Race mixed babies

Yo any other anons mixed here? My dad is black my mom is white, I've got fair skin, curly moses hair, and white features. I don't look black at all, I've been called Italian or spanish 3/4ths of the way through school.
I honestly don't like black people at all, my black cousins steal, my old black friends would steal as well, other black kids from the hood would make fun of me for being in AP.
>dad called me a brown skinned white boy
>says I'll never be profiled
>im basically white

I love white America, I love apple pie, baseball, bluejeans, and pick up trucks. I used to want a hot wife and an atomic family as a kid and was never attracted to black girls even though they always liked me.

White people always accepted me and I love them for it, the same way I love my white cousins more because they didn't steal my fucking toys.

Anyone else race hating pieces of shit in the eyes of your other half?
>Inb4 coal burner rape baby
>pic related: views on black lives matter

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I know Sup Forums has some half breeds on it

Settle down mike bibby

I never hated Mexicans, but I do want the cholos (75% or more Native American) and indios (full blooded Injuns) to go. My parents would always make me feel ashamed of my beaner heritage as well. You ever go through an inferiority-complex phase as a kid?

What's the feel in knowing your dad is a monkey and your mom is a slut?

Fuck off, Mario, you aren't even white anymore.


It feels almost as bad as being Italian

Yeah, no one liked to hang out with me because I never fit in racially. Made me a socially awkward cunt in the future. Boy do I know that feel.

No it was really just confusion
>act black
>hang with blacks
Wow holy shit wiggerfaggot
>act white
>hang with whites
Wow holy shit UncleTomfaggot

Your mother is a traitor and deserves to be purged

I'm proud of my race, but you don't even have a race.
The feel should be awful, if you kill yourself right now you will find peace.

I'm mixed race
I'm about 72% European mostly northern and the rest is Native American and 5% broadly East Asian. I had to do a genetic study when I was in high school due to some genetic diseases on my moms side, they also showed my racial makeup.
My mother is from Central America and my father is white from Missouri.

Im sorry user, people have to realize that race mixing has a social effect on children who are born into confusion on what they are and who they should be around.
I never saw myself as a color, I have and always will be me, and in the eyes of blacks I will always be a race traitor because I don't want purple pussy and musty women.

>aren't even white anymore.
And you aren't white ever, you abomination. Spaghetti is correct.

THIS FEEL! God damn does it feel confusing, I remember lookin' at history books and seeing conquistadors, and seeing Aztecs, and Anglos, and wondering what the fuck I was. Felt like I had no identity until I finally realized. You're not alone there, pal.

Oh, and another thing was that I hid my love for country music, sure I loved some Latin music, but I fuckin' hated having to hide that from my white friends, because of muh
>Wow holyshit UncleTomasfaggot

That's not society's fault, it is your whore mother's. Your grandparents fucked up in raising her. Bad genes, that's why you exist.

Lololol you know what's funny about that, my grandpa told my dad when my mother was pregnant with my older sister that
>you shouldn't bring Biracial kids onto this earth
And it's fucked because I look like him, I still love and golf with him, he's family.

It used to, but you get used to it and in a way it's humbling to be only 75% white, despite being genetically disadvantaged.

And despite my insults, I only did it to defend OP, Italy's a pretty cool country and even though you aren't as white as the ancient Romans leaders were, you're still more advanced IQ-wise than other Europeans.
75% white, still pretty shit though.
Castizo brother!

>it is your whore mother's
She was mestizo, she did what every mestizo would do, and that is to upgrade her bloodline. Better to exist than not, right?

I feel nothing but disdain for race-mixers. It's just pissing on the memory of your ancestors.

We all know why white women are attracted to black men and it makes my stomach churn. Your mother is a degenerate whore and yes, you are a coal burner rape baby.

Day of rope can't come soon enough

race mix of a German dad and European Jew mom.

Absolutely hate the Jewish part of my family, they all make their living through sleazy and destructive jobs (lawyers,bankers etc. the cliche is almost comical).
They also don't give two shits about any non Jews in their community.

On the other hand the Germans in my family all have meaningful and productive jobs (chemists, engineers, farmers) and are incredibly active and charitable in their community. They start fundraisers for struggling families, fix stuff for neighbors whenever they can, host neighborhood parties etc.

Guess who has never given a penny during these fundraisers? The Jewish scum in my family

What do we do about mixed raced people?

Do we encourage them to breed with whites to reduce the black to insignificant amounts because there is still white in them or do we sterilise them?

Maks! I think that's you, right?

