Ready for slower and more expensive internet?

Will come courtesy of Trump and the Republicans.

The FCC’s net neutrality rules are returning to the crosshairs of Republicans. Two of the remaining FCC commissioners, both members of the GOP, have promised internet service providers (ISPs) lobbying groups they will begin gutting net neutrality rules “as soon as possible.”

FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, a Democrat, is set to leave office when Donald Trump takes office on January 20. Wheeler’s departure will significantly expose the net neutrality rules passed last year with only Democratic votes.

Pai and O’Reilly will have 2-1 Republican majority after Wheeler’s departure. Donald Trump will then nominate two new members to the FCC after taking the presidency, and his nominations will be confirmed by the Senate. The process typically takes several months to complete, which means Pai and O’Reilly will have months to oversee federal rule-making.
The biggest change promised by the FCC commissioners, however, is the repeal of the Title II net neutrality order that prohibits ISPs from blocking or throttling web traffic. The Title II order is by far the most controversial part of the net neutrality rules and ensures that ISPs can’t charge people more money for visiting websites like Netflix or YouTube
If revoked, it would significantly change how people pay for and use the internet.

im ready for aussie-tier internet, are YOU?

but corporations need more money, cuck

Net neutrality is socialism for the internet

Fuck it

damn, now I won't be able to fake outrage fast enough in social media

>Corporate tyranny

Isn't this what the second amendment is for?

>tap-water is socialism for drinking!




Public schools is the socialism of the schools

>Massive 2000mb of access
The thing I hate most about these fucks it's clear that none of them know anything about the internet. These are the same fucks who are so far distanced from the average person than they think a six figure salary for being a congressman is too little and that they need more.

You know now I actually think it's a good thing ICANN is no longer in the hands of the US

trump IS the swamp.


it's a fake image.

it's saying massive because it's not actually massive, it's meant to trick the common retard in america they're getting a good deal. because leftists are against this right wingers are going to think this will be great for them and that we're just stopping them from getting amazing speeds and deals.

People would riot if this happened. And not the "lets burn down our own businesses" kind, the "lets occupy the government's buildings and burn down the isp's headquarters" kind

You aren't wrong

>socialism is bad

>People would riot if this happened.

To bad. Trump just enacted the "PROTECT AMERICA'S FREEDOM AGAINST FREEDOM ACT" You can't protest now.

How you enjoying GOP rule?

>People would riot if banks got bailed out for billions!

No, they will just pay more money to comcrast and bitch about how the liberals are destroying their fast netflix

Of course you do. Care to elaborate?

>was about to laugh at Americans but then remembered all the websites I go on are American

wtf I actually do hate Trump now

>tfw Euros will soon be feeling the same pain we burgers feel

I seriously hope pic related is true.

Degeneracy will come to a crawl. All the internet zombies will be forced to go outside and see what's happening.

I hope America fails. I want to be a potatoe farmer and live away from the stupidity of society.

The military is socialism for defense

You can already do this you miserable cunt. Fuck off out of society, no one asked you to be born or a sulking piece of shit.

G'bye, Ameribros. It was good while it lasted.

lmao is the neofag brigade here today?

Your mother is socialism for manhood

That's what the free market is for.
We have too many fucking regulations as it is.
Ideally in a free market if someone did the shit proposed in the OP picture then someone would start a company offering a better or equal product for less.

>mfw Sup Forums got fooled this hard into voting trump

You got played, retards

Prepare your anuses for corporate oligarchy.

>Ideally in a free market

Government won't exist.

which is why they should eliminate it and just hire Academi the PMC formerly known as XE the PMC formerly known as blackwater




howd that work out for flint michigan?
socialism is just a ticking time bomb

>We have too many fucking regulations as it is.
Yes goyim, corporate regulation is an assault on your freedoms! Don't let them curb our bottom line for the public good, maybe one day you'll be a multibillion corporate manager.

>which is why they should eliminate it and just hire Academi the PMC formerly known as XE the PMC formerly known as blackwater

Hey look at that Trump just picked Erik Prince's sister as Education Secretary.

all your arguments FOR net neutrality also start with "ideally"

>howd that work out for flint michigan?


Michigan is controlled by Republicans

yes goyim, pay more taxes. vote for hillary, we need those taxes for wars dontcha know
we need even more taxes to keep the internet (((((((neutral))))))

>Michigan is controlled by Republicans
yeah NOW. a half century of socialists kinda forced everyones hand didnt it?

>all your arguments FOR net neutrality also start with "ideally"

Are you a fucking retard? We have net neutrality now, and it works well, It isn't an "ideal" argument

People can watch shit on youtube, People can surf the most extreme, obscure, heretical, or otherwise websites without them being throttled.

There's nothing ideal about it.

The idea that low-cost alternatives hosting all these small websites would just magically pop up if NN was gotten rid of is delusional.

Fuck, some of you are so stupid, it burns

Why would they pay more money to Comcast?

Comcast will be able to charge Netflix for using 70% of their bandwidth.

This entire thing is geared to nail Netflix and basically no one else. They're getting a subsidy.

And you know what they had for that half-century before republicans came to power?

Potable water.

>yeah NOW. a half century of socialists kinda forced everyones hand didnt it?


