Bush invaded Afgahnsitan and Iraq

Bush invaded Afgahnsitan and Iraq

What countries will Trump invade?

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mexico. how long do you think mexico's military will last against ours?

Where is the oil in Mexico?

>What countries will Trump invade?
none. that makes 0.00000 profits for few cunts.


None. We die soon. All of us.

well get ready to kill mexishits

ur mums pussy

America, and displace the globalist occupation.

Also Sweden.

Ur mom's ass
In the Gulf

Have you ever heard of pemex?

alongside with russia

Saturday Night Live and anyone that makes fun of his taco bowls


get fucked in ass, Mexico

You're high if you think trump will go to war with russia

Every year seems like "this is the year" we fight Iran. I know they have Putin's support and him and Trump are buds or w/e but it still feels inevitable with (((them))) still having a significant amount of control.

Realistically? Saudi Arabia and the gulf states...

He is saying we will go to war with Turkey as an ally of Russia.

>select images of pizza

You're a dumb fucking moron if you think alongside means against

Trump will attack countries that deliberately fuck with America and cease to invade for political leverage with worthless allies who don't pay their 'fair share'.

That's my guess. If he's serious about making America Great Again, that's how you'd do it.

And there's are clues to this thinking. Namely, his accusation that Mexico is purposely dumping it's trash people into America for lulz.


you only hear about that because the US is backed by Saudi Arabia and they hate Shia iran. Iran hates Saudi Arabia because they're religious fanatics who are responsible for all terrorism.

Mexico. He'll take out the drug cartels and install a pro-American puppet government.

He's already invaded our hearts, senpai.

Less than Obama.

Like Trump gets a choice in the matter. They'll have WW3 fired up before he's even sworn in.

chuan new meme?

And you're an idiot if you think Turkey Is Russia's enemy...

and i'm saying turkey is working with Russia.

> this

.>Bush invaded Afgahnsitan and Iraq
Obama and Shillary ordered regime change in Lybia and Syria. (and the Arab Spring)
Is it more acceptable to when proxies are killed?

>What countries will Trump invade?
Hopefully none. This constant state of war the US has been in is expensive.

He might be high, but you're retarded and you have no reading comprehension.

you do not get it burger. your rep is at all time low.

emperor is true, or if he is a plant there will be no plants after. Or if they remove him, plant is visible.

None likes inversion.

Let your yes be a yes and let your no be a no.

Hopefully none, but the most likely one is Iran.

>Trump spoke out against Iran and the Iran Deal
>Mattis spoke out against Iran
>Bolton is a massive neocon shill who says the only way to deal with Iran is a regime shill
>Israel wants to take out Iran

People need to keep pressuring him to stick to his non-interventionist policies, or Iran will be the most likely target.

No, the part that didn't make sense is why Russia would go to war with turkey. So I read it as Russia and turkey VS the US. this is accurate considering that Russia is working with Turkey. Nice ad hominem.

I hope Germany, again.

Think he will invade sooner vor later Saudi Arabia and after he took the whole middle East. He'll take south america including Mexico and afterwards he'll go for the stoners in the north.

Bit I took the Evelyn Woodhaven sped reddin' course.

Nice try, but no, that's not what you meant. You're fucking stupid and can't read, and got called out on it, and now you're trying to pretend you meant something else.

No one cares. Fuck off and die.

Iran & China

No, that is what I meant. the fact that you think Russia and turkey would go to war is insane...

What planets will Trump invade?

Hopefully invade Germany alongside the rebels for a free and christian Germany.

he already said afghanistan. would not be surprised if he did something syria related.

In any case with MAD DOG fucking MATTIS at the helm of the secretary of WAR. you know that whatever we do will come with no deaths on our side and a clear win in sight.

oh and forgot about the shit the US started in the Ukraine ...


Ol' "Vikki neuvo-nationalitza Newland"

hopefully ALL OF THEM

Oh shi...

Prying to kek for germany

your mums pussy

