Emergency anglosphere meeting right now

Emergency anglosphere meeting right now.

What the fuck do we do about Canada?

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Take out trudeau and give alberta and Saskatchewan to America. Quarenteen the rest.

Needs some serious uncucking. Next general election, when?


I can't wait to run into one of you little "annex Canada" faggots. Just move you turn coat pissant.

Fix yourself first 53%

We just did.

Oh shit an Internet tough guy. I sure hope I never run into you irl or you might give me a whopping taste of some Toronto tolerance

Let's send all the blacks to the northern provinces so eventually they'll turn white.

if you'd rather give our country away rather than save it you are just as cucked as trudeau

He's already backpedaled on everything and filled the whitehouse with the same old garbage. you've accomplished absolutely nothing.

even if america got nuked it will still be better than leaf shithole

Just get did of Trudeau

What country? We are a "post nation state" apparently. We are too big and have nothing in common with other areas of the same country, and unlike America we don't have any kind of state autonomy to compensate. The west and the east being ran by the same government is retarded. It would be better for both sides if split

>these tired as fuck arguments

>this cognitive bias

Meme kevin O'Leary into office.

So when are we going to get the Liberty alliance as official as NATO?

Move coward.
You sound like a wimpy teenager who doesn't know shit about Canada or maybe you are one of these second generation faggots who needs to go back.

Pls don't beat me up big strong Internet man

We don't need another reality show shithead running this country.