First Amendment Defense Act Would Be 'Devastating' for LGBTQ Americans

Are we tired of winning yet?


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Defense act?

Can you legally shoot them dead if you feel triggered by fags?

Is it too late to move to america?

>TFW my fellow Burgers and I will be able to call faggots "faggot" whenever we want to without repercussions

first, not second amendment

Good. If I don't want to serve anyone for any reason I shouldn't be forced to.

Can someone explain this?

Private businesses would be allowed to legally discriminate against people based on their sexual choices.

so it'll be both legal and illegal to call a transgirl "him" in NYC?

schroedingers law, man

you won't be force to make gay cakes if you don't want to anymore!

Free speech can no longer be silenced by sjws. Your right to call anyone a fag, nigger or kike goes in impeded

>Private businesses would be allowed to legally discriminate
you can stop right there because that's what the point of america is. if this bill does that then good. restore the republic.

and when an employer, or anyone with more power than a basement-dwelling bedwetter, does the same?

>schrodinger's fag
the future is bright

Good. If I want to do that then I should be allowed to. If I hate gays I should be able to refuse them. If I hate the color of your shirt when you walked into my store I should be able to tell you leave.

I thought it wasn't a choice?

just take out a loan and start a business? what's your problem?

wew its almost like they earned their total authority on the premises of their own business by continuing to operate at a profit with money given to them voluntarily by the customers

As an aspiring cake builder, I want to make cakes for kikes, fags and niggers. Mo money bitches.

Yes. All is well in burger land

The future looks bright and dick cake free.

and when the bank denies your loan for being gay?

your second paragraph makes no sense, so i'll tactfully discard the opinion


No legal repercussion.

Although discrimination in hiring and housing is still illegal.

a bank is also a buiness, amazingly, you can start those on a small scale, too

they're called credit unions and co-ops

it makes no sense because you're a fucking leftist faggot and lost on the internet

Based Ted Cruz will end queer qakes.

Good. Fuck pedophiles and jewish homosexuals

Actually all degenerates can get fucked.

And your point is?

>be NBC
>act vicious and attack white people 247
>reaction from the right
>whine 247


people should have the right to accociate with whoever they want to, and to not accociate for whoever they want to for whatever reason.

Freedom of Accociation is far more important and far larger than your desire to wear drag and ask to use my shitter.

then it's time to stop being a faggot and learn the world doesn't revolve around you and others shouldn't be forced to cater to you

What greater way to combat political correctness than this? Is Trump, dare I say it, /our guy?

As a gay guy, I support the fuck out of this. Keep those annoying sjw faggots the hell away from me and my business.

>shops won't cater to faggots
>open shop catering to faggots
>rake in the shekels
How can people not see the opportunity here?

So wouldn't that mean you'd get fucked too?

I love it when the pot calls the kettle black.

Private businesses should have such rights -- considering they're private.

Was this part of the jewish plan?

I think he may very well be /ourguy/

I hope he rounds them up in extermination camps.

RIGHT? and it will make friendly fire almost non-existent.

ok so now gays get jobs like this
>start a bank
>issue loan to yourself
>start a business
>employ yourself
>pay yourself
>pay back loan to yourself

where does the money come from?


Nobody should ever need to know a faggot is a faggot anyways.

Just don't go around making your faggotry so public and there's no problem.

The problem is faggots want to turn their faggotry into their identity, and something we all MUST accept. Just go be a faggot in your private home and the problem vanishes.

It doesn't matter if you're a faggot, until you FORCE somebody to know you're a faggot.

this doesn't go far enough. We should be able to shoot fags on sight like we can with niggers.

You still can, redneck.

>FADA would prohibit the federal government from taking "discriminatory action" against any business or person that discriminates against LGBTQ people. The act distinctly aims to protect the right of all entities to refuse service to LGBTQ people based on two sets of beliefs: "(1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage."

So you could refuse to serve a straight person who's simply had sex before marriage?

Degenerates of all types BTFO.

only a faggot would say this. You scared, fairy boy?

Fucking this. The free market should take care of any "issues" these faggots could possibly have.

Actually gay, and I love the idea that people dont have to be forced to celebrate my lifestyle. I will fight for people's right to disagree/hate/dislike me. I like knowing that people are not "forced" to be nice to me.

How can anyone not like that?

Are you retarded?

You seem retarded.


you're the one who loves fags and wants to have gay sex in your private home, faggot.


Checked and agreed.

This is the difference between strong people and weak people. The strong grown ass adult understands that the world isnt catered to them. The weak and childish demand to be celebrated everywhere they go.

>start a business
>employ yourself
>pay yourself
>where does the money come from?
Holy fuck are you actually so retarded you don't understand how businesses generate money?


think he was just trollin' you m8

>be bisexual
>see this
>incredibly joyful
I fucking hate being anywhere on the gay spectrum automatically meaning you get pandered to and treated like some gift from jesus and you're automatically supposed to be some flamboyant retard who tattoos his own asshole to look like the LGBT rainbow flag.

This is America.

