I understand that Sup Forums might see that there are genetic differences in races but why does that actively make you...

I understand that Sup Forums might see that there are genetic differences in races but why does that actively make you hate some?

You call yourself "redpilled" like you know the truth in everything yet you blindly hate because you think you're better or more intelligent.

Hey, whites and asians might be the smartest races but is it really that smart to hate a child of colour because they are that colour and no other reason?

How about you all start loving and looking for the best way to do things? Every single human is capable of loving and doing the best thing for humanity with any skills they are born with, just some people aren't born and raised with the right things they need, some are born into brainwashing.

Start hating the hate and evil which is causing humans of all races to break down. We are all capable.

Other urls found in this thread:

knomad.org/powerpoints/working_papers/Effect of Low Skilled Labor Working Paper 1.pdf

They hate white people, we should hate them back.

Do you really think that every single race other than white hates white? Is that really something true in your mind?

I don't hate them, I just don't want to become a minority myself, so a certain number of them gotta go.

Yes. Every non-white country allows racial segregation, for instance. Whites don't get minority rights to the same extent that they offer them. It's just genetic.

No one is blindly hating. Facts make me hate niggers.

What difference would it make if a number went up and another went down?

What's that got to do with anything I'm talking about? Sure, some countries are backwards, but that's up to a handful of people running them. That shouldn't make you hate the people living there, it's not like they're not fed up of this shit either.

which facts?

What about coloured (any race) children that are born into their shit? Hate them too?

Are you retarded? I've lived in several non-white majority countries and in almost every one I was treated like a fucking king

What will happen when whites are in minority

They think you have money to extract.

When White people are a minority, it's zimbabwe.

>When White people are a minority, it's zimbabwe.
Did they not have money?

You have a very closed mind.

They just took their land. Now they're starving.

I have a closed mind because I would never want my child to be around muslims, such as in Rotherham or Yorkshire.

Is muslim a race or a religion?

Why didn't libyans just steal my land?

... I don' hate anyone as a result of genetic differences.
There. That settles that. Maybe next time you shouldn't overload a dishonest leading question.

Well congratulations. You are a member of the Sup Forums minority club. How does it feel?

>Sup Forums hates races because of genetic differences. Why is this?
It doesn't take five minutes to see that some "genetic differences" are more detrimental to society than others. Why is it that White and Asian countries are invariably successful, the world centres of scientific advancement and progress, but African and Islamic nations are invariably backwards and regressive, needing others to colonise them to bring them out of their stupor and provide them with basic infrastructure and living?
When these people come to our countries, they bring their repulsive "culture" with them, and in turn, white societies see crime and terrorism skyrocket. Look at America, in Detroit and Los Angelos. Look at London and Berlin now. Is that the sort of world you want your children to grow up in? A world of starvation, violence and universal misery?
We hate other races because we hate what they represent. We hate their backwards ideologies and sheer stupidity. They are the evil.

OP, would you say nobody here is entitled to their own opinion except you? That's what it sounds like to me.

Do you hate coloured children because of their race? Answer me that.

I don't hate individual people, but I hate populations. Most people here are the same and I think you confuse the two.

No, because their are oddities in race that can be seen as time goes on. I have no idea if a black kid will grow up to be a gangster or a Thomas Sowell. But it's a safe bet to choose the former.

>Do you hate children?

No. Now answer my question.

>African and Islamic nations are invariably backwards and regressive
But why is this chalked up to genetics? If you examine it closely its clearly more an issue of government corruption more than anything else.

>they bring their repulsive "culture" with them
That really depends on how they are introduced to the society, approval of gays in the US is far higher among muslims than among evangelical christians

>white societies see crime and terrorism skyrocket
Hardly surprising, they're first generation migrants from far less advanced cultures

>What is the Flynn effect

A population is made up of those individual people you don't hate.

found the nigger


Yeah, but populations and individuals are not the same things.

Unlimited internet porn is a good example of this. What is good for an individual may not be good for a population. 1 person watching porn is no problem. 100,000 is no problem either. 10,000,000? You're going to start seeing some weird stuff happening with marriages, birth rates, and social cohesion.

Biggest red pill. race doesnt exist. Tool of satanic zionism.

