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No. Gulags were meant for people like you or the meek girl that works at BestBuy who you have a crush on.
Gulags only happened to people like them if they fell from grace.

I feel the same way
fuck this gay earth

Welcome to the start of the next 8 years nigga

Fuck your liberals, us who are not Muslims in SEA are redpilled on the true nature of these shits. They're really only out for blood.

Was listening to CNN after the Russian ambassador shooting and they were roasting Trump for his comments about radical Islam and how he can't just say that. The fucking guy shot dude in the back and started saying Alla akbar. What more ya need to know?

I think that's good in the grand scheme of things, they further destroy any credibility they have left in the eyes of sane but undecided people, thus making our ranks bigger every day.

At the same time, the deluded radicalized left will be further radicalized, making sure sane people won't associate with them, making them easier to spot, and thus making it easier to root them out for good.

Feels good to be Redpilled my Asianbro , we need to cleanse Indonesia and Malaysia and Pakistan and Afghanistan and the entire ME

Based Philippines

That site its a staunchly liberal nigger cock sucking refugeesemen drinking echo chamber
I mean look at this fake news bullshit.
"Manchurian president"? Manchuria isn't even a country? And these liberals fuckheads who read this sorry excuse of a newspaper didn't even realize manchuria is just a region in asia, it's not a country, nor does it has a president
But they faithfully believe whatever this shitty "news" page shares.

Educate thyself.

But have you cleansed the streets of poo?

I know how you feel, bro. The West is so cucked it's not funny.

Says the political spectrum that blames everything on "privilege" and demeans entire "oppressive" groups.

I've cleansed the streets of lack of poo

Pakistan bangladesh and bengal reconquista pls

If you wanna kill yourself at least take some of the SJWs with you.


On CNN they translate Allahu ackbar to "god is great in Arabic" then they say they don't know what the cause of the attack was.

He's not wrong though.

All Muslims believe Muhammad was a perfect person and desire to be exactly like him in every way, shape and form.

A pedophile warlord is the BEST these savages could possibly be.

This is why Trump is correct.

Islam is not conducive with a western lifestyle.

Nice try Shill.

I'm not clicking a fake news link to give you .005 shekels.

He is like a women. Emotions take over and not logic.

Worst leader ever.

Its sad that Hillary is more of man then he ever will be.

By conflating anti-terrorist with anti-Muslim they are admitting that Muslims are terrorists, in order to interpret his words as they did, that's the only framework that makes sense.

cuck dick

It's like nobody knows what a fucking noun is anymore

Well said, Mahmoud.

It's just fake news, relax.

Once Trump is in office he will ban fake news sites like this.

>based not monkey

Why does the media want to undermine their president so much? Yes there should be some scrutiny when looking at trump to to make up bold face lies or twist his words undermines not only his message but undermines America's to the rest of the world. It's counter productive

>check out all the articles of the author

top kek


There was a fucking Muslim terrorist attack on a Christmas market in the German capitol and these fucking leftie shitters have nothing better to do than to defend the sandnigger religion from evil words. I'm losing my mind soon

its the goal of the liberals to always mix everything up to make the problem even more clouded

He specifically called out extremists. If that was anti-muslim, it's because they're ALL extremists except the forced converts.

it is the same thing as illegal vs legal immigrants. just take solace that people are smarter than the media thinks and are just as angry at articles like that. this is exactly why trump won.

It's official. It's anti-muslim to criticize ISIS.
Make them defend that position.

is anyone else shaking?

it's getting to the stage where these people must be charged as accomplices

Fuck muslims, gas them all senpai

I am glad that the American media is more honest and less biased thean Drumpf.

Can someone please tell me why the media so vigilantly defends Islam? What fucking other religion does this?
>Protistant Christian
Worse thing you could ever see is "god hates fags" sign, even then they're not the majority and thry actually respect the law
Pope fuckface mcShafthat loves suckling the feet of somali nigger (((like jesus)))
Muslims actually make them violent
Again, Kebabs make them defensive and rghtfully so
So why is it that we as a majority let these savages continue to act out and we still let bleeding heart modern day abolishionists liberals cover them?

Because the more your criticize them the more violent they will become.

Dear Democrats,

Please continue doing this kind of idiocy


Human Beings


Let them be violent. Because sooner or later whitey's gonna fight back, and those modern cucks related to those pieces of shit that secretly taught niggers to read behind daddy's back wont be enough to handle the opposite pendelum swing.


Yeah, because as we all know those evil white Christian neo-nazis are the ones blowing people up, going on mass shooting sprees, driving trucks through crowds and stores, going on crazy stabbing sprees.............

I hope they continue these lies and slanders and add a lot of those mtv white guilt movies on top of it, than Trumps reelection is secured.
The more the msm/Lügenpresse ruins their credibility, the better.


they just keep getting worse
We are in open warfare with the MSM and the entertainment industry as a whole now guys

Is it just me or are journalists always at the forefront of this extreme leftist shit?

Unfortunately just like Christianity Germany has been gutted and neutered beyond help... 55% of germans say they'll vote for Merkel again whose party is ironically German "right wing". The only fighting chance is within the last three Anglo countries, US, Straya and New Zealand.

wonder how much rich oil muds pay them to betray us.

> Holy fuck, the gulags were really meant for people like this weren't they?
see OP, when you come to Sup Forums wanting to explain these evil raciss fucking white males the wrongs of their ways and the rights of commies, you will lose and become absorbed into kek's dominion, oh and by the way, you're here to stay forever.


Calm down OP. By now you should know this is just the normal state of the (((MSM))). The kikes know they have lost all power and legitimacy to deliver the news so they result to non-stop lies.

Nothing new form the Jew.

I would like to know Sup Forums's opinion on this as well.

Fuck off and die, Schlomo

do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

They are simply evil or insane.

How exactly have they lost all power and legitimacy in the eyes of the average citizen? Please explain this stupidity.




oh come on goyim, there's no need to do anything rash..................

dat fkin ham looks delicious I'm hungry as fk right now

Why the media defends Islam? Probably because they're not stupid enough to think the actions of the few represent the whole of a billion followers of the religion. Only simple minded white racists think like that.


Come on now kike don't you want to be a Progressive Liberal?!


You buried that line after you pretended Dylan Roof and Mr. Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain represented all of White Nationalists.

Based Trump keeps on rocking in the free world!

the irony is that american jews invented the word "Kike"

Please define "society".

Remember folks

No comment section = fake news
Juden doesn't want you criticizing their narrative

I like how they had to include the word "reckless" because deep down they know nobody gives a fuck about muslims or their feelings

That's insane. We can't keep pretending this isn't a religion problem. They're interpreting it a different way but it's still a problem deriving from it.