You can only post ITT if you're one of the top ten most common flags on Sup Forums

You can only post ITT if you're one of the top ten most common flags on Sup Forums
>not so fast, Poland

spain is n1

>New Zealand letting the Anglosphere down again

I didn't know that Mexico was in first!

Finland? I never would've guessed.

Surprised France is up there. Their English must be better than we thought.

you called?

Does Australia have the highest posters per capita?

Amazing politic discussion thread. Absoloutely not reported and saged

yea cara esse fórum tá uma porra

Damn we didn't make it

Ahaha, no escaping the lead

You can't tell me what to do

Never figured we were this high up. Really made me think tho, why are we putting up with all you anglocucks. I should really use Krautchan more.


I get the feeling that 50% of kraut and swampkraut posts are proxies


The empty can rattles the most.

2 ez

Top 10 rarest flags, if anyone cares

Also, 18 of the 19 Northern Mariana Islands posts happened in the last month.
They only had one recorded post from like two years ago before that.

No space?

When are we gonna get some Mali posters up in here?