This faggot nigger shit is why people don't take the left seriously.

I'm not denying that IQ varies between race though. I would strongly contest however how much of this gap is environmental (Flynn effect) as well as how much this gap actually plays out as real societal consequences.

Specifically looking at the latter in the context of blacks in the US I'd be forced to say very little considering the impact of single motherhood and its prevalence among blacks I don't see why there's any need to find more answers to the problem of black-white disparity. IQ likely plays some role in the gap don't get me wrong but nothing close to the role played by single motherhood. see pic in

Even if we want to look beyond this to other black countries what data we do have shows single motherhood being even higher than it is among US blacks

>Ethiopia, 30%
>Kenya, 60%
>Tanzania, 50%
>Malawi, 60%
>Zimbabwe, 70%
>South Africa, +50%
>OECD average, under 16%


This question is asked all the time on Sup Forums.

I don't hate any race. I just think they belong in their own zones.


The word "race" is a legal term applied to animals. Same for sex, male/female.

They trick us into labelling ourselves as animals.

As for hating niggers, nope. They can just go be niggers somewhere else, can't they?

Only the ones that have been brainwashed, for now, until they are possibly fixed (if at all).

There are good and bad eggs of all races and some races just have a lot more bag eggs than others due to certain pressures that specific bodies of control are pushing.

You can't deny that there are some people of literally any race that are just full of love

Because we're incompatible you stupid Aussie cunt.

Would you appreciate 10000 poms turning up next door all down the street and poncing off welfare? The fuck you would.

Egalitatrian nonsense m8. Trortsky invented the term "racism" to guilt the russian middle class and its spiralled out of control ever since.

Yes, some people adapt. Take the Indians in the UK. Yet do you honestly believe they wouldn't be happier with the same high standard of living in a posh city in India? Really?

>implying I hate any race
>implying I hate anyone

OP didn't answer my question. How predictable. You're just here trying to get CTR mods to ban people.

No he didn't. You are just repeating something you saw off a reposted image macro years ago, without bothering to do the tiniest bit of research into it

Yes he did m8. Try reading your little red books sometime instead of praying over them.

No but they wouldn't. Immigration, even low-skilled, is typically great for the economy, take the immigration red pill britbong.

"Yet, because lowskilled migrants (and it would appear skilled migrants, too) are imperfect substitutes to their native counterparts, and because the capital stock and the economy tend to expand roughly in line with the expanding population, the long-term impact on wages and employment of natives overall is almost certainly positive."

"...the list of benefits of unskilled migration is long: unskilled migrants complement native skilled workers and many unskilled native workers enabling them to specialize in more highly paid jobs; they benefit owners of capital; they raise demand in key sectors such as housing, health care, travel; they reduce the cost of providing non-traded services enabling, for example, the highly educated to participate in the labor force instead of carrying out household chores or caring for children and the elderly; they are essential to firms competing in labor intensive activities such as agriculture and garments; they appear to boost economy-wide productivity in the long term because of the scale, specialization, and flexibility they contribute to production. Most arrive young, single, and eager to work, and become net contributors to the government budget over decades, and though most stay, many return to their home country, often without benefiting from pensions available to native workers."

knomad.org/powerpoints/working_papers/Effect of Low Skilled Labor Working Paper 1.pdf

>Yet do you honestly believe they wouldn't be happier with the same high standard of living in a posh city in India?
Do you not want skilled indian migrants?

You're approaching this from the wrong way round m8.

Why isn't India on the same page as England, for example? Why are Indian middle class people so much better off if they luck out and get UK citizenship? Why couldn't they enjoy the same standard of living in India?

When you work that one out, you'll understand that culture is more than just an advertising ploy, something that you purchase and consume.

Stay that way user

Not all Arabs are Muslim and not all Muslims are Arab, but most Arabs are Muslims.

And coincidentally, Muslims are the most violent, inbred group of individuals in the world. They're walking genetic cess pools full of autism, insanity, and birth defects.

>Why couldn't they enjoy the same standard of living in India?
Because they're still a relatively poor country and have only really had time to be building up any real wealth since about the 1950's whereas the UK has been doing so for almost 2000 years

The sad thing is, pre-islamic arabs were pretty smart.

