Christian Sup Forumsacks, how can we be sure that homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord?

Christian Sup Forumsacks, how can we be sure that homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord?
It's obvious that the Bible says this, and in no way can the current culture of LGBTQTAFL+ could be considered anything but pure, unbridled filth and sinful debauchery, but there are a few passages in the Bible that hint at homosexual men who served God and were accepted and loved by God despite this.

2 Samuel 1:26
"I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women."

1 Samuel 20:41
"After the boy had gone, David got up from the south side of the stone and bowed down before Jonathan three times, with is face to the ground and they kissed one another and wept with one another, until David exceeded."

1 Samuel 18:3-4
"And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt."

1 Samuel 18:1
"And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul."

What do you guys make of this?

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reminder to report & ignore shitposting

This isn't shitposting you knuckle dragging ape. It's a genuine question. Sorry I didn't include a banana picture in my post so you could feel included you babbling monkey.

Get behind me Satan!

love the sinner hate the sin. The official policy of the church.


Even satan knows homos are never right

I believe there are some people who are actually homosexual, but the amount we see today is due to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (namely BPA, which is in everything)

To reply to your post more specifically men in the past were much closer. They had a more negative view of women and valued friendship with other males.

Today men are more effeminate and yet many are terrified of seeming gay by haveing close relationships with other men, which is why so many are depressed.

Do you tend to take everything in the bible as word of God or do you entertain the possibility that the scriptures have been added to/revised by man?

The Holy Bible is true so far as it's translated correctly.

this is why Christianity is fucking garbage anymore, you let the queers take over

seriously. fuck you, faggot

I have no doubt that a lot of fags today are fags because of culture and subversion. But despite this, there were always gay or bisexual men throughout history.

Fuck, that hits a little too close to home. Without posting a while of text, I yearn to have a close male friendship. I think not having a Father and my Step-Father treating me like I was a pussy growing up is the reason I find men sexually attractive. Or maybe the kikes mind fucked me.

No, I don't take everything as the word of God. But every passage has importance and if God saw fit for us to know that homosexuality was an abomination, why did he care so much for David and Jonathan? And why allow their story to be put into Bible?

It is the act itself that is a sin, not thoughts of attraction toward the same gender. So, you have a few choices. You can A) become a Roman-Catholic priest B) live a life of celibacy or C) become a monk or D) marry a woman and do the best you can to be faithful to her, maybe you can find one who can arouse you.

Men with homosexual feelings usually had a bad relation with their father figure. They were never able to identify with and feel male because of this lack of role model. This causes them to objectify men instead of women because men seem more "foreign". RD Laing'a "the divided self" talks about a lot of homosexuality has to do with people feeling like "half a man", and so seeking a completion to their masculinity through sexual relations with men. I think it's a good idea for anyone to stop watching porn and masturbating so they can more clearly understand their own sexuality.

Loving a man as a brother is not homosexuality you fucking tool.
>Samuel 1:26
He is saying this because the love for women leads men astray through lust and eventually these feelings will stick you right in Satan's grasp. It is more wonderful because the love he has for Jonathan is that of great comradery, does not pull him away from God, and most importantly IS NOT LUSTFUL.

>Samuel 20:41
Kissing wasn't them making out then fucking each other's ass. A kiss was the touching of one's cheek to another cheek, much like what they do in many parts of the world today. Did Judas slip Christ some tongue to indicate to the Romans which man was to be executed?

>Samuel 18:1
Brotherly love, once again.

How about the several times the Bibles EXPLICITLY STATES not to be gay?


By no means am I trying to make this thread my blog, but I do appreciate you talking with over this.

I find women attractive, for sure. I'm even a footfag. But I still find men attractive and I can only see myself in relationships with them. But that is mostly due to the way women are these days. And not watching porn makes it worse, though I've never went on a proper nofap before and I have no doubt that being exposed to sex through porn as a kid fucked up my sexuality, but the longer I go without jacking off, the hotter homosexual acts become. This morning I nutted in like 10 minutes to 2 guys just rubbing their dicks together. If I try jacking it to girls I can't nut without creating some fucked up scenario in my head and beating my meat for 2 fucking hours.

I know I should really work within the framework of your question. But you needn't worry because the Bible was written by men, and while it can instill many good values in people, to the extent that it once contained truth about God and the world, it has been translated too wrongly since.

Here is a lovely talk by a professor/philosophy with a doctorate of divinity in Christian theology.

The tl;dr is that Jesus' original teaching was that we are ALL children of God. I think of God differently than you do, no doubt, but that's an aside.

This talk really is quite relevant to how much of the Bible to take stock in.

WHOOPS forgot the link

I was similar with nofap. But seriously, a lot of the fetish/extreme stuff fades away as you avoid masturbating. it does make you pretty horny for a while, but after a week or so it becomes pretty therapeutic.


I take it that you lack reading comprehension and emotional maturity.

None of that is gay. He is talking about brotherly love.