Brazilian/Korean here
Never felt confusion about my race.
No one would let me forget what I am

I mean my mother being German and father being a colossal blackman, I was born genetically superior.
Hitler be damned
> no wide ass hipponose
>white guy with black dick

Seriously my favorite pick up line is
>you know what they say about lightskins right?
>fem: lolno, wut
>we're just white guys with black dicks
>fem: bls go past my cervix

Could have been worse though, right? Still, it's still not fun to be mixed as you always deal with these feelings.

Have you taken an IQ test though? I've been quite afraid to see what mine is.

That's a great mix, you're either sexy AF or busted. I'll go on believing you're the first one.
My favorite thing in elementary was slavery
white kids yelling at black kids
>my great great grandaddy owned your great grandaddy
Me internally
>my great great grandaddy owned my great great grandaddy :'(

>Do we encourage them to breed with whites to reduce the black to insignificant amounts because there is still white in them or do we sterilise them?

How could breeding with blacks possibly help the white race when white genes are recessive? You don't help the white race by creating more mongrel offspring, that's fucking retarded

I honestly don't even want to know, same reason why I wont take a mental health screening, I'd rather live in ignorance than label myself. But my comprehension, reading, and writing skills were always great, fucking niggertier at math though.

OP, you're just a nigger in denial.


Are you fucking retarded?
You have wine mixed with shit and you think mixing it with more wine will somehow improve it?
Fuck you.

Same here, but I've gotten better, doesn't help that I'm 5'11 and I have a Spanish rat face though.

They're only half though.

50% Japanese 40% European 10% other. The only people who care about my race are liberals. If they can't decide on an identity for me theyll settle on "white" because fair skin = evil in liberal race politics.

You stop letting the Jews brainwash your women with forced diversity advertisements and television.

Well some us don't look that black and have great genes they would love to pump into a white woman.
Im not marrying a nigger fuck you, black relatives can be fucking cance, great bbqs though

Maybe if we can get back to the days of cotton picking on slave plantations but I wouldn't count on it.

Shit it's depressing to think the entire Western hemisphere is going to look like in 50 years

And to think if Booth hadn't shot Lincoln all the niggers would have been shipped back to Africa and none of this would have happened in the first place. We'd still have other problems to deal with but at least we wouldn't be facing complete annihilation through self abrogation

Yeah, other problems. Can us castizos stay though?

Half malay here. I've got white skin and a long, european-style nose but that's it. Because of the way I look, some jew girl at my school thought I myself was jewish and tried to hook up. It was the best thing when she found out that I've even got muslim blood in me.

I can deal with it fine.

My dad looks like Friedrich Olbricht anyway (slowly balding, brown hair, brown eyes) so it's not like the "pure aryan" genes have been corrupted.

Italians are Arab rape babies, though. Even most Turks are whiter than you.

Well.. I'm white like my dad, and the only "nigger" feature I really have is my nose (and my brown eyes)- it's a little wide when you see the front of my face. But side-profile is a European nose.
I married a ginger, and my kids have T30 eyes while I have T40. One child has red hair like his father, and another has brown hair like me. I wanted to get a nose job for confidence reasons, but I was persuaded by friends to just live with it and make it into a strength.
I don't really talk to the nigger side of my family because they were cruel to me when I was growing up, and my dad doesn't have any other family but me and my brother because they all died before I was born- So I'm extremely close with my dad. It took me a while to stop acting black once I started living with my dad-because my mom left me to grow up in the ghettos of Chicago and I had to adapt to "fit in" as much as possible. Eventually, I started acting like a shy white girl, and stayed that way ever since.

>what am i?
>society makes me hate myself because i don't fit into a racial stereotype
>muh dick
lol at you op


You fucking SE Asians are the fucking niggers of Asia

>great genes

Pick one.

Objectively speaking black people are just shitty people. Deep down white people know that non-white countries are shitty, they just don't want to admit it because they'll lose their jobs. The more brown a country gets the shittier it is.

Whiteness correlates with intelligence. Sure you occasionally find a black person who isn't a complete piece of shit, but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack

Stop pretending, your just some sort of mystery meat abo-nigger.

>muslim blood

What ?

>I married a ginger
Fuck you and fuck your coalburning husband. If I could strangle you both to death with my bare hands I would.

Fuck "diversity". You're killing everything beautiful in this world by turning everyone into a brown morass. I know you probably think love triumphs over hate, but your mongrel children say otherwise

>Says the britbong
Yeah okay faggot, at least I have kids and want them to not be niggers. Can't say the same for your country with it's subpar birthrate of white children.

You're shit.
What this guy said.

And it isn't coalburning for a man, it's oildrilling. Get it right, fag.

