Disprove this, dipshits on Sup Forums


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having a global GDP will significantly bring down the national GPD in most 1st world countries

so Tyrone in Detroit cant buy more rock cuz is govament money be cut due to jamal in Africa needing to feed is 10 kids mcdonals 3 times a day

A meme image is not an argument

Do you see any muslims on this picture? Me neither. Fuck muslims, exterminate them all.

>I am earthling I claim this bank as my home
>What do you mean i'm intruding? I don't see any borders so everything in it also belongs to everyone

And millions dead.

Only nations exist, humanity does not. Humanity doesn't exist sociologically, not before civilization. Considering humanity as one is considering it to be one nation; but one nation that stops being a nation becomes its own environment. When a body becomes part of the whole that surrounds it it is said to be a corpse. That is death: the total deliverance of oneself to the exterior, the total absorption into what is around us. That is why humanitarianism and internationalism are death concepts, only the brains of the inorganic can pleasantly conceive them. All internationalists should be shot so that what is desired can be obtained: the true integration into the environment in which that we belong. Only nations exist, humanity does not.

t. pessoa


>*which we belong.

>athmosphere protects us from radiation and meteors
I see a very clear border

Stop shitposting.

>Biodiversity isn't made by natural boarders

For such "intelligent"liberals they sure get it wrong a lot

I don't see any morality, do you?

> literally cant see water

What the fuck do you think oceans and mountains and the atmosphere is?

Why are you bordershaming Israel, are you racist?

>pic of haiti and dom. rep.
>pic of north and south korea
>pic of american and mexican border

i dont see any people fuck people we are all atoms

did you just assume my planet of origin, shitlord?

Doesn't look like anything to me.

I don't see human """rights""" either.
I'ts getting a bit spooky.

>not stirnirist

top nothing

That image is blatant revisionism.

From Considérations sur la France (1797):

"I will simply point out the error of principle that has provided the foundation of this constitution and that has led the French astray since the first moment of their revolution.

The constitution of 1795, like its predecessors, has been drawn up for Man. Now, there is no such thing in the world as Man. In the course of my life, I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, etc.; I am even aware, thanks to Montesquieu, that one can be a Persian. But, as for Man, I declare that I have never met him in my life. If he exists, I certainly have no knowledge of him.

....This constitution is capable of being applied to all human communities from China to Geneva. But a constitution which is made for all nations is made for none: it is a pure abstraction, a school exercise whose purpose is to exercise the mind in accordance with a hypothetical ideal, and which ought to be addressed to Man, in the imaginary places which he inhabits....

What is a constitution? Is it not the solution to the following problem: to find the laws that are fitting for a particular nation, given its population, its customs, its religion, its geographical situation, its political relations, its wealth, and its good and bad qualities?

Now, this problem is not addressed at all by the Constitution of 1795, which is concerned only with Man."

>i don't see any poverty
>i don't see any racism
>i don't see any human rights
>i don't see any inequality

and so on.

yeah can we not call ourselves earthlings, makes me sound like chinese guy

I don't see any property or ownership rights do you? Your home and all your belongings now belong to me.

If you like niggers that much move to Somalia or something

first polish post best post.

You are blind. Go suck Danny D's balls

Open up the borders whitey


because they acted like fuckheads and didn't get with the program.

This might sound brutal as fuck, but do you know why small countries exist? Because powerful countries allow them to exist, either out of political concern, or they have no immediate value to them.

The same thing goes into society. At our micro level we are bound up in the concept of law and other shit, and are too small to really do much. Move the entity up the food chain to a nation state, and suddenly, the globe is made of very few citizens, and the only real law is power.

As of late in the media age perception is power, the power to sway an audience. I digress. None of us have any given rights, and if someone points a gun at you and says build a road, I hope you fucking get to digging, instead of going back to your village,getting a spear, and deciding to die with the rest of your culture.

There is your privilege. Right fucking there. That you are on the right side of the fight because you are privileged enough to type this shit.

they photoshopped Rio Grande out


Go live in Africa then, globalist.

Oh wait that's not a very attractive idea is it?

and the worst bit?
its entirely accurate

First disprove this, dipshit. I mean it's the same logic.

As soon as Israel drops its borders, I will too


If you can't see it on that image, it doesn't exist. Brilliant point. Really made me think.

dude you should have put in some pictures of infants. it would have made more of an impact imo.

It's a somewhat beautiful idea but it doesn't work.

>being this retarded
user i don't know what to say

fuck you nigger, we might all be earthlings but all nations are not equal.

