Anti Commi Anti Nazi, Pro Me, Pro vidya, Pro pussy fuggin...Wat this philosophy called?


being a normie


well call me normie den


Libertarian torture.

That makes you a race traitor.

Pro kill yourself.

Basic bitch level libertarian

That's the best level to be at anyway, so don't sweat it


It's called, sitting on the fence.

This. Also this



a jew

nice little poem you got there
that ideology is called


If I'm being tortured, it's a spook to me.

Sounds like you're a natural for the Selfish Twat party.
Do you ever take selfies?

>I don't like gommies!!! I don't like nazzeees!!! XDDD


But I don't tho, heh

I imagine they'd keep a low profile.

Ayn Rand's famous brand of objectivism

i do

Called being a faggot bitch

Disillusioned with Cuckservatives and Libtards I tried lolbertarianism for a while but I found it even more hypocritical and it's ideology is full of glaringly obvious holes.

Also I have never met a sane libertarian. Their party is a meme.

>fuggs pussy
>isn't a bootlicker
>is a faggot


Average citizen of the civilized west. Enjoy being average.

1st worlder

if you don't live in America you can't forget about politics, politics is the cause you and your countrymen lose all of your money every 10 years if you are not smart enough

you also can't slash pussy unless you are poor or rich

middle class + early kids = genetic line suicide


your autism hurts

The fact that the makers of the Atlas Shrugged film trilogy had to ask for handouts via crowdfunding in order to complete the final movie will never stop being funny to me.

The ironing is delicious.

isn't that the anti-altruism ideology?


Exactly. That's why it's so funny.