Clearly you've never seen an American starved of unwaveted Internet access. Do you not understand how entitled these millenials are getting?

Free Internet access is almost a human right, desu

They have been jewing us for over 2 millennia.
>pic related

4 millennia*

Your timeline from a century ago sure showed him.

AT&T and Verizon already do the server side super cookie double dip thing. I guess I'm more interested in what happens to the Internet if zero rating becomes more common. Would it rebuild a version of the old big three television networks?


Serves you right for voting for corporate stooges.


Prepare for libertarian* wonderland.
>*doesn't apply to corporate welfare


We had this discussion before Trump.
>Pro-Net Neutrality
Have fun with government censored internet
>Anti-Net Neutrality
Have fun with corporation censored internet

Either way the ISP won't do shit to improve their service unless strictly forced.

>Comcast will be able to charge Netflix for using 70% of their bandwidth.

They can also charge the consumer more, which they will, because all traffic is no longer equal

Just a reminder:

If net neutrality goes, this site goes.

Small price to pay, just think of all those billions Trump's Jewish buddies will earn!

Nah. You'll just see more people being degenerate in public instead.

Do you like the way the Internet is right now? Then you like net neutrality

>>he says while posting a shillary memefrog
You are so stupid it hurts.

>corporate oligarchy
Not sure the other option, banking oligarchy is that different really.

I no joke believe that if this site was destroyed under such circumstances, a lot of the people responsible would be killed in retaliation.

Small price to pay for no more mudslimes.

>unaware Trump is deregulating banking and appointing Goldman Sachs people to his cabinet (and GS stock is skyrocketing)

Hey guys, what do you suppose would happen to all your favorite alt-right sites if big corporations suddenly had the power to throttle certain sites?

Yes the silent wrath of Sup Forums autists in their basements will spawn a demon that will destroy the corporations.

Im praying to God that during the tech meeting with Trump all of the tech figureheads told him how important it is to keep net neutrality. Net neutrality is one of the very few things I agreed with Obama on. We cannot let this get into the hands of the cuckservatives.

Oh I'm well aware. He also canceled his war on lobbyists today.

His son is very good with cyber, no worries.

Sup Forums would no longer exist. No ISP would want to support Sup Forums.

You can kiss your shitposting and free porn goodbye.

>Im praying to God that during the tech meeting with Trump all of the tech figureheads told him how important it is to keep net neutrality. Net neutrality is one of the very few things I agreed with Obama on. We cannot let this get into the hands of the cuckservatives.


Trump pretends to be populist. Dumb fucking retards believe him, despite ALL THE EVIDENCE FROM HIS ENTIRE LIFE AND CAREER.

You dumbshits got conned. Hard. Just wait and see what else he does. This is gonna be hilarious.

>wanting syrian refugees
>wanting torrents
What would you pick

>courtesy of Trump and the Republicans
You realize that Hillary was pushing for socialist controlled internet right?
Cherry picking as fuck.

>socialist controlled internet right?

You don't even know wtf you're typing. Stop using buzzwords you clueless trumpcuck

>would want to support
That's not how it works. It's basically allowing for ISPs to put everyone who don't pay behind their shitty old 10mbit gear that should have been removed 20 years ago. They'll still have to allow all traffic.

>They'll still have to allow all traffic.


>being this butthurt that someone called you out on your shit
It's ok burnout, you lost, you're hurt, and you wish you could be relevant, but you aren't.
First step is acceptance, accept that you're a fucking retard and that our country picked the obviously superior leader.

>You dumbshits got conned. Hard. Just wait and see what else he does. This is gonna be hilarious.

Provided you're not a proxy, you know you're gonna be affected by this, too?

thank god, then I would finally be free

I can tell you weren't around for last time net neutrality was up for debate.

>blah blah blah no content faggery blah blah

I can tell you are one naive person. The 'net' effect will be for all those smaller sites to disappear.

Refer to these posts made yesterday


>Provided you're not a proxy, you know you're gonna be affected by this, too?

Schadenfreude trumps petty personal concerns

Outright removed? No.
Will many buckle under due to only serving 1kbit/s to the average US person? Quite possibly.

Why does your country still exist at this point

I see no problem with that

Andras is a bro for this, get to know him, BUT DON"T FUCK UP THE SUMMONING CIRCLE

Yeah those posts are completely specious.

Disney will be thrilled with the new arrangement, and won't go all litigious if a few d/ls go through.

Yeah, and then the bigger corporation would buy out the smaller one.

Free markets would eventually lead to corporate tyranny. Once one company gets on top it starts buying out the smaller ones, making a conglomerate that would eventually own everything.

>dick posthumous

My sides, in orbit are they.

Fucking with the internet will ensure Trump doesn't get reelected, and probably kill the GOP for good. Is there anything people love more than the internet?

Do you want your local municipalities taxing internet traffic however the fuck they want? Because that's what you get when ISP's are classified as utilities you stupid kike.

What should be deregulated is the franchise agreements on the fucking lines themselves, not more bullshit regulations covering bullshit regulations. Jesus.

Another Idiot Trump voter that has no clue what net neutrality actually is. Stop getting your news from Breitbart, InfoWars and FoxNews user.



Public utilities are socialism.