Is this your excuse for wanting to fuck 5 year olds and pre-teans?


op is a spook.


It's like people don't keep reading to see the "people who actually subscribe to nihilism are fucking losers" bit.

But there is no such thing as age. Fuck anit pedoists.

Dude, I used twelve year olds. If it needs more impact than that, then fuck it, discourse has failed and we just need to round the globalists up and shoot 'em.

The only life forms that are present in all of the places of the world simultaniously are diseases.

nationalism is seriously a good idea if people would at least follow a national diet.

If there is no such thing as age then there is no such thing as time.

I see pretty clear continental borders and having those wouldn't be so bad.

Oh look, it's this retarded thread again. Report and sage



Okay time to start a massive globalist regime where I destroy and displace local peoples in order to put in a single unitary culture, law, and governance.

I call it


Is your OP your excuse for wanting to suck brown dick, cuck? Also, how come I'm the first one in the thread you replied to? Hit a nerve, did I? Really bothers if you I want to bang someone younger than 18, huh? They say we hate in others what we dislike in ourselves...

So anyway, can you disprove it? Dipshit? Because it really is the same logic being applied to a different topic.




Your ID sounds like something a nigger would say so I'm not surprised you don't understand his post.

Nations are people, not territory

Impale yourself, you self rightous urbanigger trash deserves torture worse than hell

>the entire surface of the planet is a border with space
United Cuck just got cucked the fuck up

>how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real

I can't.

Globalism isn't profitable.

Nationalism is, you can't exploit and win when you're all on the same team playing against world hunger, poverty and the wage gap.

Jews love nationalism, It lets them place bets on both sides

Why do you think they hate fiat currency and love gold?

Jews love gold, and gold is a precious metal that can be traded against rival currencies.

just red pillin'

Yeah but I would fuck them, it was custom for European men to marry when they were around 30, and to marry 13 year olds, so use infants you sjw shemale

Or being too annoying not to exist

See how our country became independent from the eternal roach

I don't see KEK there either >:((((

They are 16 left and 21 on the right.

No borders? I guess the empire can spread wherever it wants to then. Thanks, lefty cunt.

Enjoy having your souls pulled down by gravity, faggots

>what are mountains
>what are rivers
>what are deserts
>what are seas

Motherfucker, if you want to make an image macro comparing globalism to fucking babies, then get your ass on google images and paint and make it. I made my contribution, if you're not satisfied with in then make yours.
Nope, 12 on left.

Animals don't have borders or countries, do you want to be like them? Go live with the fucking orangutans in Africa.

But if that's true then you'll be arrested in the future. This is illegal!

Just because you cant see them doesnt mean they dont exist, literally 6 year old child mentality.


Some earthlings want to see me dead and in a ditch

By that logic you shouldn't mind if we genocide all niggers since they're obviously different from us but you would whine about it for months if we actually did. Fuck off.

Well, those are definitions made up by humans too.

there are no orangutans in Africa, native to Malaysia and Indonesia

Can whales get in on that EU citizenship?

Those are borders faggot.

Top right


>Cities and Parks that marginalize the native population

go to saudi arabia and preach multiculturalism there

It is true. Borderless Earth Civilization is inevitable with all the culture eventually mixing into one.

But that's something far far in the future.

Chaos that exists right now is the aftermath of some people wanting this sort of world by the snap of a finger.

People, cultures and different races aren't ready for this right now. Nations need to calmly figure out their shit on their own land first before venturing out to reach for others.

Nice bait.
But people like to own property and create inequality. Borders are a very natural thing, lots of animals are territorial.

Nationalism isn't bad, there isn't an argument against it.

I don't see any orbits, do you?

Fuck Earthism, we are all Solar Systemites.

I don't see any locked doors, do you?

Fuck personal property, I can be in your place taking your stuff.

This tbqh

fuck yuo kike, moon is rightful American clay.




Seriously, we live in a time where people are worth more to foreigners alive than dead for the first time in history, and everyone wants to throw it all away to go back to the "good ol days" when you had to invade Africa to secure resources you were short on, and draft every other generation to fight off rebellions from those regions. Do you think you did a good job raising your children? Great, they're coming with us to be sacrificed for more oil because free trade was just so damn evil.

I like Solar Symites more

Yes a most excellent point! We do want you to have open borders when you receive first contact.

this is wishful thinking

in the future it might be possible but not until we enter a post scarcity economy where we can grow and replicate food, water, and shelter for the entire world.

>Nations are people, not territory
Is that why Kosovo je Srbija?