Bill Gates is mega rich

Bill Gates is mega rich.

It's literally not worth his time to pick up a dropped $100 Bill from the ground. With a worth of $72 billion, a 6% rate of return would earn Gates roughly $114.16 per second he is alive, making it a poor investment for Bill Gates to bother picking up a $100 bill if he dropped it. Not even Donald Trump would pick that up, why bother?

Why is he spending that money in Africa and not in his home country?

Is Gates a globalist kike?

according to Kim Clement he's gonna start investing here

he's paying his dues to enter the (((elite))) circles

And you believed it, and that settled the issue for you. We remember the last few times he's said it.

Seems like a lot of Americans understand there are elite circles, but don't do anything about it. I wonder why we're a nation of cowardly faggots now?

Youre cancerously retarded
kys nigger


Just knowing that I'm related to you people makes me want to kill myself already.

He funds viruses designed for population thinning created in African labs.

That's just evil. I need to read more about this. Hell I'll be happy from a link from a conspiracy theorist site.

Lookup the Zika virus.

i wanna see a video of bill gates drinking my tap water


>Why is he spending that money in Africa and not in his home country?
Ask him. I'd do the opposite. He obviously has different values than me, which is fine. It is his money.

get fucked burger

you too you human parasite, this just proves human race is retarded and not to be trusted.

Humans die because lack of food and helath care .

Your pathetic excuse of country is full of homeless people .

I was in spain hollydays and when cashing out money at night at the branchs , there were homeless people sleepng inside the bank branch were people go cash out...

>but don't do anything about it

>Why is he spending that money in Africa and not in his home country?
Why is he spending that money in Africa convincing men they'll get AIDS if they don't mutilate their genitals?

He's one sick son of a bitch

He's a WASP

Bill is a puppet and (((THEY))) used is high inteligence to control him because it's also his biggest weakness and easy to manipulate

your biggest quality becomes the great weakness

Know your enemy, and they know very well bill...

>All the money in the world
>Just three kids
What a fucking failure of a human being.

exactly he's rich but not powerful he's nothing without the state protection
people are as rich as their ability to defend their properties.

> spaniard black admixture talks like a useless nigger

What a surprise

From what I read from him he's doing some great work in Africa.

He's too rich to care about worthless Sup Forums spooks like "muh white people", he'll be remembered as a saint.

Even the retired need a hobby, especially when they don't want to go to hell.

You only like him because he circumcises niggers.


Lol no, when he first started printing money after Microsofts success the CIA/FBI dragged him in and interrogated him for hours thinking he was some sort of spy/trying to disrupt the economy

No, desu

Are words too good for you?

Not a kike, but certainly a globalist.

Software issue on phone

How about you help the poor Africans then? Help those African refugees reach Israel, let them into your home and show them the true sprit of Judaism. Shalom, friend!

>Why is he spending that money in Africa and not in his home country

>Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation being anything but a tax haven
wew lad

If during the second it takes for him to pick up that bill he earns $114.16, picking it up would mean he "earned" $214.16 that second.

You fucking pleb. Go fuck yourself and this meme thread.

Helping nigs is literally "look at how good I am" 101 for rich people

so much this, actually he his giving special treatment to them...

Does he has some sort of jesus complex?

What a emotional vampire

I can recognize a good thing when I see it, Sup Forums simply fools itself into thinking that everything they do is the best thing possible because they don't want to work hard for such good things.

The people who go to Afghanistan or Africa and give years of thier lives for a good cause are doing something amazing, most people aren't willing to do something like that, including me, because I'm not a saint.

why would that be a poor investment.
i seriously doupt that you can relate his income to his time.


>do nothing
>be $114.16 richer after a second

>pick up the bill
>be $214.16 richer after the second



Hey, more free money.. better not pick it up!

Also, Tax havens exist that means he is not going to help his home country. Millions are starving, these billionaires will burn in a special place in HELL for their crimes against humanity.

Bill Gates is a runt and you're a runt

America has the most retard helath system in the world yet they prefer to try to fix other countries instead of startiong with own home.

Maybe he thinks there is ho hope for his home...

There is so much misery in america people actualy die for not having proper health care system.

Found the JUDEN

Quite surprising, Bill Gates is not Jewish.

NEETs confirmed for most employable people

>would earn Gates roughly $114.16 per second he is alive, making it a poor investment for Bill Gates to bother picking up a $100 bill if he dropped it.
You aren't thinking jewish enough.
You make $114 a second, if you pick up $100 in a second you made $214 that second.

I thought that was Hitler's quote

To be fair paying taxes doesnt make you good.
He does donate a lot of money away because he cant use it

Microshjt is full of kikes


the tard thinks he can industrialize africa without a population boom

his dad had OSS ties