What the fuck Sup Forums? Nig football player at university beats the shit out of his girlfriend (breaks nose, jaw...

What the fuck Sup Forums? Nig football player at university beats the shit out of his girlfriend (breaks nose, jaw, cheek bone etc), and is allowed to keep playing on scholarship... are you kidding me? Vid relate


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>she should be able to instigate violence without fear of repercussion because she has a cunt

kys white knight

She pushed him and he reacted with a full strength punch. Do you really think that's reasonable.



Happened 2 years ago. Only a problem when the video got released

Oklahomos are INCREDIBLY cucked when it comes to their precious dinduball teams. It's one of the reasons I can't respect that state despite its other positive attributes.

The most ardent, Trump-voting Oklahoma conservative will still get on his knees and suck off an entire team of dozens of ghetto Africans if it would help them win a pointless fucking game.

In that regard, they are completely fucked in the head.

While others have lost football scholarships for a lot less, that cunt got exactly what she deserved. On a moral level I imagine most people are fine with this. Also,

kys white knight

Now imagine he was white...

they were dating, so i don't know what is wrong and right.

hory shet

nice quints, but she slapped him in the face.

As soon as the female put her hands on him he had full right to defend himself by any means necessary.

If he had a CCW permit he was cleared to defend himself.

Hey hey hey, before we judge him first post his stats. If he can help my team win I will forgive anything.

imagine how many white pussies watched this video and got wet at that sign of pure alpha masculinity

Bitch slapped him first - deal with it nigger

Stop being racist, he was just defending himself.

>dating blacks

you burn the coal you pay the toll

OP are you some kind of faggot ass feminist or something?

fuckin SJW waste of quints.


She started a fight she couldn't win. Well deserved.

She payed the toll

I don't think it was, purely because kek has spoken through you and I follow him undoubtedly.

the guys defending this guy are also the same posting cuckporn here. degenerates

Yes. Now she knows not to do it again.

burn the coal, pay the toll

too bad she didnt die

She deserve the punch anyway. You don't instigate fights and you being weaker than the other person doesn't mean they shouldn't defend themselves from your attack on them. If anything it should tell you to not aggravate that person and instead seek logical and civil discussion.


this is unexpected

how could he do this


Did he do it? Probably, but he should be allowed to play up until he's convicted

Anyone can be accused of anything

>Joe Mixon
>race mixer

And what would you say to a manlet pushing a huge, muscly bastard? You'd say he deserved it and shouldn't have picked on someone bigger than him.

Women wanted equality, this is it.

lel, just noticed his last name is "MIXon". haha

it was self-defense

Does Jamal know you post here Brittany?

>beats the shit
Nice false flag. That was a single punch in retaliation to the girl attacking him first. It was overkill, but entirely justified. She shouldn't have hit him first.

He fucking killed her. I'll actually be at the Sugar Bowl on the 2nd watching our defensive line destroy him.

>She pushed him and he reacted with a full strength punch.

indeed, good too see that you recognise her blame in this situation

>Do you really think that's reasonable.
obviously not, but thats not the question at hand and your inability to recognise and allude to the real question at hand is telling...

i guess in order to actually advance this conversation i will have to spell it out plainly for you:

>"does the majority of blame rest at her feet for starting the altercation or does it rest at his feed for overreacting to her initial actions"

I would argue that the majority of the blame rests at her feet, roughly 75% if i had to throw out a number. You must also include into this figure the fact that she was indeed associating with a nigger, intimately or not, and therefore substantial blame lies with her. an analogy: you cant blame rabid dogs for biting but you can blame retarded peta faggots for petting the animal.

Chokelahoma gags on black football cock. This is not surprising.

Burn the coal pay the toll.

it's okay. it wasn't his gf.

That makes it better?

>Men need to control their strength!!! >:(
>women do not need to learn to not react to everything with physical violence

love the nu society

but women aren't equal and are retarded and don't know any better and all men should know this meaning women must be treated like the children they really are it is up to us to guide them as men
that is the difference. I mean she was dating a nigger AND it's a woman do we really suspect this person is on par with a man and should be treated as such because of a weak little slap from a female?

only niggers and pussies do this


Also, burn the coal pay the toll.

It's the fucking cucks that care so much about sports that kept him from getting any more punishment.

When do those worthless feminists complain about this?

burn the coal, forfeit your soul.

She's a spic and she wasn't his girlfriend. This is also old.

you have a right to defend yourself against someone assaulting you. male or female.

you do not, however, have a right to those sick digits brah

Never because feminism is nothing but a weapon to be used to bash white males. You will never hear a (((feminist))) speak out about the tens of thousands of black on white rapes that occur each year.

Yes, I do. I guarantee if the situation was reversed and this was a white guy, you would be defending him to no end. You would come up with any excuse possible to defend his actions.

Guess what, don't want to be hit, don't lay your hands on someone else like a child. Both parties are wrong in this, the guy was in his right to react like that, but he should have showed restraint. The woman was in the wrong as well, you don't lay your hands on someone else like that.

It's amazing how the white knights on here swarm out just because the guy is black, pathetic.

Aw, you mean there's favoritism for BLACK athletes too?? Who woulda thunk!

OU is shit tier.

Same with Baylor

embarrassed to be in the Rig12 with them at Texas

She hit him twice. He hit her once and walked away.