Men kiss their fathers, elders and brothers all the time in the Bible, and talk about their love for each other. It is their culture, it is not sexual.

Don't some people in Europe do the platonic kiss still, to this day?

I need to try nofap for sure. I think there's nothing wrong with jerking off but I jerk off way too much.

I'd like to think that it's because of me beating off a lot or my lack of female attention but I've done some faggy shit growing up, before I got into this routine of beating off all the time, that makes me worry I'm a genuine faggot.

This thread is pretty gay.
ya'll niggas is gay.

Why is any kind of affection to another man seen as gay? Especially in America?

I've been to Africa, India and the Middle East.
I've seen men holding hands and kissing each other on the cheek.

It wasn't sexual
It was just friendship.

But for some reason
In America, if you even go camping with your friends you must be having a gay orgy because what's a bunch of dudes in the woods doing out there but gay shit according to everyone else.

Not actually camping and fishing

nobody thinks this lawl

David and Jonathan weren't homosexual; a kiss on the forehead or cheek wasn't considered sexual at all. It's pretty clear when you read it that they were the best of friends. What David did do that angered God, and this is evidence against him being homosexual, is that he had an affair with Bathsheba and caused her husband to be killed so that he could marry her. (However, he later repented.)

Because gays don't see it as a sin so they don't repent and beg forgiveness for the sins they've done.

Maybe its because in Western countries, faggotry is an open and flagrant practice, so male affection has become associated with sex, whereas in Africa, India and the Middle East, there is no such neurosis because faggots are suppressed?

2. Leviticus 18:22: " Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." 3. Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them

If you're genuinely homosexual then it's not really a problem. The thing is gay or straight, porn etc. just makes people want to hook up with as many people as possible and do/watch more extreme shit to get off sexually, instead of forming monogamous relationships which are what people actually need. The biggest reason Christianity and Sup Forums have a negative view of homosexuality is that they can't reproduce and have families.

That's not sexual love you fucking retard, it's fraternal love.

God this society is disgusting. Watch some common filth if you're serious.

I wonder what you think.
I take the bible to be God's word.

w-what did god mean by these digits

I thought God glassing gaytown was warning enough...

I wasn't saying that they were undoubtedly homosexuals. I was simply stating it was ambiguous enough to merit discussion.

If I am genuinely homosexual, how is that a problem? Especially if the Lord means for it to an abomination? There's no point in repenting if I just do it again. That's what Catholics do.

It's not ambiguous given the context. The Bible was translated through a couple languages and obviously condemns homosexuality.

>there's no point in repenting if I just do it again

Then you didn't really repent, did you? God knows you're trying to "game" the system and it's not going to work out.

This definitely.
It makes me uncomfortable to have fraternity with friends. I don't want to deal with that.

God in the Christian sense does not exist. God is very different than that.

Jesus was indeed a son of God, in a sense, but so are we all. His teaching was divinely inspired but it has been mistranslated nearly beyond recognition.

The Bible was written by men. Access to it and interpretation of it was gated by the Catholic church for hundreds of years.

Being gay is not a sin. Doing gay shit with another dude is.

BTW if you repent, but then go and do it again, how is that true repentance? God knows what is in your heart so you can't bullshit Him with vain words.

You really need not worry about this because a kingly, dictatorial, personal God, which is the sense that you are imagining him in, does not exist.

He addressed the thread to Christian Sup Forumsacks.

Go be a heathen somewhere else.

And yet it's message is still the same.
It teaches people on how to be a good person and how to treat others.
It tells about Jesus and what he died for.
Not to mention the historical accuracy, the references to scientific facts, and the professey about our modern day problems.
>God in the Christian sense does not exist.
What do you mean?

Don't 404 yet. I need your answer.



SHIT I posted to bump the thread cause I wanted to observe discussion but forgot it was addressed this way

but now I've been engaged

In regards to your comments about the Bible, it is true that it does these things (to a degree) but it can be treated just like any other historical document from the era. Some accurate, some inaccurate.

You imagine God as an architect, an observer who either set the world in motion or actively micromanages it in accordance with His divine plan. In this model, God is personal, and He is like a human (we are, after all, allegedly made in God's image). I mean this in the sense that he has a personality, thoughts, etc. just like a human does.

I will just assert it, because there's no way for either of us to prove such things: I am confident that you are incorrect. While it is not possible for me to prove to you, it IS possible for you to have an experience of the below, a more accurate version of God. The experience in question has driven mystical and religious thought for all of human history and many have known it.

God is not a being who oversees the world and keeps it going. God is the actor who performs the action of the world. God is in all things. God is all things. I don't much like calling it God, because of all the funny associations with the word.

The God that I can describe is not the true nature of God, which is ineffable.

Ask me anything!

sorry for the delay famalm been thinking hard on how to word my responses

Also King James was a buttfucker and he did more for Christianity today then any Pope or Bishop.

Did you read what I wrote? I said if you're genuinely homosexual, it's not a problem. If it is someone's true nature, there's not much use worrying about changing it.