Sure, right after the next war. This way all the shitskins around the world will know to stop fucking around.

No one does genocide better than the white man and shit is brewing. Let's get it over with.

Why wouldn't I hate the disgusting little fucks? Do you think adult shitskins pop out of holes in the ground?

Because they've did nothing wrong and the only thing that will make them into the thing they're most likely to become is the shite society they'll be brought into and brainwashed by.

Killing your intellectual non-conformists is damaging. Inbreeding is worse. Doing both is catastrophic.

Islamic arabs were still smart. Shit just started to go downhill once a fatwa on 'the manipulation of numbers' was issued blocking pretty much all Arabian scientific progress

40,000 years invented stick; faggot.

See, you've never been to India. They are the cradle of western civilisation, they have had a continuous high society for 6000+ years, and arguably a continuous civilisation for 100,000+ years. Whereas England can only really claim subsistence argiculture for 7000 years. Nice gold working from that period, though, but nothing like Indian civilisation.

India has all that space, all of those abundant resources, and they've inherited the British innocent until proven guilty legal system as an extra head start. They've even entered the space race.

Yet their middle class continues to flee en masse.

The UN quietly projected Europe can expect 1 billion more immigrants over the next decade. What is deficient in these people's countries that being a paraih class in a foreign ghetto is so much more appealing to them?

What are we doing right that they are doing so very wrong? You'll see it if you want to see it.

So you're saying that shit societies and shit peoples produce shit children, who in turn produce more shit children and perpetuate shit societies?


He's not wrong though.

I said it before on here, it's the culture that people hate.

If there was a multi-racial culture that was decent, devoid of degeneracy/similar to 50's america, I think Sup Forums would lose their collective shit.


All of those references are tertiary (and shitty sources to boot). So I'm very skeptical if any stat in that pic is legit. However, I have no doubt that drugs are in some way responsible for the majority of black male incarceration. Not just the dealing per say, but the associated violence.

>implying everyday citizens control a societal body

Oh right, so you're also responsible for pushing everything the brainwashed left push, yeah? Got it.

You are a buffoon. Trotsky used the words "racism" and "racist" once each. He used them in their then-contemporary context: elucidating the idea that races have inherent differences, an idea he criticized

You are repeating a decades-old myth

>What difference would it make if a number went up and another went down?

It's not about one going up and the other going down, it's about eventual extinction. I won't mince words since you seem to really want this answer, if black people become the majority on earth, modern civilization will cease to exist. When black people were discovered in Africa they were still tribal, the Chinese had built a wall spanning their country's perimeter and Europe could've wiped black people off the map with the amount of technology they had. 'The White Man's Burden' is a burden for a reason. Without white people lifting up blacks they would be nothing of use. Europeans are essentially Atlas holding the globe in place

Oh and by the way, both of these quotations were written years after he was exiled from the Soviet Union, and thus could not possibly have been meant to "guilt" Russians into socialism

I think a lot of people on Sup Forums grew up embracing that ideal only to be burned and disillusioned by it. It doesn't exist, despite our fervent wish it were so. Were such a community to exist, Sup Forums would not be nearly as vitriolic or as populous.

Get fucked you insufferable cunt,

>Cлaвянoфильcтвo, мeccиaнизм oтcтaлocти, cтpoилo cвoю филocoфию нa тoм, чтo pyccкий нapoд и eгo цepкoвь нacквoзь дeмoкpaтичны, a oфициaльнaя Poccия -- этo нeмeцкaя бюpoкpaтия, нacaждeннaя Пeтpoм. Mapкc зaмeтил пo этoмy пoвoдy: "Beдь тoчнo тaк жe и тeвтoнcкиe ocлы cвaливaют дecпoтизм Фpидpихa II и т. д. нa фpaнцyзoв, кaк бyдтo oтcтaлыe paбы нe нyждaютcя вceгдa в цивилизoвaнных paбaх, чтoбы пpoйти нyжнyю выyчкy". Этo кpaткoe зaмeчaниe иcчepпывaeт дo днa нe тoлькo cтapyю филocoфию cлaвянoфилoв, нo и нoвeйшиe oткpoвeния "pacиcтoв".

