When was america great??


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Back when it was still part of Pangea

That time we conquered massive swathes of your pathetic excuse for a country.

Before spics were flooding across the border.


it comes and goes
we're on an upswing
when was mexico great?
why aren't your trying to reclaim Guatemala?

November 8th, 2016


>i will put """AMERICA FIRST"""

t. doofuses

I strongly support Israel

November 9th

Before suffrage.

>Was literally founded by farmers that defeated the strongest empire ever.

Kys, spic.

Relevant picture.

but you received help from france

Before it started filling up with spics, slopes and kebabs


And no that's not because of civil rights and women's suffrage. Everyone just enjoyed being alive back then. Even black people, though they won't admit it.

This my thought as well and even Trump says it like this
Idiots on the left what to define a country being great on how equal everyone is, not on what successes the country is actually having and doing

Not an argument.

Britain was going down, with or without France.

before the Alamo fell

And we bankrupted the Frenchies causing the Royal family to be executed and eventually sending the entirety of Europe into chaos and war
One revolution
Two monarchies defeated
Countless countries decimated
Its the true American way

and now you are the reason why ""refugees"" are in europe

America became great on 28 June 1902, with passage of the Spooner Act. The act appropriated 40 million USD to purchase land owned by the French, who had abandoned attempts to dig the Panama Canal.

America became shit on 20 August 1964 with the passage of Lyndon Johnson's legislation which massively expanded welfare programs. This turned welfare from emergency help into a lifestyle for generations of lazy black and white trash.

It will require lots of internal reflection and painful action to #MAGA. I do not believe that Trump or anybody can accomplish what needs to be done without civil war and massive bloodshed.

We don't see that you have yet reached the brink of civil war. So we continue to wait patiently.

Sincerely, Europe

P.S. Hurry up please, it's getting dark over here.

Before 9/11
Before 1965

Back before niggers had rights and women couldn't vote.


'70s '80s and '90s in all 3 centuries not to mention it was pretty chill when bush took office

that's all you have?

Not sure. What about your country pablo?

since this guy took office