I think he meant to write "how is it not a problem"

Yeah, I meant how is it not a problem. And I don't think anyone is truly homosexual. Something happened to them to make them that way. There's a difference between being curious and wanting to fuck a guy. IMO

You seem to read the bible. That is good.
My question to you is:
If god is some force of nature, why would he want us to get to know him?

Being gay is the ultimate red pill.

Women are subhuman.

>wanting to fuck a guy
Being gay is way more than sex. It is a tier above comradery with your best friend.

Are you still there?

This thread almost d'd

I guess it depends on if the opportunity presented itself. Human forms are atttracted to other human forms, the whole genderless society we live in makes men and women less distinguishable. Women are encouraged to be more sexual and aggressive, which is repulsive to guys like me.

Thinking of God as 'wanting us to get to know him' is incongruous with my image of God, but we can still sort of think of God as having set things up a certain way intentionally.

People do come to know God, in many ways. I believe it is intentional, sure. But you seem to be accepting the idea that the Bible's claim to knowledge on this matter is the best claim, simply because the Bible says as much.

Other religions consider their own text to be that same ultimate authority, because their own texts tell them as much.

I will be faster I swear

Leviticus is for priests. Malakoi and arsenokoitai in Corinthians have nothing to do with homos. Ethiopian eunuch. Roman Centurion. Heterosexuality is very appley and caused the fall of man. Most times we were talking shrine prostitution or goat fucking. What about male rapist prisoners. Angels have no gender. Christ said what sodomy was. Yet we still call it penisbum even though it's all to do with hospitality and they raped all strangers. The bosom passage. Christ came immaculately so I'll use a surrogate thank you very much. This whole becoming as gods thing. Painful childbirth. The fashioning of clothes right after. Imma stay as far away from that as possible. Marry Christ. It is a sin to tell a man to not wed. And be fruitful means to do good. Not sexi tiems.

To follow up: it brings great happiness and peace of mind to reach this understanding of God, life, and the world.

You had me at first but you fell apart at the end.

don't leave me goodconversationbro

>Leviticus is for priests
Stopped reading there.

What do you mean? The good is preferable to any intimate relationship. This is why Christ gave Pentecost to all of us for first time. Before that was only for those who received and wrote the Word, for however long whether permanent or temporary. Romans I look at the actual words used and study how the dictionaries are lies. Centurions were forbade marriage during service and why would he not want Christ in his home when two different words for special slave were used but we call him his son. He was blessed. If that were his son why wouldn't he want Him there? Knowing He was preaching Torah and the Gospel? Too many think penisvagina is the be all and the end all. Think of Atlantis or what the serpent is or if Eve carried two children same time from two different fathers. Nobody procreated or pooped until we both fucked up. Through Eve. We were meant to walk with God and then got banished. If penisvagina is so amazing then why curse her childbirth right after and why would I want serpentine sloppy seconds. Some even go so far as to claim Adam used to be three different kinds of trannies. And God has a female aspect. Lucifer actually does. But we'll ignore that. And that you marry a woman to get your Adamic vagina back. Can men not marry Christ? No. Are surrogates illegal? No

Looks like my conversation buddy is gone, but I'll leave this passage from the Gospel of St. John for anyone left.

"Before Abraham, was, I am. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am the resurrection and the life. I am the living bread that comes down from Heaven. I and the Father are one, and he who has seen me has seen the father."

(Jesus, to his closest disciples)

Go to California
you'll hear people that legit think like this

Israel is spiritual. The Word was meant to be imprinted on their hearts. They sent Moses and broke it. The Church Age pays for our law of sin and death. And Second Coming brings the two together along witb Judah. Then after 1000 years there is the final judgment. Some get the second death. And a new earth is Created. God creates. I do not. Even the term DIRECT proCREATION freaks me right out. Homosex is genetic. Xq28.

sounds like they are repressed homosexuals

If you knowingly reject the Law, you're not allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven.

In which age are we? Is Leviticus for me? No. After armageddon then we get it in our hearts and reign with Christ and follow all that. Then it dies after the White House. It will have done what it was supposed to do. Christ saves and sex organs have nothing to do with losing it or whatever. And don't even start with any other comparisons

Only a closet homosexual thinks like that.

White throne

Do you wear cotton poly blends? Oops goin to hell. Im sure you also refuse all shellfish. You also curl your sideburns. Never cover your head. Follow Sabbath. Keep the feasts. And have a beard

Never fap. Are circumcised. Never get blowjobs. Reset all debts every 7 Biblical lunar years of 360 days. Etc etc etc etc. Im goin to bed

Yes, many have the same claim. All arguments lead to the same authority, and therefore become fruitless.
But wouldn't the true religion offer something that is consistent and congruent with history? The bible was written over thousands of years by different authors from different backgrounds and who's lives never overlapped. Yet the message is the same, Jehovah God is the sovereign of the universe and he will make everything right.
Granted my knowledge of other religions text is limited.

Sorry I'm late. I was watching that video you left earlier.

No. It looks like I missed you. Well, good morning whoever you are.