Are they mad because planes are dumping poo onto India or because they aren't? I can't tell.

As long as it ends up on the street I don't see what they have to complain about.

Could a intact hung of shit actually kill someone if it fell from the usual crusiing altitude of an airliner? Lets assumed its an average log (3"x10").

This reminds me of an old Indian proverb.

>Monkey see, monkey... poo

I've thought about this before, I'm thinking yes.

Poo while they flew?


>an average log (3"x10")

It would probably be frozen too.

>he doesn't poop only 1.5x times a week


>an average log (3"x10").


How can they tell the difference?

i assume so


based leaf.

Planes fly in high spaces and could freeze the poop while in air making a frozen spike

>average log
>3 inches
>10 inches


They really can't help themselves. Kek


>Be me, citizen of inidia (Supar power by 2030, son if bitches!!1)
>Go on holiday to europe, lots of sexci women there ; )
>start to feel ill, doctor does not know what is wrong
>week later, feel sick still. Sad, go to DR
>He say 'hmmmmm, i think i know."
>he defecates in a bucket and tells me to take big whiff.
>I do and by god I feel better. What was wrong with me then I ask?
>You were homesick is all, Rajeet!

Good one


What the fuck are you eating, dude?

it would probably break apart in air

I thought Amerifats poo in liquid form now?

I hope you meant 3 to 10 inches, otherwise you need a doctor.

Why is India so full of human waste?

What if you stuck fins on it before you flushed it so it wouldn't spin/flip around and break up?

what about a rudder

>$730 fine for dumping someone's dump if they get caught

It probably costs more to suck all the filth out of the plane and have it hauled off somewhere.


No one has ever died from falling airline shit, but large balls of frozen shit/urine has caused massive property damage of people's houses when they've fallen through the roofs, and could easily kill someone if they landed on a person.

Okay, wtf is a green court? And $735?! Oh noes!

the beauty of this literal shitpost is that it was completely, unironically innocent. casually assuming that everyone else shits perfect 3X10X5 inch logs

>pic related
muh diversity

I took a domestic flight while travelling in India from New Delhi to Kolkata

Let me tell you, you guys have no fucking idea how bad it is

All the bathroom fittings and surfaces are painted brown by the airlines because it is not humanly possible to keep it all clean of faeces. The last 2-3 rows near the toilets at the back of the plane are designated shitting aisles basically. When the toilets are full (and they always are), men (and sometimes women) basically go to the back of the plane and shit somewhere in the aisle and use the in-flight magazine to wipe. The stench of human excrement was so bad that it kept setting the bathroom smoke detectors off and the flight attendant had to keep resetting it and announcing on the PA that everything was OK and to re-assure people because of the alarm.

Because they aren't dropping it on designated streets

most americans are type 7

source pic related

it's their culture

That was pretty good.

I had a nice type 5 shit a few hours ago

>shit on the street is caused by these damn airplanes
>airplanes dump their shit over there because there is shit on the street already

my sides


This is too rich

imagine taking one of these indians and raising them in the west.
>black skin
>straight hair
>euro-mongol features
>normalish IQ
>posh accent

fuck we could start a line of qt dark elves.

can u imagine if they shifted to a poo-powered electric system?

They would a global supoopower


>Normalish IQ

You've got to be kidding right?

They aren't abos Aussie.

You have a tale to tell?

Holy fuck man. I shit st least 3x a day.

Dark southern Indians are Abos' closest relatives

As far as I know, the darker and more southern, the stupider the Indian

As a whole, Indians have IQs around 90 or so at best. Your Sikhs and Punjabis are smarter than that, and your poo-brown ones are stupider.

What the fuck was that Roo doing to that dog?

sleeper hold for fresh consumption at a later date. i do it all the time.

That kangaroo deserved it for fucking with his dog

don't asians have higher IQs than caucasians? all the browns around me are either in science or medicine

so nigger asians should be about the same as whites, or at least as trainable

All the poo-in-loos who emigrate to Western countries are cream of the crop, richest, most intelligent, most hard working of their sort

Indians are nowhere near as smart as East Asians and whites

Last shit was a 2 and 1 mix.