History's first use of the word "racism". You will not find it used before this document m8.

Nuanced take on the issue. btw what domesticated animals of Australian origin do we farm, oh thats right NONE. If you can't have agriculture you can't invent anything more than a stick and a stone

You do know that the UK used to have an iron grip over India right? Everything developed prior to then may as well have been thrown out the window if your British overlords leave you starving as they import all your food back to their home country. Sixty years really isn't that much time, even if you are passed down western political and legal tradition, to build up substantial wealth as the British have off the backs of countries such as India

I'll link here


The black single motherhood chart is from census stats and is produced by this site

The earlier stats are from this report

Blame and responsibility is irrelevant to the conversation at hand. Trying to rationalize and dissect why niggers nig doesn't change the fact that they are still, collectively, niggers.

>You do know that the UK used to have an iron grip over India right?
You know nothing of history m8.

India's own Elite held India in an iron pincher for us. And when it came time to get rid of us, that same Elite kicked us out like we were never a threat.

Not even Britain had the guns to take and hold one single region if we tried.

You can argue Africa was raped, but not India, not a chance. Which is why I'm using India as an example. They weren't held back by us at all, they cherry picked all the things that worked and then hoarded them for their Elite as was their way for longer than Britain was homogenous.


"Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men."

Look at Canada's crime statistics before they stopped collecting information due to it being "racist". Niggers are violent world wide.

Hey dumbass: Oxford English Dictionary records the first appearance of the word "Racism" thirty years earlier, in 1902, so I guess I just did

Hahaha there has barely been government in Africa to be corrupt. White people had to even show them how to build a society for them to ruin. How is the government's of any society not the result of the people? i.e. genetics

>Hardly surprising that crime skyrockets
So you agree. This isn't about "hate", it's that they (being nonwhites) provide no benefit. They only detract, and that's on top of the fact that we don't owe them anything. This is a losing proposition for any white or east asian society. I don't hate these people-but I will do whatever I need to do to stop them from ruining my society.

And I suppose they cite the actual document used, specifically with the word being used in context do they?

Yeah, no they don't. Beware of dictionaries, pay more attention to historians. The Ministry of Truth was Oxford University btw.

whites are way smarter than asians. but asians do outperform on memorized tests, you know the dummy test you americans have, because they study 10 hours a day. But in terms of general IQ whites are far superior.

>you blindly hate because you think you're better or more intelligent.
and you blindly love niggers because you think you're better?

>How about you all start loving and looking for the best way to do things?
You are under the impression that hatred is more exhausting than love. Why should it be? And if it were, what difference would that make?

>India's own Elite held India in an iron pincher for us
How is that better? The UK just enforced the rule of these elite who were always going to mismanage resources to ensure that they were able to live comfortably whilst the rest of India starved and they remained completely unaccountable.

>Not even Britain had the guns to take and hold one single region if we tried.
Going to need a citation on that but not exactly relevant when you control their food supply

>You can argue Africa was raped, but not India, not a chance
12-29 million Indians dead as the British continued to export near everything they produced

>How is the government's of any society not the result of the people?
Believe it or not it wasn't like one day in western europe there weren't Westminster style democracies and the next day they were. If there is no tradition of upstanding government and no institution for bureaucrats, politicians and judges to respect then it shouldn't be a surprise if things fall to shit.

>This isn't about "hate", it's that they (being nonwhites) provide no benefit
No they eventually statistically do, just not non-skilled first generation immigrants. see

>How is that better?
You're sidestepping the point.

Why is the Indian middle class fleeing modern day India? Some are even accepting the most rotten H1b/H2b deal offered by the USA, which strips them of workers rights and leaves them vulnerable to instant arrest and deportation.

That's the point m8. It's not what were doing right, is it, 'cos arguably we're not doing anything right per se? What are these vast nations of people doing wrong?

And if you can wrap your head around that instead of digging your heels in and trying to deflect the question, you'll understand people's resistance to accepting them into their own countries en masse.

If we dumped 6 million British dole scroungers onto the cities of Australia, would you still be so wedded to ideological egalitarianism? You fucking would not, don't even pretend you would. So why is it any different for brown people in the lefty narrative?

