Sikhs: the real terrorists

Sikhs have killed 162 times more people in the name of their religion than Islam has in Canada alone.

Mudslimes BTFO, cant even compete with alien-headed motherfuckers

All non-Christians are scum in their own right.
Hindu, Sikh, Musilms, even Buddhists.
And don't get me started on fedoras and Larpagans.

That's pretty Sikh bro.

>t. Mudslime
Shill elsewhere. Everyone on Sup Forums knows Sikhs are brotier.

Damn look at that raghead.

t. guy that's totally not a sikh

this thread: [citation needed]

Fuck off, Muslim scum.


Fuck off we're bro tier bud go pray to allah elsewhere

Fucking haji. God damn it's nice knowing America kills Islamic faggot daily in the middle e.


The sikhs that Canada hosts are the pro separate state rebels for sikhs who ran away from India after our ex pm went america fuck yeah on them. They did not get sikh country here so they're making it in Canada
Btw in India Christians are non weaponised version of muslims


>tfw too intelligent

Nice digits SIDF.

Christians aren't much better. Take the Varg pill.


t. Ahmed ahitskin

>literally killing poos
whats not to love

Sikhs are niggers with a different hat.

I don't care just deport all brown people.

This sounds slightly biased. /innocence

>Facts are biased