In America, you have the right to run your business the way you want.

If a man says that he does not want to serve me based off of my sexuality, then I will respect his decision as a fellow American and go somewhere that does not choose to discriminate.

>order a coffee
>barista draws a heart in the foam

... what?

i don't understand how a sole proprietor bank with one customer (the bank owner himself) can generate money, no. explain it to me

the best LEAF comment I've ever read

kill yourself, faggot.

>with one customer (the bank owner himself)
>I'm going to start a bank and not accept any customers other than myself

nice b8 man I actually fell for it at first

when were their repercussions?

I'd argue the same goes for straight people

Basically if I know for certain your sexuality within half an hour of meeting you, you're fucking obnoxious

Alright, maybe i'm an indoctrinated retard, but how is this any different from businesses being able to discriminate on the basis of race? Is it just because your sexuality isn't as readily perceptible as your race, so you just have to hide the fact that you're a faggot? That still seems pretty shitty to me.
Then again, maybe this will force fags to stop parading around about how gay they are and everyone has to love it. I do want them to stop doing that. I'm not sure what to think here.

a regular person cannot get a loan from the fed
only a single customer deals with the fed
but of course you knew that




Faggots should not have the right to shut down a Christian bakery for the owner's beliefs.

Heyooo, bifag here too
Yeah seriously, they don't want to take my money because of some stupid reason, then they don't get my money. A simple and effective system

nigga yo countries so broke they gotta split the price of buying a flag XDDD

lol no u


I wonder to what extent that hatred of faggots and their ilk is based on their sexual preference, or the fact that they're loud, aggressive, obnoxious assholes who are trying to normalize their perversion and blame white men for all their problems.
Personally, I wouldn't give a fuck about them if they'd just shut the fuck up and leave normal people alone, but as it stands, I support any action that harms them and their "community".

Just watched both season, good shit.

We need more ass kicking fuckers like this in our country. Not faggots and cuckmales.

Make America the Reich again.
Commies BTFO


if you really wanted to make america great again you would have already. You can be considered nothing but an enemy of trump and you will be rounded up and executed all the same.

If the first amendment, the pillar of western civilization, offends you then you do not deserve to live in the west. Its really simple.

Give me a kiss user

Wow, can't get much more cucked than this. You really think niggers, fags, spics, kikes, feminists, liberals, should all be able to say whatever the hell they want to? Are you retarded or something?

No, devastating would be unleashing Mike "Follow God's path or feel Tesla's wrath" Pence's final form.

will you still be laughing when you're producing the bullets that go towards killing the rest of your faggot brothers?

My least favorite thing about articles like these is they almost never actually link to the bill in question. Everyone just reads this and thinks that is what the bill says.

LMAO and what the fuck have you been doing? Autistically typing "DEUS VULT" at every chance you get while not having any idea what Christianity even is to begin with you fat fuck?

If Trump rounds up people who are gay and non-white, I hope you realize he's going to round up bottom-feeding NEETBUX autists like you too.

In fact, you're probably going to go first.

A persons religious freedoms aren't being violated when you force them to not discriminate against someones race.

If they're allowed to discriminate based on sex (as long as it's a man), criminal record, public opinion and physical attractiveness, why not also sexual choice?

I'm pretty sure the factory won't let a faggot like me work for them


Private business should be allowed to discriminate for any reason at all. Race, class, religion, lifestyle, etc.

What's the matter? Afraid that someone won't tolerate your butt sex lifestyle? Too bad. They won't have to.

You never dreamed that the bakery victories for the faggots would come back to haunt your leftwing cry space, did you?

>You really think niggers, fags, spics, kikes, feminists, liberals, should all be able to say whatever the hell they want to?
Yes, the best way to destroy shitty ideas is in the free open market ideas. Censoring them only serves to make them more powerful.

EASY ONE. Let's go to some liberal pastry shop and ask them if they can do some 'Trump' shit. 'I want a cake with a huge MAGA sign, a wall and TRUMP written on every side. Cool?

When they say no, we pose as libs and use this very law against 'ourselves'. We fake taking a loss while making libs support this bill.

Who the fuck gives a shit about this degenerate community?

>trump outlawed political correctness
>now to dismantle affirmative action

Finally, faggots will know what it's like to be a straight, conservative white man.

When has that ever come as a disadvantage to you except in mean words online

I hope he bans gay parades for indecent exposure and gay bars for public health hazards.

I am the pinnacle of masculinity you faggot. I have billions of dollars, a super model wife, and an adonis physique, I stomp nigger faggots like you into the dirt daily.

Fucking good and I don't even hate gays.

There is a clear double standard on this.

you'll be forced in the death camp, faggot.


wow, this is one record you can't correct shill. Killing niggers, spics, kikes, feminists, and liberals are the only way to stop them.

I'll be waiting at my door oiled up, naked, and holding a few sex toys for you, partner

Lmao there were a lot of negatives in how you phrased that so I had to read it like 6 times but I think I get it.
So racial discrimination is not something that is in your religion, whereas sexuality discrimination is. Makes sense.