One from some slavic country and the other from central south america. I confuse people but I don't like to admit to any of it, I like letting the spics talk shit about me and freak them out when I respond to them. I fucking hate spics.

>implying blacks shouldn't be thanking the Whiteman for slavery
>implying there wasn't eugenics
>implying whitey didn't create hitlers dream but with blackies

Holy shit, a fellow castizo

And here I thought me and that Colombian guy were the only ones on Sup Forums

Shouldn't you supremacists be touting assortative mating?

I mean, what if she's like +5 SDs above the nigger mean and he's 2 below the white?

I'm a quarter Sicilian. I used to get picked on for being an Eskimo.

Don't race mix. It isn't fair to your offspring.

Shit and wine were mixed together. The mixture grows up and thinks to itself "I don't want my kids to be shit wine mixture so I'll mix with win". The kids are still shit wine mixture. There will never be a shortage of shit, but the world has less wine.

Oh I am laffin lol

>Yeah okay faggot, at least I have kids and want them to not be niggers. Can't say the same for your country with it's subpar birthrate of white children.

Since when was life a competition to see who could have most children? It's about quality over quantity.

Niggers never could figure that one out, which is why they have so many absent fathers and single mothers. You're well on the way to turning America into Zimbabwe 2.0, congratulations

At which part?

I'm white/asian and I look racially ambiguous

Nice analogy, I think you don't realize my husband also has brown eyes, and so it wasn't a "Oh white blue eyed ginger mixing with brown eyed 'white' brown haired woman"
It's not up to you to decide if my kids are quality. You should try again paki nigger.

I'm sorry for your pain but that is fucking hillarious.

>not being a fucking white male

You just have shitty parents it seems

>My dad is black my mom is white
how much do you hate your mother for being a coal burning whore?

You are a complete abomination.

You are part of the mixed race beauties, be proud


So much for acting like a "shy white girl"

We all know it's just an act. Deep down you're still the same angry, bitter, vindictive ape plucked off the African savannah. So much self-hatred that you refused to marry your own kind. Real progressive

Every time.

Yeah. I switched to public school in middle school. Some kids thought I was Inuit, others thought I was Puerto Rican, Chinese, or Indonesian. On /soc/, everyone thought I was Indian.

Just embrace your Spanish side and ignore the native part of your ancestry

It's what I do.

>Oh no, she doesn't cave and cry when I call her mean words, she must be vindictive and be a nigger deep down!
Literally kys for being so stupid. Your petty belief got btfo'd and so you attack a person on an anonymous basket weaving forum.

I wish I was able to hang out with my grandfather. It would have been fun.

>muh dik
kill yourself, nigger.

>im basically white

You have to go back.

Fellow mulatto reporting. Never had an issue cause my dad is black but not a nigger. He joined the Navy out of high school, met my mom, had me, retired after 20 years and is a cable technician. Grew up with my friends saying my dad was pretty much white because his main interests were 80s metal, computers, and playing guitar. He even raised my brother who is full white, my mom had him from an earlier relationship. Had a stable pretty regular childhood on military bases and only experienced black culture when visiting my dads side of the family, otherwise I was into pretty much stereotypically white shit.

Can't wait to be a sleeper cell for the white man on the day of the rope. The edgy pol faggots may say we're abominations but we'll be useful undercover abominations during the race war, they'll see.

Literally how can whitebois even compete


>she doesn't cave and cry when I call her mean words

That wasn't my point. My point is that it's no coincidence that your "shy white girl" persona doesn't correspond with your strong, sassy, independent woman manner of speaking

You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of them

Please. Tell me about your parents relationship. How do they like to spend time together?

PR and white here .. Can I stay ? Techinally all American

mulatas with white dads are typically the only good "black" people i've met.

race mixers and traitors go first

I never claimed that I was shy on the internet. It's not a strong sassy attitude. I don't even know what an independent woman manner of speaking is. You practically insulted me, am I not allowed to insult back?

>shy white girl
Holy fucking christ.

At least you dont have a white father and an asian mother

>white guy
Top kek nigger

Like I said in my first post, I don't even look black. White girl hair, white skin. My friends didn't even know I was black until I introduced them to my mother (Who is 1/3rd black herself)
That's for irl interactions since I don't talk to people outside of the internet.

And by the
>muh dik logic
LBJ was king nigger

Nah man Bill Clinton was King Nigger.

Hitler approves of you

White beta father and selfish asian slut mother is a terrible thing to come from also

Thats the joke

Being mixed is one thing. But if your father was white and race mixed I don't want to even begin to imagine what you're like.

damn why is feels woman so fine

You'd make a fine slave or a pet monkey

Not to good a man though