>Why is the Indian middle class fleeing modern day India?
Because there are far better opportunities in other countries for education work etc.

>What are these vast nations of people doing wrong?
Being developing countries

>you'll understand people's resistance to accepting them into their own countries en masse.
I still wouldn't especially educated middle class Indians see
>If we dumped 6 million British dole scroungers onto the cities of Australia, would you still be so wedded to ideological egalitarianism?
If we were selecting purely for those who would not work no, but thats not the case in realistic immigration

>50s america

the 50s sucked

t. Achhhchchccchchmed

>Norm MacDonald

Where the fuck could they detonate one nuke and kill 50 million people anywhere?

i don't hate them, as long as they stay in their own lands.

if they come into my land and fuck it up, then i hate them.

races may coexist, as long as each has it's own lands. put two dogs in one cage, and no matter the amount of psychological brainwashing shit you try to throw at them there will be a fight, sooner or later; and since in many cases retreat is not possible, it will be a murderous fight to the death.

A modified messy Castle Bravo class nuke detonated off the coast of New York with the intent of maximum spread of water vapor and fallout debris would decimate the entire region.

This. It's not even about "muh skin colour" either. Although it would be a tragedy to see white people extinct (the most aesthetic race, objectively), it goes further than that.

I look at their countries and I worry about the future for white people, and the world as a whole.

t. Sandnigger
Get out of my country.

Will do, Mohammed

Let me clue you in on a bit of history:

>Whites create empires
>Bring civilization to the entire world
>Realise this is 'evil' and take a step back
>Literally every former colony degenerates rapidly
>This chaotic mess wants to know permeate the last remaining beacons of Western society

We went from the cruel jackboot to the loving embrace and it fucked us over, now we want to preserve what's left. Loving everyone is all well and good in principle, but I take it you still lock your doors at night?

Namefag pls go.
You post these same pictures every thread I see you in. Kindly neck yourself.

as a non-white who seeks to be red-pilled and has never experienced "racism" what do I do?

>cruel jackboot

Stop buying into this meme

civilizations were born in mesoamerica, what about them? they had geometry, astronomy, medical anesthetics, complex surgery, impressive architecture, written language, court system, polyphonic music, ocean-faring ships, system of government, domesticated many crops and animals, basic metallurgy

but they were ideologically hindered by polytheism and sacrifice, and geographically isolated from eurasia. which arguably kept them from progressing past the level of Roman civilization, but clearly they had potential

even when spain colonized, they were wiped out mostly by disease
if they hadn't been wiped out they could have easily assimilated any Spanish technology and even advanced it in the fields of astrology or medicine.

is any civilization with less technology automatically genetically inferior? or are there ecological factors apart from genetics that work in tandem to shape a society? how could the Incans develop roads and expand their empire like Romans if they lived in mountains and had no horses? how could the northern natives with their abundant population of Buffalo develop to the degree that the south did if they had no need to domesticate crops and transition from nomadic to neolithic?

things aren't just genetic when it comes to civilization and technology

Colonized people without any feel for governance cannot be expected to work it out just like that, europe has been at war for millennia until it "got its shit together" these last few years.

But I don't worry, Africa has a long long way to go through.

>Loving embrace

Stop this meme

you know jack shit about history or anthropology

seeWar advances society, that's just how it is. The amount of civilizations that originated totally independent is believed to be about 6, but can be generalized in 3 regions: mesopotamia, asian river valleys, and mesoamerica.

eurasia gets the big benefit of not only ecological superiority for neolithic advancement, but the geographical advantage allowing constant empires to conquer each other. how does conquering advance society? by developing weapons/technology for war, and by absorbing useful culture of those being conquered. then inevitably the empire grows too large and collapses inside out, but the advancements made remain.

if there is geographic isolation, there will only be war with oneself, which we see in mesoamerica sub saharan africa, australia, polynesia, carribean etc.

what was hard metal first mass produced to build? weapons.
why were fortifications and architecture first advanced to an extreme end? protection.
why did mankind first develop space travel? cold war.
when was silicon first purified (leading to our current technological age)? WW2 in radar technology. (also see: alan turing)

clashing independent post-neolithic entities breeds advancement