ok, one of the better southern america countries; even though that doesn't necessarely say much

Mexicans are the dirtiest people in America and just as bad of tippers as niggers.

I had a couple of you spics as foreign exchange students, both of them sold weed.

If it wasn't for the Falklands thing I'd be quite a fan.

Uruguay is, therefore, my waifu

Uruguay is our retarded and poor siamese brother.

osea que sos chetito? que tal estan las chetitas ahi?
aca en cordoba me hacen volver loco las minitas cada vez que voy a la facu me hace dar ganas de pegarme un tiro.

same as usual, put some nigs here and there and all goes to shit.


Nobody cares. Let us be comfy and alone at the bottom of the world. The less people know about us the better.

> Wasted by socialism
> It wasn't the CIA & Connie bullshit está

>dissing Uruguay
Uruguay is a beautiful warm pussy that serves as a loyal solace for all Argentines that can't take it anymore when the mad apocalyptic orgy of a country we have gets too dark and heavy

I think it's qt

i hate them. I moved there, spend 3 days surrounded bay uruguayos and go back. People in the countryside are cool but the people in montevideo should be gassed.

Only reason I know about your country is the Falklands War

>What is your honest opinion on the shitholish wasteland known as Argentina?

Never been there, but a lot of smart people have been buying and have been fans for a long time.

Chile too.


Uruguay is liberal paradise, please don't.

You are not supposed to move there, its a comfy safe-guard for when shit gets to heavy you cross the river and go for a few months

>Around 90% of the population is leftist and supports the big government taking over every aspect of life.
Is that why we just elected a Conservative President? Fucking idiot

>I moved there, spend 3 days surrounded bay uruguayos and go back. People in the countryside are cool but the people in montevideo should be gassed.

Uruguay is supposed to be like Argentina, but a bit more backwards. Is that right?

Montevideo is "Buenos Aires: Light Edition"

if you hate Montevideanos i cant imagine the suffering and torture you must endure when you have to deal with porteños

Macri is not a conservative. Is a fucking retard doing the same shit that the fucking K did. He is a worthless piece of shit. And a joo. He act like a joo, work with the joo so... is a fucking joo.

I hate him
No, is like argentina with one more chromosome and shittier tv shows.

Aussie internet is pretty shit, and yeah download limit/month.

Have it in New Zealand as well, American thing that has been brought down under I assume.

Uruguay is to us what New Zealand is to Australia.

You sound like a retard.

>and shittier tv shows

Not possible

Montevideo looks and sounds great. What don't people like about it?

Life in South America seems quite good in general. Obviously there are some massive pitfalls but by and large it seems a lot better than people think.

Nigga... you need to see that shit. They play our shows plus a few of their own. Is like Aids tv
Montevideo is beautiful, but the people is awful.

1. USA
2. Moderately expensive, hot/slutty girls. Less niggers than any yuropoor country.

When I see you I admit my first thoughts are to lynch
You look so gross, I'd hang you up with a winch
Never in life have I been gladder
To own several guns with which to pop your bladder
Can end your worthless life with one squeeze
Or several to turn a nigger into swiss cheese
You porch monkeys used to be such a benefit
I long for the time plantations were relevant
Where I'd crack a whip, you would work and not bitch
You'd pick my cotton and make me filthy fucking rich
You had a use back then, no need for a noose back then
I could get you to work and produce back then with

>conservative president

Just like Merkel. She's from a Conservative Party too :^)

this guy is correct
we are poor and mostly africans
horrible and dangerous place
do not come here, i repeat do not come here, dont fall for the meme and the fake graphs and maps posted around in this board

You are the reason your shitty embassador got shot and meme'd.

Thanks for the insight, friends. I'm definitely going to come for a visit with the wife and kids. Is land expensive that you know of? Also, any landmarks or towns to set my sights on?

I think Argies are fucking awesome because you guys let Hitler hide out after the war.

>Be Australian
>Drive to work
>Gas huffing abbos spikes your fuel tank while you're in traffic
>Walk instead
>Get bitten by three different venomous snakes
>Arrive in city to get to hospital
>Get fucked in the ass by a chink while Melburian fags cheer him on
>Post on the internet about your shitty experience
>Takes three hours
>Australian government fines you for complaining about minorities and increases your taxes for the next decade

B-but people on Sup Forums say I'm a based bogan! We're not c-cucked! Our nanny state will protect us from that!

>Life in South America
No. Stop making generalizations.
Foreigners always do this shit.

They come to Argentina or Uruguay and say... oh life in South America is so great!

Others go to Venezuela or Ecuador and say... oh life in South America is so awful!

Maybe start treating us as the very different individual countries we are?
South America is not a country, it's a huge continent. There's more distance from Buenos Aires to the Caribbean than to the South Pole.
And the differences between the countries are huge, pic related.

And Germans are known worldwide for their low taxes and strong work ethic so it's not exactly a big government country.

The refugees are another matter though, the borders should be enforced.

if you have dem dollaz land is cheap as fuck

The best niggers were the ones that sold us the slaves
Ain't saying much compared to the nigger that raves
And rants 'bout how they quote en quote "wuz kangs and shit"
Everytime I hear one say that I need a big hit
Then I need to grab my whip and lash at a nig
Use a whip crack to make the nig do a jig
It helps me relax and relive the glory days
When if a nigger misbehaved, they were set ablaze
And no one gave a shit, 'cause niggers weren't human
Then the 14th amendment had to go and ruin it
And pave the way for Apartheid to be destroyed
And leave a void where the segregation I enjoyed
Used to be, now it's all about "equality"
Bitch please, a nigger will never be equal to me
They can't bust a cap in me, they won't even try
They're such poor shots and I'm such a kill shot they'd

Don't anything about Argentina except for pic.

Now that I have learned all about Argentina and Uruguay, what does Paraguay do?

see we're literally Brazil and Libya tier
fucking nigger ridden shithole this country is

Hypothetically would it be difficult to tend a mary garden? Are people nosy? Does the law over there crack down hard on green?

You have Nice qt grills and Nice ppl. Love Argentina

>implying you aren't all basically the same

Burnt meat, coups, Catholicism, hot weather, genocide and footballers with stupid names

Go to Villa 31, high quality shit.

I know most of my fellows love to banter about Argies, but I for one think fairly well of the people and country. Political corruption has impoverished you and that's sad, but aside from that Argentina has good prospects.

Shut up mestizo scum, no one in the world cares about what your shitfest of a nation thinks.

Nah man, mary jane can be grown easily here. La gorra te pide una seca de última.

>Germans are known worldwide for their low taxes
Uh, no they aren't.