>those damn cucks are stopping him from getting the punishment he deserves!
>those damn cucks are ruining things by encouraging women to think that they can get violent with a man and expect no retaliation!
Wew lad

Stay in your mommies basement please. You didn't watch the video? This nigger walked in there looking for a fight - some drunk cleat chaser stepped out of line AND HE BROKE BONES IN HER FACE.

Hang this nigger from a tall tree and leave em for the others to see.

I do

All I saw was a coal burner getting what all coal burners deserve.

sorry but it's on her for 2 reasons
don't wanna get hit, keep your hands to yourself
and second
burn the coal, pay the toll.

>you have to pay the coal toll
>you have to pay the coal toll
>you have to pay the coal toll
>you have to pay the coal toll
>you have to pay the coal toll
>you have to pay the coal toll

>walked in there looking for a fight
It looks like he walked in upset, but he didn't walk in swinging. Being upset is not a crime. The girl hit him twice and he retaliated in kind. If anything, he showed more restraint than necessary by not defending himself after her first hit.

But that's all sport fans, so what's your point?


Actually I don't. I was just fishing for (You)s. You stole them all.

Also a lot of people here are also fishing for yous...or else are retarded. Case in point

Black privilege

If a woman is really the equal of a man, she should have been prepared for him defending himself and all the consequences. She started the assault after all.

Can't have it both ways. Either women are inferior and incapable of deciding things for themselves (and therefore not responsible for their own actions), or they are responsible for their own actions and the consequences of their actions.

I watched the video. She pushed him and she struck his face. She doesn't get a pass for being a girl.

He threw one punch and walked away. If he had waylaid into her while she was down, things would be different. But as it is I'd vote to acquit.

Sure - but you are forgetting this society is for humans not monkeys.

The girl is brainwashed, the nigger is a violent animal that needs to be caged, killed, or sent back to africa.
>retaliated in kind
Retaliated like a stupid shitty subhuman.



Fuck you faggot - Auburn fucking sucks

PS This nigger James Butler was given a slap on the wrist for suckerpunching and breaking this other monkey's jaw after losing a charity boxing match.

He later murdered his "best friend of 10 years" who was letting him live in his house since he was a piece of shit nigger. Hit him in the head with a hammer 40 times and burned his house down.

Monkeys aren't human.

A white man whould have never Roy Jones Jr. this stupid bitch. If he did - send him to africa too.
"I think it's a fair resolution of the case," Keenan said.
"He's always been sorry for what he did, and in the end he thought
of Sam Kellerman as a friend."
No motive is given for why the struggling athlete bludgeoned his friend with a hammer and then set fire to their Hollywood apartment.

>defending feral niggers

Reddit ---->

What is with the sjw faggots getting the sick digits?

Also suck my dick you steer faggot - finish over .500 then come talk to us nigger.

>making it about race
user it doesn't matter what the guys skin color is. The girl deserved it and the guys retaliation was justified although overkill. Stop being so bootyblasted.

>Being a feminist

That's ancient sexist attitude. Women are equal to men, so if a women assaults a man, he's allowed to defend himself.

But according to you, women are inferior beings who are never adults, cannot control themselves, cannot act like a civilized human, and should be excused for their actions because of it.

Fucking grow up, its current year.

Don't think she was his girlfriend. She had a faggot friend with her. Nigger calls faggot friend a faggot. Girl slaps nigger. Nigger hits girl.

Fucking wasted in a shit thread

>those damn cucks are ruining things by encouraging women to think that they can get violent with a man and expect no retaliation!

Where did I say this?

It's not being a feminist to defend a women from a nigger.

>come back an hour later
>notice this

It could have been worse. At least he didn't rate her out of ten.

>Pictured: a group of white knights

this 'nigger' is a decedent of slaves, thank you very much

he merely acted out in frustration over the misery that his ancestors suffered under the rule of the white devil

what a brave young man. i see a future astronaut in him :)


Eh, I'm all for showing women 'equality', but a close fist max-punch was excessive.

A good hard slap in the face would have still put her on the floor and not broken her jaw and face.

>Coal burner faces the toll.
Who cares?
Not I.

People like that are meant for each other. Abusive girl gets knocked out by abusive guy. Just throw them both in a trash heap and burn it.

I live here, can confirm, I hate all sports teams as a direct result.

Yes, actually. If a man pushed you then you knock his shit out. Women need to know the same rules apply to them when it comes to physical violence.

The same rules may apply but personally I go easy on them, they're fragile, it doesn't take much.

Easily threatened are we? Fucking beta central in here.

Also, women aren't equal. They are the fairer sex; treat them as such and they act like it.

Dindu nuffin
He ben going to church n sheit

I'm the type that if you instigate violence against someone, even just pushing them, I believe they have the right to kill you where you stand. It's up to the individual to decide how far they go.

God damn he fucking clocked her, she easily could have died.

you got it.. I live here (not by choice, not my home state) football is a fucking religion specially college ball, probably because theres nothing else to do but drugs or tornado chasing

She burned the coal and paid the toll. No sympathy for her at all

I attend OU and can confirm. The school is entirely dependent on athletics for its money, so they do whatever it takes to protect them. Especially the football team.

yes, 100%

This is the truth. That stupid white whore hit him first. She got what she deserved.