Germany... you don't have to do this

You don't have to live in the past, Germany. It's time to move on.

Press "F" to forgive Germany for WW1, WW2, and the Holohoax.

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Germany how long will it take? You don't need to keep destroying Europe over and over again, just be a good boy

But, they gassed six trillion Jews with their Jew gas trucks and chambers

Germany must be destroyed for the sake of Europe.


Till 2099, when the american occupation of germany ends


I'm very proud of the Holocaust, stop pretending that we did not try to rid the planet of these pests.


Hitler, the NSDAP and the German people were heroes who died for the Allies' sins.

World War One was never their fault, It was Austria Hungary who started everything

Gib Independence to your true dad, Amerison

F, you are forgave Germany.

What will NEVER be forgiven, is if you don't Fourth Reich ASAP...

Actually check that, it's probably better for Dues Vult if wait until it passes a tipping point, to where annihilating (genociding hopefully) a large portion of mudslimes will be accepted without any Nurembourg Trials afterwards

Aye, 1/2 german, 1/2 finnish checking in

Careful Hanz, can't you get arrested for posts like this?


If this year set anywhere in a treaty. I hear the german constitution required the paymant of US troops in German soil.

best mix, but high level of autism

Ever notice these kind of "Europe" shillposts?

>Puerto Rican

You guys don't get it.
This is our revenge.
We will flood the western world with muslims and terrorists you will wish we would've won the war.
The jews are not enough this time. We won't stop until the total annihilation of the white race.

>lucky to not be partitioned?

>what was East and West Germany?

Kek bless

yeah but were not on the newest tech and social media facebook

(from the eye of the gov)

>press F to forgive Germany for killing your grandparents

neonazi Americans are the most pathetic thing ever

It was good money. Please hurry up with the next one, you are way over schedule.

If things keep on going like this: 10 years give or take and we will go apeshit again, for sure. I guess other states also will, but they are more rational about it.
German political leaders try to keep change down and it will only happen when everyone is mad as fuck, the government is completely toppled and any boundary, be it political or social, which would have been able to prevent a total spazout is removed. The very politicians that used to rule will be at fault for this.
Not only for completely ignoring and neglecting a big part of Germans, but also through pursuing measures against freedom of speech and opinion.
For example, the current government is trying to censor the internet including Facebook and other platforms to stop people being redpilled on refugees. The political left, funded by politicians and German tax money, bully advertising agencies and their customers to stop advertising at media outlets that don't sing the song of the good refugee. And I'm not talking some radical sites, most of these are moderate conservative websites and blogs.
As soon as these structures are implemented others can use them, too.
Hopefully next elections will be a shock for the political establishment that will turn them around to act a little smarter. But I sincerely doubt that is going to happen.

Americucks don't have the right to forgive them.

>t. antifa nigger
fuck of you jewish tool

Remember your true pride GERMANY!!!

It's always the diaspokykes.


this, we got cucked pretty hard after WW2, but we are still a bunch of closed massmurderers waiting for the time to give the voices in our heads their way. We did shit like the 30 year war or the holochaust which was a paragon for autism.
>oh we don't like these guys
>lets build a fuckton of infrastructure to systematically exterminate them and figure out what's the most efficient ways to kill 6 million people

Come on Germany, be that proud nation again, who created the 2nd Reich in Versailles, because you thought, why not?

If autism is wrong, then tell me how the discovery of Nuclear energy held back human advancement.

German people are nuts, smart, but not autistic. Just, simple in their needs, such as freedom, compassion, understanding and loving, but are very intelligent.

I don't think autism is wrong, our obsession with technology and engineering is the reason for our scientific and economic success.

>smart, but not autistic
As a Kraut in Krautland with Kraut friends I can tell you 90% of us are high-functioning autists with compulsive orderliness

That's type of self hatred and labeling is exactly what Saudi Arabia wants.

You are a highly intelligent individual with quirks. Not someone who should be seen socially as autistic, which is essentially comparable with a rock covered in shit.

This is Sup Forums, we are anonymous, we do not forgive, and we do not forget.

Autism is a neurological disorder, a form of mental retardation with high rates of co-incidence with numerous other mental disorders. Germans aren't autistic. Autists can't even read facial expressions.

Fuck the eternal teuton, they deserve it all.

F a thousand times just fucking get up germany and stop sucking cock.

To say fuck Teutons, is to say fuck all of Europe. Recognise the enemy at our gates! Stop our internal squabbles and DEFEND YOURSELVES!

We don't have anything to defend ourselves from, Abduls don't come here. They go to the west GUESS AT WHOSE INVITATION.

no, the teutons are the ones who are making us defenseless, the traitor in our midst, the cancer in europe

Then prepare yourselves for the upcoming Islamic state that will be democratically elected. Join your fellow Nords willing to fight in Berlin!
Today is the day we plan to take back the streets of Germany.

I'm a dirty Teuton with direct lineage to the holy crusade by my ancestor Raynald Of Chatillon. DO I look like im being a cuck? Or am I trying to get people to uncuck themselves?

No self hatred at all, it's just that a lot of our mentality resembles a light form of HFA. Autism comes in all different forms and potency, it isn't always the social incompetent vegetable.

Germany should have won WW1.
Forgiving them for WW2 and the hololcaust is taking it a bit too far, though.

Then get active, not passive!

You mean the same crusades that mostly targeted other Europeans including fellow Christians?

Because their leaders were unable to provide them with ample provisions which forced them to target other Europeans out of a fanatical sense for survival against starvation and persecution for defending those same nations?

This time we have food everywhere, so it won't be the same.

>we have food everywhere
Yea glhf finding food everywhere when you invade Syria.

Habbenings are already habbening, but I'm not some dirty mudslime that will go on the streets to murder people. We'll have to wait until the official race war starts after the elections in September

Why would I want to march back to that god forsaken desert when my genes are telling me to stay as far away from the med as physically possible?

That makes me feel better, i'll be sure to try to promote that our liberty should first be demonstrated before we resort to similar treatment,

but my cause is just to incentivise and spread the word that Islam is a political ideology, get politically active, and learn how to defend yourselves.

And remind people just how peaceful Islam truly is.

>learn how to defend yourselves
I'm race war ready

may this help your cause

F and here's to 6 million more

Wow, at least Israel became a thing though, that makes all those dead soldiers worth it.

>t. Izaak Goldstein


Although germany, you should start building new camps...

They already are in camps, we just need some new ovens
