There is no god and you have no soul...

There is no god and you have no soul. Life is a meaningless accident of chemistry and the universe is indifferent to your existence.

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pseudo intellectual nihilists are the worst of the worst.


doesn't know how this things work, still jumps to conclusions.

glad you got it all figured out. saves me a bunch of boring reading and stuff

Chemistry is pretty neat. Quantum mechanics and the quantum theory of solids, though they require a good math foundation, are exciting. You might as well understand the underpinnings of the universe if you're going to be another single post slide thread.

So... I guess this means no eternal punishment.

Gas the kikes!

its a much more complicated form of meaninglessness my boy! you simply do not have any idea what you are going into and frankly, any and all who share the same view point are as ignorant if not even more so than you are.

I never thinked this before, but I guess now I have no reason not to rape and murder, it was only the fear of god stopping me. Thanks for unshackling me, leaf.

Prove it faggot

You have absolutely no idea the argument you're trying to make, nor how major concepts like 'god' and 'soul' are understood. At best you're arguing against theistic personalism and cartesian dualism.

I approve of this message. Also the end is set in stone time is forever no way out no rescue.

Duckspeak. Orwell.

Yeah and these chemicals are bound into the dimensional plane of infinite memes and 209% more chaos for the sake of chaos

fuck kasich is so ugly

Well what an ungood response.

>implying an omnipotent entity can be disproven by lifeforms on a random planet in the middle of the universe

A fucking leaf.


>Implying an omnipotent entity wasn't dreamed up by lifeforms on a random planet in the middle of the universe to begin with
>implying we can prove it.
>implying """truth""""

only more reason to fight islam and the globalists

"There is no god" =/= "Life is meaningless"

everything you said is untrue

ask for a sign

You're not wrong, but you're not right either.

Nihilism is the intuitive conclusion of there being no god, this is why our society is like this. But it doesn't have to be this way as the true source of the problem isn't our lack of faith, it's the very unacknowledged contradiction between there not being a god but there being free will. It's man's belief in free will without a god that complicates things.

If you acknowledge that there's no free will then you also acknowledge that there is an even greater source of objective (for lack of a better word) morals and values. That being yourself.

Okay if god is real then let him prove it by giving this post repeating numerals.

now I can sin however I want

"Thou shalt not tempt the Lord" - Jesus

"Turn the other cheek" - Jesus

King of the cucks.

this can be as freeing as it can be debilitating, net net


-Blinded by ego, suck thy own dick, burn in hell for committing Self-Rape, eternally get ass fucked by George Takei

Bit rude.

I know, why should I care though?

Everyone with a working brain has already realized this. The ones that don't are too cucked and to far gone

Thanks for the redpill, I've never felt freer!

>Tfw we all cheated the pointless universe and get to live fun and meaningful lives anyway

>opening a box of triscuits for one of my favourite snackies
>triscuits and sharp cheese
>the box is ripping apart all over the place
>suddenlize that I have super sand strength
i AM god you FUCK

start at morning, lissin till Cosmetic
>trust me

>implying I give a shit
Have fun being edgy.

>There is no god and you have no soul. Life is a meaningless accident of chemistry and the universe is indifferent to your existence.

I am the part of the universe which is not indifferent to my existence.

The laws of physics, acting on matter supplied by the big bang, fueled by the energy it also supplied, has gradually shaped that matter.

First into stars. Then into planets. Then, on those planets where the necessary preconditions existed, life.

Some of that life then becomes intelligent. It will expand into space, possibly transforming itself into machinery or being superceded by it.

This continues until all accessible matter in the universe has been converted into more thinking machinery. A single vast, universe sized brain.

All of this is just a consequence of the laws of physics. Of the gradual process by which a new universe "comes to life", little by little. A blossoming of life and intelligence, that you and I are just the most recent stage of.

So yes, life is "an accident of chemistry". But one guaranteed to happen given the size of the universe and the time available. It is also far from meaningless.

There is a God, too. The gestalt intelligence comprised of the interaction of all smaller intelligent beings, until such time as they are so intimately connected by technology that they become like the cells in your body.

It is what all of this is in the process of turning into. What every other universe with laws sufficiently similar to ours has already turned into.

It can be easy in this vast, cold, dark universe to resort right away to despair. To embrace it and let it erode your heart.

But it is a premature and mistaken conclusion to believe there is no larger pattern. That there isn't something larger that we are all a part of.

Nobody is disposable. We are all cherished by something "too big to see", in the way that an ant doesn't realize you exists until it runs into your shoe.

You are loved, and deserve to be loved.

but like, that just subjective.

with the same amount of confidence i can just say that we do have eternal souls and we all have a purpose.


You're trying so hard.

>it's just subjective
Nihilist shitters get out.

There is a God, I have a soul, and the purpose of all Creation is for the Glory of God.

What is "chemistry"
What is "god"
What is "life"
What is "existence"
What is "indifference"
What is "accident"
What is "soul"

We are probably a simulation that is unique in that in this timeline I my friend shit his pants in Highschool and the other ones I did or my other friend did and so on, or this one is unique for this post and there are a million variations of it. To say we are irrelevant is an understatement, our fucking reality our universe is irrelevant. How are any of you contesting this? How have you not known this since your first science class when the age and size of just our galaxy are explained how is this shocking or unsettling how is the idea that fundamental nothing matters at least as much as any something could matter how can you all say there is no escape like you every really believed there was one how can everyone be so fucking ignorant that you haven't thought on this for years and years until realizing that this truth is the only truth and the most beautiful truth in existence. HOW CAN RELIGION EVER RECOVER


MFW OP is wrong.


There is a god, you have no soul and God doesn't care what happens to as long as it happens. Actually think on it it actually consider the nothingness that's oh so familiar that you could eternally experience if you just did us all a favor and kys

thats what you would want us to believe, eh kike?

How do you respond to this rebuttal - "Nah"?

begone leaf

>the universe is indifferent to your existence
Oh I don't know about that. I would say the universe or its hellspawnt author certainly cares. It favors evil and punishes righteousness. It tortures life in ways that should be utterly unnecessary.

Oh god is real. And it's evil.

I would say that's fine and that your really special probably gonna save the world user don't kill self I was just doing an Internet joke

digits proclaim god's existence


kek is real


Do your sensory experiences correspond to real objects senpai?
When you think you're typing on your little keyboard right now, can you be sure of that?
If you can, how are you sure?
If you can't, doesn't that make everything you believe one huge fucking meme?

The burden of proving if a god exists is on the person making the claim. Also
>keyboards therefor there is a god
What are you on about lmao

You're making the claim that your keyboard exists objectively.
Prove it, or else nobody will give a shit when you hold other people to standards for their beliefs that you can't even meet yourself.

How can atheists believe something they cannot prove?

How dare you Kasich post to such smut. Our chief gastronomer belongs only in comfy threads.

Where did all of these christfags come from. For the past couple years I've noticed this. Are we being raided?

>you can't prove to me your keyboard exists therefor god is real
Christcucks are this delusional

I'm not making the argument "you believe things you can't prove therefore God exists", I'm making the argument "you believe things you can't prove yet you hold other people to the standard that they must prove whatever they believe for it to be acceptable/valid/whatever".

I've been here waaaaaay longer than you.

Hungry Hungry Kasich meme died too early